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Guinea Pig to Seiya no Kusabi: Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Twin World
Jun 17, 2024 3:27 PM
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Neko to Hatsukoi Jikan: Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder World
Jun 17, 2024 3:27 PM
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Koi no Tamago wa Korogariochite: Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Twin World
Jun 17, 2024 3:26 PM
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All Comments (238) Comments
Its interesting each country with their health care systems, when it comes to MH and ID... it's clear there is a massive disparity for service users and how many actually are able to access services and how much Govts actually fund or support vulnerable people...
One day, this will change, mark my words... just starts with one person to make a stand and make a change...
IC... you did this line of work before... that's great...
Is there no Govt financial support that can cover your treatment at the autism centre?
Oh ok... so your getting support through your local Autism Centre... that's great!! Hopefully they have a good track record...
Today was fine... supported one of my clients to court... then took two others out connected them with community activities/ resources.... How about for you... what is the time in your neck of the woods?
HRU today anyhow?
The only time I felt like that was walking around the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican (It's that famous painting that Michelangelo did on the ceiling), there were so many people in that you just shuffle your way through hallways crammed in together like cattle in a barn. It was a nightmare for me. To be honest, I didn't really even find it that impressive! We only went because it's a big landmark in Rome, but if I had the choice I wouldn't go in there again, as they're are plenty of better landmarks to visit at in Rome.
Yeah, my studies got really bad a few weeks ago, good thing you didn't reply as I would never have been able to get back to you I was that busy, I had to even go without sleep for some days, staying up every weekend night getting work done. My first semester is over now but I still have assignments over the Christmas period which is horrible, just want to get them out of the way so I can finally have some time to relax but I doubt I ever will :/
My professors are the same, they understand how much work we get and will do their best to help us out but there isn't really much they can do. Hope your time at school hasn't been as stressful as mine. How has your schooling been going?
Ah yeah, guess that makes sense. And I can only imagine your sis was using google translate which makes everything worse xD
I remember reading that China even brought out a law penalising bad Chinese tourists, I also remember reading that because they're such a heavily populated country and in the cities, it's kinda like every man for themselves situation, but I have no idea how true that is. Their language also makes them seem more impolite than what they are as well, Mandarin (and probably any other form of Chinese) is a tonal language so the same sound can have different meanings. When I was at my Chinese friend's house what would sound like an aggressive hostile conversation between him and his family was a very civil and normal conversation to them, I just could not wrap my head around it I was like "Dude you can't talk to your mum that way" xD but no just a normal conversation. Every country has their own bad tourists, though, pretty sure us Brits are the worst for drinking abroad on holidays especially in places like Spain and Cyprus we're like the worst tourists for being heavy drinkers.
Wtf a hand grenade? Don't think I've ever heard anything from gangs trying to blow each other up over here. There was a big incident around this time last year I think, when some gang member was killed and some kid got shot in the area I live, The kid lived luckily, but it's weird how you never hear anything then all of a sudden everything seems crazy then it all dies down like nothing happened. I've gotten used to living in a rough neighbourhood though but you stay safe over there as this kind of stuff is no joke!
Yeah, I agree, just because a word may look cool in a language you don't even know or care about then what's the point. Although how many people have you seen in Japan with random English words tattooed onto them? And just how many of those make sense in context xD How come you got a wings tattoo tho? There is always a reason for every tattoo...unless you were drunk or high at the time xD
I also just realised that when I wrote about Saint Oniisan for some reason I wrote Smartwatch instead of simulwatch like wtf how did I make that mistake and not correct it xD
Ah yeah I understand the loneliness part, I moved out for my first semester and it felt kinda odd just being in my flat on my own,
I had flatmates but because we all had different subjects we all were out at different times so in the mornings and afternoon you barely saw anyone.
Well back to 0 Danish words learnt then. Looking it up Niveau is French, Any word withÆ, Ø, and Å are proper Scandinavian words, though. And wtf I have no idea how I would even pronounce that, is it some kind of tongue twister for you Danes? I looked up some vids and it sounds so odd to me xD
hahaha yeah I think the first thing that comes to anyone's head when they see someone try to quickly hide something it's definitely porn related xD
And you don't look at porn?! Why do I find that hard to believe xD I thought everyone did buuut guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And no lol I would not call anything in Titanic pornographic, I've not seen that in years but I don't think you see all that much, a bit boob but that's about it xD
Whenever I look at the anime for the original Pokemon there were some really weird things going on in it that as a kid was just too dumb to ever understand xD You ever see that banned episode about Porygon because it affected kids were having seizures? They sure did crazy stuff back then, the episode itself isn't that bad, just a tonne of flashing on the screen, no wonder they banned it.
Tekken 3 is definitely a game I spent way too much time on! Who was your favourite character? I always picked Paul Phoenix, Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu (had to look them up as I forgotten their names completely).
I'm slowly playing fewer games, more so because of studies but even when I get time there isn't really a game that has made me want to sit down and play in a while. And you've been playing Trickster for that long :0 you know it's a good game when it's kept you playing for that long :P