My name is Jessica, and <3 anime and manga (surprized?) lol
-music (So far I like rock, dubstep, Japanese bands, and some vocaloid but of course alot of random stuff too~)
-some drawing
-singing, guitar, piano (noob at all of these)
-some gaming, mainly xbox and tetris
Seriously it has been a long time since I watch anything. It just that I had lost my interest, at all and now focusing on manga and real movies. I'm also a bit busy with college stuffs it just started and the lecturers gave me lots of homeworks ahahaha..
I agree with you on that. Thanks to Fate Zero and some other anime that made a very big success which prevented the sales of DVD/BD from falling drastically.
Yes of course. It's in fact games that keep clubs active most of the time. You have clubs in which members comment like every minutes, the super active one, mostly discussions between admins and creators. But You have to agree that they can not always be available since they have their lives too afterall. So we just keep at spamming in games to keep them active.
Not draw, just editing. I'm not an artist to be able to make such awesome drawings. I just follow here..xD
Dun worry. I was just explaining you how clubs work here and you can also click on Community and Clubs on the top page to see those having recent post which can be said as being partially active and also the forums if you like to.
I made mine. I can do some minor editing, cropping and basics kinda.
I dont know tbh. But i remember that when i was like 8 or so i went to a chinese or japanese restaurant with my family. And this cook went to me and took my chopsticks, did some kind of magic trick with a rubber band and all of the sudden they were super easy to handle xD
Well maybe im not but i still do prefer the fork and knife xD Its alot easier to handle ^^
Well here they start teaching you english in elementry school so almost everyone can speak english here. If you do like one of the higher educations, like i did, then you also have to learn either german or french. I had both but i forgot most of the french =P But i guess its pretty normal here to speak multiple languages, as long as you went to school ofc =P
Yes i have to learn the history of it too, even though i dont like it at all. Im not really a big fan of the regular art like those famous paintings. I guess the art i would like the most is the kind of art you can find on deviantart.
Idk thats a hard question tbh =P Its easier to draw on paper but im not good with coloring on paper. Thats easier on the computer so most of the time i just draw the lines on paper. Scan it in and color in on the computer. Thats the easiest thing for me and that way i can do both! =)
Apart from nearly killing yourself, you had fun though? =) I used to drive a bike, crashing hurts, i have never once been on a four wheeler though *little jealous* ;P. Tunisia is located in South Africa, i didn't get to see as much as i wanted though but i did see numerous kids with goats, i now want a goat. It was a fun holiday, a girl i had little crush on taught me how to swim and we became pen pals, not anymore but it was fun writing letters. Yeah the horse decided to overthrow its human overlords, luckily a small boy with a stick came to my rescue, again...a very manly moment for me...You been out of country?
=) Yeah i moan bit about being tall but i do like it, my farther is super short and he used to be self conscious about it, girls should be shorter then guys though. Another perk about being tall is like Giraffes i can graze on only the highest and best leaves on tree's.
Cracking your back sounds painful o_o. The exercise helps my back though, bonus i guess. Yeah although i say my dad introduced me, he does not game anymore i think, he just works. Your dad works from home then?
Stories kind of put life in context for me, i don't think i can say i have learned everything from stories and such but they hold wisdom and hearing a character talk about somethings motivations can help realize your own. They are escapism from life as well, i have gotten through some hard times through reading something that makes me happy again. Im curious to know all my hobbies to, they change so much, normally happens when i meet someone with an interesting hobby and i steal it for awhile ;P
I played a tiny bit of my friends Nintendo 64 when i was little tiny blonde Siion but never past that, i think i went from my Sega console straight to the Playstaion's then the Xbox's. If i get a Wii U though i can draw all the stick men my heart can desire, maybe even a stick dog if i am feeling dangerous.
My cards? I left them on a door step and someone stole them, i think there was about 1700 cards (the one time in my life i had pocket money and that's where it went). I think i still have the Yugioh cards somewhere though.
Hehe it always starts with self image, confidence eliminates that eventually though. If i am to be completely honest then it is also to protect myself, our family has a bit of a bad luck streak and my mother and sister are not great at choosing partners. Then again, not many people are.
My sister is about 4 years older then me? (Why am i asking? 0_o). So she is 24-25, she used to beat me up as a kid, i was little bit of a push over but now i am...little bigger then her...its little funny, you know those cartoons where you hold someones head and they can't punch you? (I have never hit her though, even playing >.<). Shes a smart girl though, she needs to mature little but i have never had someone laugh so much at my stupid jokes then her, shes a good person. I also have a half brother and sister but i have not seen them in a long time and they aren't really family to me so even though i do have a younger sister and brother, i can't imagine it =P. I am glad you have family like that though =). Most people hate there siblings.
I like looking at game art, it seems to be something i do when I'm in between stuff. I have seen the style though and its charming. *Hits on head with newspaper* Don't worry, i will give Durarara a fair chance ;P. I have already finished 6 episodes though and i already knew it was good by the 2nd episode, it has a good pacing and it has foreshadowing, i never see foreshadowing in Anime o_o. I went in blank though, i didn't read a synopsis or anything so i know nothing about Durarara which is a fun way to watch ;P
Hehe it's the one other person i can talk this long to, ironically her name is Jessica and shes German so i have to put smiley's in so she will get my weird jokes little easier, its easier with you but the habit has stuck ;P.
