Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Item #: SCP-1048596-J-TK
Object Class: Euclid Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Given its non-malignant nature for most of its life duration, there are no necessary means to properly contain SCP-1048596-J-TK, unless the subject is directly provoked in all means. To ensure sustenance, SCP-1048596-J-TK would be given food and beverages that are common for humane consumption (including contemporary human-made technologies to sustain himself within the modern society), whereas gradually SCP-1048596-J-TK would demand several assorted Japanese culinary delicacies (e.g. sushi, ramen, udon) as a means to sate his cravings that emerged in an undetermined set of occurrences.
Description: SCP-1048596-J-TK is a MyAnimeList user who identifies himself online as TakesatoKeita, which is arguably a literal Japanese transliteration of his full name that was made in a hasty manner during his nascent MyAnimeList days. Been inactive for at least 3 years (determined since 2014), SCP-1048596-J-TK has decided to properly attend his account again in the later months of 2017, due to the rising number of critically-acclaimed anime titles that have been well-received globally.
Despite SCP-1048596-J-TK has already been familiar with the concept of anime and manga since his childhood phase (a common tendency for
Indonesian youths that were born in the 1990s), SCP-1048596-J-TK became a proper aficionado of anime and manga in late 2013, along with his approval of joining the local high school's Japanese culture club. From this point on, SCP-1048596-J-TK finally found his enthusiasm and a profound sense of liking towards Japanese pop culture products, which also includes Japanese songs, films, TV serials, literary works, and so on (anime or manga-related is not necessary).
Although SCP-1048596-J-TK has stated that he is open for any kind of recommendations regarding any kind of pop culture works, SCP-1048596-J-TK would usually avoid watching, listening or reading them should he find them too inconceivable to enjoy. Nonetheless, SCP-1048596-J-TK will welcome any discussion and friend requests in MyAnimeList, despite asking about certain topics initially will entice him to comment on others, since SCP-1048596-J-TK is apparently quite socially inept at times, much to his chagrin.
Addendum 1048596-J-TK-01: As of May 2018, SCP-1048596-J-TK has discovered an immense liking towards city pop (a genre of popular 70s-80s Japanese songs that are characterized with a blend of jazz, pop, and funk), and is currently addicted to several prolific city pop artists such as Mariya Takeuchi, Omega Tribe, Taeko Ohnuki, and others. Do please, drop him a recommendation on the best city pop songs out there.
The following personal favourites are made in a photo collage format. The number of favorites is a subject for future change, depending on my mood.
|Favorite Animu Titles|
|Favorite Animu Movies|
|Favorite Animu Bois|
|Favorite Animu Grills|
|Best BanG Dream! Girls|
|Ultimate Azur Lane Waifus|
I chose them based on how much I use them in battles and because of... Plot. Not that it is an objective opinion, anyway.
|Normie Movies I Like|
|Favorite Indonesian Flicks|
|Non-Weeb Comics/Graphic Novels I Like|
|Best Comics/Graphic Novels Characters|
|Favorite Normie Games|
Chosen based on stories that affected me to this day, regardless of console type.
|Favorite Game Lads|
|Favorite Game Queens|
|Favorite Western Animations|
All Comments (267) Comments
Sama. TLOU1 was pretty dang good. Tapi gak ada elemen yang bikin gw jadi teringat-ingat terus, cukup forgettable sih jadinya. Tanpa banyak spoiler pun gw gak tertarik main TLOU2.
Dua tahun belakangan ini gw lumayan sering main video game. Mostly thanks to visual novels sih. Hybrid vn biasanya cepet gw tamatin karena porsi text dan gameplay-nya bikin gak pernah bosen, I mean compared to full text atau full gameplay. Gw masih belum terlalu banyak main sih, tapi setidaknya gw udah nyoba beberapa judul yang ada di 3x3-mu. Pertama-tama, bagus lah kalau lu aware bahwa game2 tersebut game normies wkwk. Fuck gw bener2 gak bisa enjoy main KH dan Persona. Situ pasti udah sering denger criticism soal dua franchise ini dan gw punya problema yg sama dengan kebanyakan orang, terutama di storytelling-nya. I don't have much time nowadays, jadi gw drop aja. Rest of the list is pretty good tapi nggak bikin mereka less normie juga wkwk. Tinggal yg atas kanan yg blm gw mainin.
Udah main TLOU2 belum?
Btw, yup Sora Yori salah satu best anime menurutku, :3
Woahh, our affinity reaches 68%, pretty good
So I took a careful look of your favorites and lol, only 4 girls of Azur Lane overlap as both of our favorites (Noshiro, Rodney, Unicorn and Leipzig). I'm still not sure I like Sandy or not. Dunno most of the western stuff but props to you for liking Digimon Adventure and Persona 3 & 4 protagonists. I should watch BanG Dream one of these days too. It's in my PTW.
That'd be the best choice for KC. As much as I love some girls from the franchise, that game isn't very kind to global fans.