Animes that have received 10s from me (ordered by date finished):
1. Clannad After Story
2. Little Busters Refrain
Ratings (from Joshua1207):
10 - Masterpiece. Doesn't necessarily mean it is perfect, as almost everything will have flaws but it is something that everyone should experience/watch. A complete standout.
9 - Essential. Doesn't quite leave you with the same feeling as a masterpiece, just something missing but still regarded as an essential show you should watch.
8 - Highly Recommend. Not quite an essential that everyone should see, but I'd still highly recommend it even if you're not a fan of the specific genre. Has lots of highs, but some downfalls too of course.
7 - Recommend if fan of genre. Its nothing really overly special, but if you like the genre you should like the show as well.
6 - Liked it, but wouldn't recommend it. Pretty self-explanatory.
5 - Bland. Probably has no high points, might not have super-lows either but definitely nothing about it that would make me want to go back to it. On the flip side, maybe there are high points but a lot of low-points that just frustrate the crap out of ya.
and then the 2-4 are just varying levels of bad that probably (shouldn't) need an explanation.
Everything might not fall /exactly/ into those categories as, for example, some 8s are better than other 8s etc but its pretty close to how my ratings are.
1 - At least it's better than Battle of Clay
Side Note:
All of my Favorite Characters, Manga and Anime are listed in order of my fondness, not just some random order.
It is so fun! I'm waiting for new Naruto Shippuden episode on Thursday! lol
Also I'm watching bunch of other animes like One Piece, Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou...
What about you?
What are some of your favorite animes, and do you have any recommendations?
All Comments (367) Comments
Thanks :)))
Also I'm watching bunch of other animes like One Piece, Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou...
What about you?
What are some of your favorite animes, and do you have any recommendations?
I am doing okay. What anime are you watching now?
Yeah bowling is fun.
I am just feeling bored, staying with my grandma.