Yeah, i used to be really shy which was my issue, now that i am little older and i like myself allot more i have confidence, now i am just quite but like you allot of people don't interest me but if i find someone i like i can talk and then the stupid humor comes out =P. Then i tease people ^_^. The one stigma i have yet to get over though is i can't talk to men probably, only women. Which is weird but i find women more mature and i have had allot of negative male role models in my life so even though i try i am little hateful towards guys 0_o. I like my own space though so friends are not a problem, if i have 1 great friend then i don't need 100 friends i barley know.
Of cource, i can't talk to someone this much unless i really like them, i look forward to your messages =). Its hard to meet people with the same idea's and likes so i treasure the rare ones i find (now i am cheesy).
Your right! *Flips desk back over* =P. I won't re-watch it though, with an ever evolving line up of anime coming out every season it would be a waste of time to re-tread the same story for the 3rd time.
Hehe i keep writing something earlier in the message then i scroll down and find out that you've had the same though and i just have not read it yet. After i left school at 15 i think it was and started college i got rid of all but 2 of my friends. You're allot more mature then most people our age if you can realize the things that are not important in life. Society is unimportant, as long as your happy being on your own then friends are added bonus's, things you treasure but not things you need to survive. I think the ones that live through life thinking they "need" other people to survive are pitiful and don't really understand what a relationship is.
Yeah i just ignore people i can't get on with, its where the whole silent tall guy routine really helps.
That's cute ^_^, i don't think people should be afraid to cry or ashamed, most often are though. Its just a sign that something was so good it actually moved you. Yeah i just can't actually cry, i haven't been able to in years.
Yeah those kinds of anime are really rare but the ending was done so well that it was a Sweet/sour ending that did not make me depressed, it made me happy that i watched the series and that is hard to do. I love it when you get that child like glee after you've finished something amazing and its just a feeling you have for a few days. That's what i live for =P
Haha, its okay, you can ask what ever you want. I honestly don't know if i have an English accent. I speak quite well considering my background but i have grown up with allot of American things and on my own quite allot so i never really got a particular accent. I suppose i must have a bit of one though but not a strong accent, how about you? This is where i find out you have a Texas or Alabama level accent =P.
Siion out! *Throws smoke bomb down and rides away on a giant English Tea cup* ^_^
No respect is a feeling when you praise someone and you wanted to become just like them. Well it is a contributing factor of love but maybe it is different. Love is more complicated than that. That's why I think love is not something we describe, it is something that we feel.
Love (for me) is something we fight for. Just like an umbrella we use it to keep each other safe and comfortable. I've been thinking about it and that's why I reject any 'invitation to become that you call couple' since I still haven't feel that way.
But besides that I am also a picky person to choose girls. Not just from their personality but also the appearance. I know this is bad but what can I say? I am a human after all and I am a boy. But seriously I considered personality as number one.
I will kick and punch the murderer until my conscience force me to stop.
Killing doesn't change anything. It won't heal the pain nor fill the emptiness. Just let him feel guilty until his death is much better. If I kill him I'll just be the same as him. A murderer.
Ahaha. I live in asia.
At first Lelouch wants to revenge his father. To payback for Nunnaly and his dead mother, mixed by his own reason. Then when he found out about the scenario his parent made, he who felt betrayed and felt guilty at the same time tried to kill them along with him. I think at the end he felt that he had the responsibility of his parent and tried to create the 'new world'. But remember Lelouch is a good guy at the start so he is actually doing it for either himself and the people.
*Waves off* Reply at your own pace, instead of that tell me more about your holiday =). You went horse riding? I went once in Tunisia, the horse decided to run off with me on its back, its one of my more manlier moments in life.
Hehe, backache is normal for me though since i am tall, its the curse of the tall people. We exchange the ability to reach high things on shelves for crippling pain, i have yet to decide if that's a far trade o_o
Haha, yours to? Well my dad wasn't much of a gamer but he did introduce me to the entire concept when i was about 4, your dad sounds really cool though ^_^. Really? I hope you do, final fantasy X is one of my favorites, i am not sure if it still is pretty to look at but i know PS3 owners have like a HD upgrade coming soon (not that i own one). Yeah i agree, i love stories (that's weird to say), its why i have so many story related hobbies.
Yeah i saw the Wii U and i am really considering getting it which will be my first Nintendo console (Gameboys don't count ;P). Then i will have to play Zelda and hopefully they release the old ones for download or something, you getting it? Honestly? I had so many Pokemon cards and i never once battled with them, i never even knew how, i think i just liked the pretty pictures and the fact that i could show off ;P. I had a brief Yugiyo phase though (i think that's like a rebellious faze but geekier) and i battled with those a few times.
Lol my motivations are little embarrassing to be honest. I started off and on back when i was in school and back then of course it was about looks and i would stop exercising after about 1 month. Back when i seriously started it was literally because i could, i wanted to prove to myself something i guess, i started right on the spot. Then it was for health, sickness etc is a waste of time. Now, its honestly to protect my family which is my mother and my sister and her new child which is super lame but the truth ¬_¬.
