I have been a fan of manga and anime for years. Their visuals, storytelling and style really fascinate me,
and I don't see my interest going down. Generally, I like to read shoujo without too much cliché and fantasy shounen without boring protagonists. Genres which I look forward to read or watch are:
romance, comedy, drama, slice of life and sports. I am ready to give specific recommendations if asked.
I also like to read visual novels (all ages, eroge and otoge). As there are many untranslated VNs,
I started to learn japanese to read them. My japanese language skills are still at the beginner level though (passed N4), so I cannot read them just yet or it would take forever to complete a single VN (I tried).
Beside animanga and VN, I like listen anisongs (mostly Jpop and Jrock kind) and vocaloid songs. Without
KAITO & Hatsune Miku, I don't think that I would like vocaloids to this extent.
Lately, light novels have caught my attention so I will be grateful to get a recommendation on LNs.
Hopefully, my introductory post didn't bore you too much.
General Recommendations
Note: My favorite genres are: romance, comedy, drama, slice of life and sports which may affect on my scores on my lists and depending on my age and experience I may revalue some scores.
My scoring is based on how I feel overall. Characters and storyline are the most crucial factors. And if I feel an ending could be better, it will affect score negatively. Nice art and production quality is also important. I score only anime, manga or light novel which I have completed. I may be more critical towards manga.
Basically with this scoring chart you will hopefully find something good to watch or read from my lists and information on what you should ignore.
All Comments (207) Comments
This is an old edition delivery; feel free to contact me for any problem~
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✪ dessert rare edition » dropcanvas ✘ jumpshare ✪
delivery by Samuelkun
please thank him for his hard work
included here are all the cards I didn't/couldn't deliver from a long while back
took a while to upload but here it is..
all the cards from last year! ~1000 cards
if you have any problems, please leave a comment in this blog
I'll reply to it soon enough
-|| part 2 of 2: i to z ||-
January 2017 Newsletter
Dearest patrons,
Howdy everyone? You guys had a lovely 2016? anyways we're back at it again with another newsletter.
This time for 2017, yes a new year is to be upon us, joy.
Thank you for participating in club event and games ^^
Or have never had the chance to get to know everyone?
You can always introduce yourself here.
As a welcome to 2017, we bring you our first event of the year!
Oh bummer to baka staffs - we named the event
Happy New Year!
Throughout the month of January, we'll be having...
We have 4 suggested anime: Mai-Mai Miracle - Only Yesterday - A Letter to Momo - The Tale of Princess Kaguya
But feel free to suggest more before the event. Do sign up so that we know how many people are interested though you can still join even without signing up~
Don't worry, we are here to help you out so everyone can have a happy new year!
We brought to you a delivery service especially for your New Year greetings.
Customize it however you like, we're your postman ;)
How it works? We ask you a question, and you answer them ~ hoho it's super simple!
The catch is that you can only answer them within the time given. Try it out, it's a load of fun :3
It'll be done throughout the month of January.
Challenge other patrons to a fun dare or ask them a hard truth question. Spicy ones are most welcome too ;)
It may it be a joke, a history, a image or even a gif, anything is valid as long as it's funny and doesn't offend anyone!
Then let's all help each other out and create a funny and hilarious collection so we can start the next year laughing all together!
Participants will be given a list of four anime characters. Three of them share the same quality which the fourth doesn't. Your job is to say which character doesn't share the quality and why.
Help Wanted
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
------------------------------------------------------------ ★ ☆ ★ [Noms!] World Nutella Day Edition {thread}
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★ Pirate RE
★ KanxHaru-chan Birthday SE
★ V Gesture RE
★ Valentine's SE
Total Cards: 233
D E L I V E R Y ◦ B Y • [ Deathmemo ]
PM muffins if there are any problemos.
O M B • [ badges ]
O M C • [ cards ]
♛ Mass Delivery Batch #1
♛ Go here for the editions and cards.
♛ Please read the description carefully first.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
Saber RE ♥ Cards
Dessert RE ♥ Cards
Danganronpa LE ♥ Cards
remember to save and rehost! ♥ ctrl + f to find your cards
thanks for requesting!
♛ Sylph's CardShop
♛ Eye Colors Edition - Heterochromia
♛ Pick up your cards here.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^