Well, My name is Allie!
I Am:
- I have been called random before. Maybe because I have a low attention span…Did you know that snails can sleep up to 3 years? And that a dentist invented the electric chair? Yeah! Strange…which is a synonym for my next adjective…
- Yes! I am more than honored to be called weird…or strange…or different. I feel that it is my duty! No, MY PRIVELEGE to be one of the lucky ones who do not fall into line behind the preps and the jocks! So what if we don’t get to sit with the “cool kids” at lunch! I’d much rather steal the janitor’s keys and go eat on the ROOFTOP!
About ME
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Watching TV, and Hanging Out With Friends.
Favorite Food: Toast With Butter and Jelly.
Favorite Bands: System of a Down and The Beatles.
Favorite Non-Anime Shows: Home Movies and South Park.
Favorite Movies: Fight Club, 300, Manic, Clerks.
Favorite Quotes:
I’ve been called goth and emo a bajillion times in my life, but I can assure you that I have no label. I am me, and that is all. If you let me, we can get to know each other. Then, you can label me whatever you’d like.
All Comments (114) Comments
my username is actually from a card game called Magic: The Gathering(MTG)
i see you also have Basilisk as one of your favs :)
just joined the speed grapher club and saw your comment about wanting to talk about speed grapher which im all up for considering its one of my favs, my name is Nathan btw, nice to meet you.