Yeah i agree, i listen to Podcasts when i work out. I can't do it in silence because you get bored and then you end up feeling its a waste of time but if i listen to something new each week then i am still gaining something while doing something else if that makes sense. Time is important.
I have never played Kingdom Hearts but i know of the character your on about ^_^. I really should, i think i would like it. The Bouncer though is a really corny game but nostalgic i guess. Well on your recommendation i will check it out then and i don't mind a slow start =). ^_^ <---- its catchy huh, i use the same few. Someone once told me off for not using any smiley's so now i am trained to use em >_<.
I guess that is kind of right, i joined MAL awhile back because of a friend but the trouble is, even though i talk way to much i am not actually very social. I can only talk this much with people i like and that's rare. Yeah crowds are annoying, i like to talk one on one most of the time, you can't make eye contact with a crowd. Hehe, I'm glad, as long as i make someone laugh then me being an idiot is justified *Thumbs up* Cheesy is good, cheesy is honest =)
Wow really? They ended up together? I can't remember that, i remember the Sacrificing part but not that they ended up together, they would of anyway. Yeah the problem with stories is that all of them at a base level have already been done and theres a certain formula that they KNOW works on people, the special stories are the ones that ether use that formula at its best or surprise you.
*Hits head on desk* Yeah i know its good, i do want to watch it but after the entire manga and the last series that was like 80 episodes? I am all burnt out, maybe in a few years =)
*Tears up* Somebody to actually talk about that book with? Its like my favorite book series but i have very few friends now (by choice, no need to feel bad) and no one reads anything...
I'm also glad =) Like i said before, very few people i can talk to, even fewer i can be honest with. I am the same sometimes, things are harder to put into words then to think about. I feel bad for people without a passion in life honestly, there is so much more and we have so much and people barely realize it.
I also teared up ;P. I can't cry but it wasn't for lack of trying, i just suck at crying o_o. It isn't clear since its been awhile since i watched it but i will give my best. For a start i loved the ending, i always like those stories where the good guy docent get the credit or pretends to be a bad guy, i feel to many stories just shower the main protagonist with praise and the fact that they kept with that ruse even after the end. Keeping him as the "Bad guy" was really brave for the writer to do but i loved it. I think any story that can make you get emotionally connected to the point where they can kill the protagonist and you actually feel something is amazing. The overall story is hazy at best now but i loved the master mind kind of feel to it, not many anime deal with strategy its more about hitting something till its dead. Overall it was smart anime.
Me too. Hahah.
God knows that I truly respect god though.
Hurting other will cause you to feel satisfaction (for a while) and in the end the feeling coming to you is regret, not happiness. That's what I think. After you get your revenge, then it's done. It's not healing your pain.
No, I'm not living in the United States.
His motive from the beginning is actually to revenge. He also wanted to create a peaceful place for his sister but I think it was just a reason to cover his true intention, that was to revenge his father. It was no doubt he cared for his sister but likely the main reason he did all these thing is to get revenge. In the end he died.
Hahaha what a shame, I holding my tears hardly at the part when he died. It was so tragic. But that was a great decision chosen by the creator. That makes Code Geass somekind of a legend though.
I won't be so happy. Need to think about the consequences too. For example, with more people getting into anime, means more download, mean less sales, means possible future stop...which I pray never happens..lol
It does, I'm known all around in clubs due to that somehow.
When I first joined I was one hell of active, is when I was appointed as officers and admins in some. But with time I came less and now I just play games to keep the clubs active.
No worry. But before you complain put in your mind that the new profile picture will appear like 4-5 days after you upload. MAL has this one bug they still need to correct.
I made most of my works here or asked friends. So I never tried to request but I think it might take a while cause they have plenty of requests before yours, with time you will eventually get yours.
Every clubs has their profile page where comments are displayed. Clubs chat are public you can talk freely there. If you want to talk privately to someone, just go into his profile and comment there like we're chatting. :)
Hey np i guess we are even now since i wasn't able to reply either. I went on a little vacation and i just got back =P
Anyways i dont know if that challenge is the best idea tbh.. i dont think i'll be able to eat any food for a week then xD I'm really bad at eating with chopsticks. One time a girl from class tried to teach me but after 15 minutes she told me i was hopeless xD
Yes im quite stuborn =P And thx its going well so far =)
Yup im from the netherlands and i can speak both english and dutch.. is that so uncommon or something? =P Oh i can also speak german and alil french ^^ What about u? Can u speak any other languages?
Ehm art college was really nice. U had like diff kind of classes, like classes that thought u about diff artist and the history of it etc. And u had the drawing classes in which u just drew stuff (that was the best class ^^) And there was a class where u had to draw with the computer which was pretty awesome too =)
What kind of camp did u go to? Like what did u do for a whole week?
Yeah i am the same. Normal is boring, i like who i am ^_^
Yeah, i dunno if that is a good thing. I did my back in once exercising and it just made me feel doubly as old o_o
Yeah Skyrim is a weird game, the fun comes more out of exploring and the little funny stories you can tell to your friends about the experiences more then the game itself and i played the one before and didn't like it all that much. The new Final Fantasy's are like that, both you and the enemy's both just hit each other when your ready to and you move around the battle field. FF13 is just like one big straight story and FF13-2 gives allot more freedom to go around and explore, my favorite Final fantasy is 10 though, i didn't play the ones before that so i can't really talk about those but i loved the ending to 10, kind of bitter sweet.
