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Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden 2nd Season - Kakusei Zenya
Mar 10, 9:51 AM
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Osananajimi ga Hisabisa ni Saikai shitara Otagai Kyonyuu ni Natteta
Nov 28, 2024 9:56 AM
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How are you doing?
Things have been absolutely chaotic now since all the covid have started, now with the omicron we have all been sick including me, this ilness just doesn't pass away >_>
Have you watched a lot of anime recently? how are your studies? in which year are you in college right now? ^_^
Exercise in writing letters before the internet existed huh? took me half a year to reply, not proud ._. (kill me)
Have you and your family got all the vaccines? I can tell you for certain that the third vaccine wasn't necessary, we still got the illness regardless, the omicron is immune to the vaccines.
I think I would like more the conceptual questions, one actually do challenge you and check your true knowledge in the subject, people learn things like robots when they don't care about what they study, and at the end when they need to make use of the knowldge, they know nothing, this is the true way of learning I believe.
I love getting the presentations, it makes things so much easier and useful for the future ^_^
I think it's good to think before you do things, but not think too much, just keep the balance to not do any impulsive thing but at the same time not missing chances that come in your path.
I think being a home taker and do the things that should be going in the house is just as important,
Work is about giving value, and staying at home sometimes does also give value if this person is being productive and work hard.
You can type a reply in your bed? I do it only on pc XD well, I don't worry about my voice, but for appearance, I would love to change clothes and wear makeup beforehand which takes 45 minutes overall >.>
True, I noticed we less and less talk about deep stuff when it's fast chats, my bf used to complain we don't talk about anything and having no topics to talk about, his way of getting to know people would be "tell me something I don't know about you" "what would you like to know about me?" I never had an answer to those questions lol
I noticed many times you just have nothing else to talk about at the moment, and you both feel bad with it like you're supposed to talk or it will get boring, but I find it okay to not speak all the time, or just look at each other and smile.
Yeah Discord is a big commitment, if people are expecting you to talk to them often there, don't start unless the idea truelly excite you :)
Hope to hear from you soon friend, take care! <3
I realize this comment came more than half a year later as it's the reply for the long comment, I can't apologize enough for that >_< I'M SO SORRY T_T
The gif of Taiga with hello peasant killed me XD that sounds sooooooo evil ;D
I feel the time traveling in this greeting ;D
So first let me ask you those questions since so much time has passed since we last spoke,
How are you doing right now? how is your life currently? how is covid in your country? have you taken the vaccine already?
I took the first vaccine a week ago, and in 2 weeks I take the second vaccine,
In my country people can already walk without mask and not worry about the police anymore :)
I never thought you would be in the fandom of BTS for the gifs, but now that you say it, it makes sense XD may shall I join you my friend? ;D
You described it really well! all that you said are things that come naturally in my head when I think about different countries I'm not much familiar with,
I think that kind of categories help people remember better and separate different kind of people, it's just something our brain do to make things easier for us when we see new things we don't know about :)
xxxholic definitely seems like a show worth watching, hopefully also I will enjoy it as much as you, I promise to watch it when I get in the mood for the specific genre! :)
lol too easy exams when they are online, I see, that's kinda good actually, though not challanging at all and not show their true knowldge I assume, right?
I think putting active effort in remembering and taking the important parts of what the professor is saying to put them into notes make us more focused and feel aware during class, though I still find myself get overwhelmed when someone just keep talking and talking and I don't know what I should write from it on the paper .-.
Exactly, either you work really hard to achieve something as a woman, or you get it too easily by just marrying someone very successful for his status.
I think it's the opposite, guys can make a lot more money than women, they can work as delivery of stuff, they can work as taxi drivers, as bus drivers, as technician, as people who come to your house to fix electronic stuff, they can do physical jobs such as being good fitness coachers and lift weights for the trainees, they can learn programming with no problem, they are smarter usually,
I find many jobs that guys can do women find them difficult to reach the same type of job, usually, woman, always, earn less, because they go for jobs that pay less, because if fits what they love or have good understanding at, such as teachers or nurses.
When we give birth to a child, most jobs fire us or not want us anymore, we stay with a child and no way to financially take care of both of us unless we got a guy, we also go for a giving birth vacation, then later, every time he is sick, it's expected from the mother to take sick days and be with him, jobs will be willing to accept men with kids much more than willing to accept mothers with kids, that's just how reality is.
So women understand that they must date someone who can financially take care of them to some extent, they don't have to be rich or give them luxury presents and lifestyle, but at least the minimum or not living in debts and worry every day about your future.
That's true, though I never thought either of them is pitiable, both extroverts and introverts need people in their life, either if it's online or in rl, humans need to fill their social needs and feel loved and appreciated, chatting with people on the internet doesn't make it any different from extrovert who must people in their life to hang out with every day.
