n2m just thought I'd jump in on the bandwagon, even though I haven't watched months worth of anime yet. I think I'm doing pretty good for someone who just started a few months ago though :P
yeah you know what, even I can't remember to check messages every once in a while. I'm switching back to wall comments.
I don't really want to go to North American cons, since they typically don't have overly interesting fan products worth buying. If anything, I still plan to go to Japan some day. But with my current schedule, there's really not any time to spare.
just finished gosick
hmm ... dat ending tho ... doesn't it feel anticlimactic much?
I mean, the entire "army" segment seems inadequate seeing that the show spent so much time building it up.
All Comments (94) Comments
Also, I made a Hearthstone. Add me, though I'm still nubby. Lolol; SacredScarab
The new one I'm drawing won't be as good ;-;
With that being said, waterloo co-op engineering barely offers any break between terms -_-
And what courses? Bird?
I don't really want to go to North American cons, since they typically don't have overly interesting fan products worth buying. If anything, I still plan to go to Japan some day. But with my current schedule, there's really not any time to spare.
kk i wouldn't go that far. I'd say all the longer arcs have good endings, e.g. the wolf village, and laviathan ep.
hmm ... dat ending tho ... doesn't it feel anticlimactic much?
I mean, the entire "army" segment seems inadequate seeing that the show spent so much time building it up.
i refuse to discuss about this on a public page
(maybe ill make another acc to keep track of these)
meh ill check it out after class is over