Yeah i know, the worst part is i know i would enjoy Zelda. Used to collect the Pokemon cards as a kid, those things were like a gambling obsession back then. The games are still great games though, i will play one when i get the chance to but i don't follow it that closely anymore.
Thank you ^_^ Was difficult to keep up for the first couple of months but now its just routine. For the first 1 and a half years i never actually took a break though, i exercised through weekends etc and i ended up hurting myself so i learned the meaning of "breaks" =P
Hehe my user name is actually a typo that people wouldn't let me change back because they liked it more this way. It was originally Sion and then somehow became Siion (Pronounced See-on) because people liked shortening it to Sii. It came from an old game i used to play during better times in my life with friends, it wasn't a great game but i had fun, called The Bouncer. I don't know the Anime of your profile pic but does you name come from that?
Phew. I panic you know? because i can write allot when i find someone i enjoy speaking to but they can't quite keep up. Weirdly enough i am quite in real life, i still have the same stupidly weird sense of humor though 0_o
Yeah i agree, romance alone is predictable but when its used in a different genre it helps character development. Full Metal alchemist has some yeah, i could never continue the new Anime they brought out, i finished the manga and that took a long time and i watched the old anime series, wounder if that is any good.
Haha its weird hearing that from a women that they dislike women leads but i understand. I read a series called the Sword of Truth series and has a few main characters but the women in that series is perfect, shes a great representation of what a women lead should be. I think that would probably be my recommendation, its a smart book series that is a good epic but at the same time really mature and has some hints of psychology and romance in there. i will remember the Green Rider series, always looking for new books =)
Hehe this message is really long but your interesting so its okay, if it becomes to much then tell me and i will shorten my words =)
Right? I think those kinds of people just can't exist by themselves, its good to have passions and hobbies in life, without them you have to depend on others for your entertainment. Hehe, okay ;P
Honestly i agree with you, allot of people seem to hate Code Geass but its a great series. Allot of fan service in parts but past that the story is interesting, the characters are mature and where else do you find a good mastermind Anime? =P I won't spoil the ending but i love those kinds of endings.
*Looks up at message* *Whistles* You may die o_o that's allot of words.
I do believe in god but I'm not bounded by any religion.
I kinda understand how parent's feeling towards their child. It just normal for them to put the child number 1 above. Every parents want to be loved by their children. That's why they put much care to us. But if they really love their child, they should give us lessons even from we as a kid so if we grown up, we will be success. The selfish parents is one who give everything their child demand whether for good or no good. They don't really think about the situation for their children if they died. It's just the present which matter to them.
People who hurt others, since they were so broken, will get nothing for granted, I think.
Haha I know right.
To be adult doesn't mean when we are turning to 16 or 17.
Even 40 years old could be so childish.
Actually everyone has their childish child.
What matter is the effort they tried to cover that.
I can't say that i didn't used to be like that when i was younger though. I used to dodge stuff because i though it would make me cool. Till the point i realized how stupid of a concept that was.
*Shakes Taro* You can't do it Taro, you can't get them all, you'll break a part! O_O
Yeah i have been in a few messed up situations in life with people and in my young old age i have become kind of curious about why people do what they do. Yeah i agree, it gives you life experience as well and nothing is more useful then knowing how to deal with people in the right way but i am glad that you have the chance to learn it =) If you do go for it, keep me updated okay? ;P
Hmmm i like most types of games but my favorites must be RPG's. I have a Xbox 360 so i play that most of the time, at the moment i am playing Skyrim, Final fantasy 13-2 and Mass Effect. Is it weird that i have never played a Zelda game in my life? I somehow missed all the Nintendo consoles. I played the Pokemons when i was younger though *Thumbs up*
Its not really that i don't have the time available to play games its more the fact that i just don't game as much as i used to, now that i have so many other hobbies it kind of leaves less time for gaming, i still love it though.
I have a weird stance on Fitness, i call it a hobby because i enjoy doing it and i work out every day with cardio and strength exercises except weekends but i wouldn't say i was fanatic if you get what i mean, at this point i just view it as maintenance but i've grown to enjoy it. I started exercising because i just kind of sat there one day and went "there's not really any downsides to doing this but at most loosing 1 hour a day". I just don't want to be one of those guys who makes excuses about never doing the things he thinks he should do so i started. Yeah, you don't really even need to exercise as long as you manage your food right.
Hehe, you can ask me as much as you like, i am just afraid that i am writing to much back and it will be to much to read o_o. I read ALLOT but what i normally look for is ether a romance (because i have gotten to the point where i feel manly enough to admit it but it has to be mixed with something else) or like you said, fantasy, psychology. Round about the same because you have good taste ^_^ so if you find something cool, let me know =)
Ah, i am glad people like you exist =). So many people never start what they want in life, even the simple stuff. I will also start in 2 years time, i am in a tricky home life right now and what i want needs to be put on hold ^_^
Well then Taro Sempai, when i am finally in a position to learn you can give me a few tips ;P
I am sure if you look around little you could probably find some good instructions online or something.
Ho. No problem.
yes, but I'm agnostic.
Do you know what it is?
To be honest I think it was because they receive too much love.
So in his/her family, she got so much attention and much love.
But it happened quiet different in society.
So they close themselves away from society.
Maybe what they really want is the society accept them.
Like hell it will happen, all we can do is to adapt ourselves so we can get a place in it.
One of my principal is to help people if they deserves it, and I can get profit in it.
Maybe it sounds cruel but I choose to be cruel rather than being stupid.
I don't really care about birthday. Ahah I mean yeah there's meaning behind it but I don't get it why is it became so special.
Especially that sweet seventeen, or people who think 'aww come on this is my seventeenth birthday. It comes once in my life so the party have to be perfect'.
All our age came once in a life. And why seventeenth? All of them is just the same.
All Comments (62) Comments
I'm fine thank you, haha.
Yes of course. It's in fact games that keep clubs active most of the time. You have clubs in which members comment like every minutes, the super active one, mostly discussions between admins and creators. But You have to agree that they can not always be available since they have their lives too afterall. So we just keep at spamming in games to keep them active.
Not draw, just editing. I'm not an artist to be able to make such awesome drawings. I just follow here..xD
Dun worry. I was just explaining you how clubs work here and you can also click on Community and Clubs on the top page to see those having recent post which can be said as being partially active and also the forums if you like to.
I made mine. I can do some minor editing, cropping and basics kinda.
I dont know tbh. But i remember that when i was like 8 or so i went to a chinese or japanese restaurant with my family. And this cook went to me and took my chopsticks, did some kind of magic trick with a rubber band and all of the sudden they were super easy to handle xD
Well maybe im not but i still do prefer the fork and knife xD Its alot easier to handle ^^
Well here they start teaching you english in elementry school so almost everyone can speak english here. If you do like one of the higher educations, like i did, then you also have to learn either german or french. I had both but i forgot most of the french =P But i guess its pretty normal here to speak multiple languages, as long as you went to school ofc =P
Yes i have to learn the history of it too, even though i dont like it at all. Im not really a big fan of the regular art like those famous paintings. I guess the art i would like the most is the kind of art you can find on deviantart.
Idk thats a hard question tbh =P Its easier to draw on paper but im not good with coloring on paper. Thats easier on the computer so most of the time i just draw the lines on paper. Scan it in and color in on the computer. Thats the easiest thing for me and that way i can do both! =)
=) Yeah i moan bit about being tall but i do like it, my farther is super short and he used to be self conscious about it, girls should be shorter then guys though. Another perk about being tall is like Giraffes i can graze on only the highest and best leaves on tree's.
Cracking your back sounds painful o_o. The exercise helps my back though, bonus i guess. Yeah although i say my dad introduced me, he does not game anymore i think, he just works. Your dad works from home then?
Stories kind of put life in context for me, i don't think i can say i have learned everything from stories and such but they hold wisdom and hearing a character talk about somethings motivations can help realize your own. They are escapism from life as well, i have gotten through some hard times through reading something that makes me happy again. Im curious to know all my hobbies to, they change so much, normally happens when i meet someone with an interesting hobby and i steal it for awhile ;P
I played a tiny bit of my friends Nintendo 64 when i was little tiny blonde Siion but never past that, i think i went from my Sega console straight to the Playstaion's then the Xbox's. If i get a Wii U though i can draw all the stick men my heart can desire, maybe even a stick dog if i am feeling dangerous.
My cards? I left them on a door step and someone stole them, i think there was about 1700 cards (the one time in my life i had pocket money and that's where it went). I think i still have the Yugioh cards somewhere though.
Hehe it always starts with self image, confidence eliminates that eventually though. If i am to be completely honest then it is also to protect myself, our family has a bit of a bad luck streak and my mother and sister are not great at choosing partners. Then again, not many people are.
My sister is about 4 years older then me? (Why am i asking? 0_o). So she is 24-25, she used to beat me up as a kid, i was little bit of a push over but now i am...little bigger then her...its little funny, you know those cartoons where you hold someones head and they can't punch you? (I have never hit her though, even playing >.<). Shes a smart girl though, she needs to mature little but i have never had someone laugh so much at my stupid jokes then her, shes a good person. I also have a half brother and sister but i have not seen them in a long time and they aren't really family to me so even though i do have a younger sister and brother, i can't imagine it =P. I am glad you have family like that though =). Most people hate there siblings.
I like looking at game art, it seems to be something i do when I'm in between stuff. I have seen the style though and its charming. *Hits on head with newspaper* Don't worry, i will give Durarara a fair chance ;P. I have already finished 6 episodes though and i already knew it was good by the 2nd episode, it has a good pacing and it has foreshadowing, i never see foreshadowing in Anime o_o. I went in blank though, i didn't read a synopsis or anything so i know nothing about Durarara which is a fun way to watch ;P
Hehe it's the one other person i can talk this long to, ironically her name is Jessica and shes German so i have to put smiley's in so she will get my weird jokes little easier, its easier with you but the habit has stuck ;P.
Yeah, i used to be really shy which was my issue, now that i am little older and i like myself allot more i have confidence, now i am just quite but like you allot of people don't interest me but if i find someone i like i can talk and then the stupid humor comes out =P. Then i tease people ^_^. The one stigma i have yet to get over though is i can't talk to men probably, only women. Which is weird but i find women more mature and i have had allot of negative male role models in my life so even though i try i am little hateful towards guys 0_o. I like my own space though so friends are not a problem, if i have 1 great friend then i don't need 100 friends i barley know.
Of cource, i can't talk to someone this much unless i really like them, i look forward to your messages =). Its hard to meet people with the same idea's and likes so i treasure the rare ones i find (now i am cheesy).
Your right! *Flips desk back over* =P. I won't re-watch it though, with an ever evolving line up of anime coming out every season it would be a waste of time to re-tread the same story for the 3rd time.
Hehe i keep writing something earlier in the message then i scroll down and find out that you've had the same though and i just have not read it yet. After i left school at 15 i think it was and started college i got rid of all but 2 of my friends. You're allot more mature then most people our age if you can realize the things that are not important in life. Society is unimportant, as long as your happy being on your own then friends are added bonus's, things you treasure but not things you need to survive. I think the ones that live through life thinking they "need" other people to survive are pitiful and don't really understand what a relationship is.
Yeah i just ignore people i can't get on with, its where the whole silent tall guy routine really helps.
That's cute ^_^, i don't think people should be afraid to cry or ashamed, most often are though. Its just a sign that something was so good it actually moved you. Yeah i just can't actually cry, i haven't been able to in years.
Yeah those kinds of anime are really rare but the ending was done so well that it was a Sweet/sour ending that did not make me depressed, it made me happy that i watched the series and that is hard to do. I love it when you get that child like glee after you've finished something amazing and its just a feeling you have for a few days. That's what i live for =P
Haha, its okay, you can ask what ever you want. I honestly don't know if i have an English accent. I speak quite well considering my background but i have grown up with allot of American things and on my own quite allot so i never really got a particular accent. I suppose i must have a bit of one though but not a strong accent, how about you? This is where i find out you have a Texas or Alabama level accent =P.
Siion out! *Throws smoke bomb down and rides away on a giant English Tea cup* ^_^
Love (for me) is something we fight for. Just like an umbrella we use it to keep each other safe and comfortable. I've been thinking about it and that's why I reject any 'invitation to become that you call couple' since I still haven't feel that way.
But besides that I am also a picky person to choose girls. Not just from their personality but also the appearance. I know this is bad but what can I say? I am a human after all and I am a boy. But seriously I considered personality as number one.
I will kick and punch the murderer until my conscience force me to stop.
Killing doesn't change anything. It won't heal the pain nor fill the emptiness. Just let him feel guilty until his death is much better. If I kill him I'll just be the same as him. A murderer.
Ahaha. I live in asia.
At first Lelouch wants to revenge his father. To payback for Nunnaly and his dead mother, mixed by his own reason. Then when he found out about the scenario his parent made, he who felt betrayed and felt guilty at the same time tried to kill them along with him. I think at the end he felt that he had the responsibility of his parent and tried to create the 'new world'. But remember Lelouch is a good guy at the start so he is actually doing it for either himself and the people.
Hehe, backache is normal for me though since i am tall, its the curse of the tall people. We exchange the ability to reach high things on shelves for crippling pain, i have yet to decide if that's a far trade o_o
Haha, yours to? Well my dad wasn't much of a gamer but he did introduce me to the entire concept when i was about 4, your dad sounds really cool though ^_^. Really? I hope you do, final fantasy X is one of my favorites, i am not sure if it still is pretty to look at but i know PS3 owners have like a HD upgrade coming soon (not that i own one). Yeah i agree, i love stories (that's weird to say), its why i have so many story related hobbies.
Yeah i saw the Wii U and i am really considering getting it which will be my first Nintendo console (Gameboys don't count ;P). Then i will have to play Zelda and hopefully they release the old ones for download or something, you getting it? Honestly? I had so many Pokemon cards and i never once battled with them, i never even knew how, i think i just liked the pretty pictures and the fact that i could show off ;P. I had a brief Yugiyo phase though (i think that's like a rebellious faze but geekier) and i battled with those a few times.
Lol my motivations are little embarrassing to be honest. I started off and on back when i was in school and back then of course it was about looks and i would stop exercising after about 1 month. Back when i seriously started it was literally because i could, i wanted to prove to myself something i guess, i started right on the spot. Then it was for health, sickness etc is a waste of time. Now, its honestly to protect my family which is my mother and my sister and her new child which is super lame but the truth ¬_¬.
Yeah i agree, i listen to Podcasts when i work out. I can't do it in silence because you get bored and then you end up feeling its a waste of time but if i listen to something new each week then i am still gaining something while doing something else if that makes sense. Time is important.
I have never played Kingdom Hearts but i know of the character your on about ^_^. I really should, i think i would like it. The Bouncer though is a really corny game but nostalgic i guess. Well on your recommendation i will check it out then and i don't mind a slow start =). ^_^ <---- its catchy huh, i use the same few. Someone once told me off for not using any smiley's so now i am trained to use em >_<.
I guess that is kind of right, i joined MAL awhile back because of a friend but the trouble is, even though i talk way to much i am not actually very social. I can only talk this much with people i like and that's rare. Yeah crowds are annoying, i like to talk one on one most of the time, you can't make eye contact with a crowd. Hehe, I'm glad, as long as i make someone laugh then me being an idiot is justified *Thumbs up* Cheesy is good, cheesy is honest =)
Wow really? They ended up together? I can't remember that, i remember the Sacrificing part but not that they ended up together, they would of anyway. Yeah the problem with stories is that all of them at a base level have already been done and theres a certain formula that they KNOW works on people, the special stories are the ones that ether use that formula at its best or surprise you.
*Hits head on desk* Yeah i know its good, i do want to watch it but after the entire manga and the last series that was like 80 episodes? I am all burnt out, maybe in a few years =)
*Tears up* Somebody to actually talk about that book with? Its like my favorite book series but i have very few friends now (by choice, no need to feel bad) and no one reads anything...
I'm also glad =) Like i said before, very few people i can talk to, even fewer i can be honest with. I am the same sometimes, things are harder to put into words then to think about. I feel bad for people without a passion in life honestly, there is so much more and we have so much and people barely realize it.
I also teared up ;P. I can't cry but it wasn't for lack of trying, i just suck at crying o_o. It isn't clear since its been awhile since i watched it but i will give my best. For a start i loved the ending, i always like those stories where the good guy docent get the credit or pretends to be a bad guy, i feel to many stories just shower the main protagonist with praise and the fact that they kept with that ruse even after the end. Keeping him as the "Bad guy" was really brave for the writer to do but i loved it. I think any story that can make you get emotionally connected to the point where they can kill the protagonist and you actually feel something is amazing. The overall story is hazy at best now but i loved the master mind kind of feel to it, not many anime deal with strategy its more about hitting something till its dead. Overall it was smart anime.
*Looks up* I think i made it worse O_O
I enjoyed writing it though...
God knows that I truly respect god though.
Hurting other will cause you to feel satisfaction (for a while) and in the end the feeling coming to you is regret, not happiness. That's what I think. After you get your revenge, then it's done. It's not healing your pain.
No, I'm not living in the United States.
His motive from the beginning is actually to revenge. He also wanted to create a peaceful place for his sister but I think it was just a reason to cover his true intention, that was to revenge his father. It was no doubt he cared for his sister but likely the main reason he did all these thing is to get revenge. In the end he died.
Hahaha what a shame, I holding my tears hardly at the part when he died. It was so tragic. But that was a great decision chosen by the creator. That makes Code Geass somekind of a legend though.
Hhaha really? Cool.
It does, I'm known all around in clubs due to that somehow.
When I first joined I was one hell of active, is when I was appointed as officers and admins in some. But with time I came less and now I just play games to keep the clubs active.
No worry. But before you complain put in your mind that the new profile picture will appear like 4-5 days after you upload. MAL has this one bug they still need to correct.
I made most of my works here or asked friends. So I never tried to request but I think it might take a while cause they have plenty of requests before yours, with time you will eventually get yours.
Every clubs has their profile page where comments are displayed. Clubs chat are public you can talk freely there. If you want to talk privately to someone, just go into his profile and comment there like we're chatting. :)
Anyways i dont know if that challenge is the best idea tbh.. i dont think i'll be able to eat any food for a week then xD I'm really bad at eating with chopsticks. One time a girl from class tried to teach me but after 15 minutes she told me i was hopeless xD
Yes im quite stuborn =P And thx its going well so far =)
Yup im from the netherlands and i can speak both english and dutch.. is that so uncommon or something? =P Oh i can also speak german and alil french ^^ What about u? Can u speak any other languages?
Ehm art college was really nice. U had like diff kind of classes, like classes that thought u about diff artist and the history of it etc. And u had the drawing classes in which u just drew stuff (that was the best class ^^) And there was a class where u had to draw with the computer which was pretty awesome too =)
What kind of camp did u go to? Like what did u do for a whole week?
Yeah, i dunno if that is a good thing. I did my back in once exercising and it just made me feel doubly as old o_o
Yeah Skyrim is a weird game, the fun comes more out of exploring and the little funny stories you can tell to your friends about the experiences more then the game itself and i played the one before and didn't like it all that much. The new Final Fantasy's are like that, both you and the enemy's both just hit each other when your ready to and you move around the battle field. FF13 is just like one big straight story and FF13-2 gives allot more freedom to go around and explore, my favorite Final fantasy is 10 though, i didn't play the ones before that so i can't really talk about those but i loved the ending to 10, kind of bitter sweet.
Yeah i know, the worst part is i know i would enjoy Zelda. Used to collect the Pokemon cards as a kid, those things were like a gambling obsession back then. The games are still great games though, i will play one when i get the chance to but i don't follow it that closely anymore.
Thank you ^_^ Was difficult to keep up for the first couple of months but now its just routine. For the first 1 and a half years i never actually took a break though, i exercised through weekends etc and i ended up hurting myself so i learned the meaning of "breaks" =P
Hehe my user name is actually a typo that people wouldn't let me change back because they liked it more this way. It was originally Sion and then somehow became Siion (Pronounced See-on) because people liked shortening it to Sii. It came from an old game i used to play during better times in my life with friends, it wasn't a great game but i had fun, called The Bouncer. I don't know the Anime of your profile pic but does you name come from that?
Phew. I panic you know? because i can write allot when i find someone i enjoy speaking to but they can't quite keep up. Weirdly enough i am quite in real life, i still have the same stupidly weird sense of humor though 0_o
Yeah i agree, romance alone is predictable but when its used in a different genre it helps character development. Full Metal alchemist has some yeah, i could never continue the new Anime they brought out, i finished the manga and that took a long time and i watched the old anime series, wounder if that is any good.
Haha its weird hearing that from a women that they dislike women leads but i understand. I read a series called the Sword of Truth series and has a few main characters but the women in that series is perfect, shes a great representation of what a women lead should be. I think that would probably be my recommendation, its a smart book series that is a good epic but at the same time really mature and has some hints of psychology and romance in there. i will remember the Green Rider series, always looking for new books =)
Hehe this message is really long but your interesting so its okay, if it becomes to much then tell me and i will shorten my words =)
Right? I think those kinds of people just can't exist by themselves, its good to have passions and hobbies in life, without them you have to depend on others for your entertainment. Hehe, okay ;P
Honestly i agree with you, allot of people seem to hate Code Geass but its a great series. Allot of fan service in parts but past that the story is interesting, the characters are mature and where else do you find a good mastermind Anime? =P I won't spoil the ending but i love those kinds of endings.
*Looks up at message* *Whistles* You may die o_o that's allot of words.
I kinda understand how parent's feeling towards their child. It just normal for them to put the child number 1 above. Every parents want to be loved by their children. That's why they put much care to us. But if they really love their child, they should give us lessons even from we as a kid so if we grown up, we will be success. The selfish parents is one who give everything their child demand whether for good or no good. They don't really think about the situation for their children if they died. It's just the present which matter to them.
People who hurt others, since they were so broken, will get nothing for granted, I think.
Haha I know right.
To be adult doesn't mean when we are turning to 16 or 17.
Even 40 years old could be so childish.
Actually everyone has their childish child.
What matter is the effort they tried to cover that.
Thank you ^_^
*Shakes Taro* You can't do it Taro, you can't get them all, you'll break a part! O_O
Yeah i have been in a few messed up situations in life with people and in my young old age i have become kind of curious about why people do what they do. Yeah i agree, it gives you life experience as well and nothing is more useful then knowing how to deal with people in the right way but i am glad that you have the chance to learn it =) If you do go for it, keep me updated okay? ;P
Hmmm i like most types of games but my favorites must be RPG's. I have a Xbox 360 so i play that most of the time, at the moment i am playing Skyrim, Final fantasy 13-2 and Mass Effect. Is it weird that i have never played a Zelda game in my life? I somehow missed all the Nintendo consoles. I played the Pokemons when i was younger though *Thumbs up*
Its not really that i don't have the time available to play games its more the fact that i just don't game as much as i used to, now that i have so many other hobbies it kind of leaves less time for gaming, i still love it though.
I have a weird stance on Fitness, i call it a hobby because i enjoy doing it and i work out every day with cardio and strength exercises except weekends but i wouldn't say i was fanatic if you get what i mean, at this point i just view it as maintenance but i've grown to enjoy it. I started exercising because i just kind of sat there one day and went "there's not really any downsides to doing this but at most loosing 1 hour a day". I just don't want to be one of those guys who makes excuses about never doing the things he thinks he should do so i started. Yeah, you don't really even need to exercise as long as you manage your food right.
Hehe, you can ask me as much as you like, i am just afraid that i am writing to much back and it will be to much to read o_o. I read ALLOT but what i normally look for is ether a romance (because i have gotten to the point where i feel manly enough to admit it but it has to be mixed with something else) or like you said, fantasy, psychology. Round about the same because you have good taste ^_^ so if you find something cool, let me know =)
Ah, i am glad people like you exist =). So many people never start what they want in life, even the simple stuff. I will also start in 2 years time, i am in a tricky home life right now and what i want needs to be put on hold ^_^
Well then Taro Sempai, when i am finally in a position to learn you can give me a few tips ;P
I am sure if you look around little you could probably find some good instructions online or something.
yes, but I'm agnostic.
Do you know what it is?
To be honest I think it was because they receive too much love.
So in his/her family, she got so much attention and much love.
But it happened quiet different in society.
So they close themselves away from society.
Maybe what they really want is the society accept them.
Like hell it will happen, all we can do is to adapt ourselves so we can get a place in it.
One of my principal is to help people if they deserves it, and I can get profit in it.
Maybe it sounds cruel but I choose to be cruel rather than being stupid.
I don't really care about birthday. Ahah I mean yeah there's meaning behind it but I don't get it why is it became so special.
Especially that sweet seventeen, or people who think 'aww come on this is my seventeenth birthday. It comes once in my life so the party have to be perfect'.
All our age came once in a life. And why seventeenth? All of them is just the same.