What is the difference now compared to back then when you used to be chatty and have many friends? have your preferences changed or do you find it more difficult now?
I really like this story you gave me about the fishermen and how they handled this situation, I think the person who taughed about it is very creative and it sometimes the most genius ideas come in the most unexpected times, I feel motivated now thanks to it, and I'm glad to know there are many people who are in this situation,
My mind told me often I don't really have a skill like cooking or something I can do to earn money from it, so how can I creat an income, but I guess I should find this skill, I'm probably good at something, just haven't figured that out yet.
Oh! I never saw it in this way before! :D it's a blessing for introverts because they don't need to use body language and physical contact xD for me, it's talking without worry about my appearance at the moment or how my voice sounds or check their body signals and assume if they like what I say or not, online you just get text, so you don't judge yourself by the behaviors of the people around you and decide if you were good today or not based on that, it's more, relaxing :)
It's kinda weird to explain, because I have like 3 or more friends who are all introverts and lacking social skills, and also feel tired eventually from talking to a big amount of friends non stop, more because they feel it never ends, and it takes so much time and energy/dedication, it's like you can reply whole day and basically never finish to chat because the answers come so quickly, especially on discord and on whatsapp xD that's why it's tiring lol
Also for some reason, my mind told me I should expand or write more than 1 line on things, and making sure they aren't dumb and interesting, so that took my energy,
Now I focus more on what new information I want to give this person about what he said or about something that happened to me, and it's okay to reply shortly to some things while expanding on others I want to share more about, it gets balanced this way :)
I have started to be very active on discord recently and in this way, I reply to people faster, I remember you said that you prefer the com to com communication which is completely understandable, if your mind has changed tell me, if not, then I will really, really try to reply faster to you specifically so we can be in the life of each other more often, I miss you a lot my friend! :)
P.S My reply will come soon I promise, I'm so sorry it got buried like that ;_;
Southern Asia, it's the first time I checked what countries are inside of it, I never thought Phakistan and Afghanistan are in Asia hahaha
If this trailer of Hotel Del Luna reminded you of 2 animes so much, then I probably must watch them now XD
Update: 2 months after the show ended and I still can't get over this show :S
Uhh lol, don't you get the materials inside of the books and through pdf stuff over email or something? I wonder how people even remember anything from what they studied when they stop studying all the time lol
Hahaha nice for you! US in general got too much covid and they don't know how to handle it lol
I asked my bf why this country got a woman, and he said the reason Israel always choose an old guy is because it's basically to keep the order of things in the same way and to not have too much emphaty to the poor people, since they are wealthy and strong by this age they don't feel the need to make real changes, their age is far away from the young generation, then the social structures stay in the same way for centuries.
Yeah I know, my bf already dropped any interest in graphic design, for me it's not that I don't believe in myself it's just that I don't see any potential to earn good money from it until you're very lucky and super good in this role.
All the jobs that offer good money right now take too much math in studies, and I know I might have changed since high school and might have an easier time understanding some things, but I just don't know if I will be able to handle it, I wanna try to do something with math, just out of curiousty, it's gonna be challanging.
My god, what a good explanation you gave me here, I think this theory is very accurate, and it does seem very confusing at first when people don't understand deeply what it's all about.
I personally think being an introvert does make you less happy overall, in way that you have less potential to sucees in life and you have to fight a lot harder to accomplish things that extroverts would find easy to do.
For me I feel that it really depends on how often I go outside everyday, some days I'm extrovert and some days and introvert, I think it depends on your early childhood with how much time you spent around people compared to the time you spent being alone that turn you into either an introvert or extrovert, might just be my assumption.
Thank you for helping me with all the thoughts I had about this matter, I think having a salary that afford a comfortable lifestyle is excatly what I'm looking for, being rich is all good and fun but it's not a must, on the other hand, having a job that makes you happy but earn you a minimum wage forever or give you little to no money to support children/rent/bills, it's not enough, and I should take it further to make more money, that's why all those degrees that shape you into a social worker that will earn a minimum or a little above salary, is something I don't really wanna invest time in, teachers for example, in Israel, they really work their ass out, hate their job to the point they're super tired and annoyed all the time, and their job doesn't even let them afford a good lifestyle, they give them a super low salary that does not fit someone who studied a degree, it really pushes away people who want to learn all those creative things other than things that involve math, all those results just give people a hint that if they want to aim for a good salary they have to aim for a job with computers and something that involve math, also too many people who done degrees and never found a job that fit them after that, it's quite scares me.
Also, I wanna say sorry again for the late reply, I noticed how you basically reply to me already 1 day after every comment I send, I did write your name and other 6 that I had long comments with on a notepad to make sure I don't foreget, because my concentration got bad after over 1 long comment in a day and I tried my best to reply to everyone I haven't replied yet, I hope my next reply will come a lot sooner :)
But if you ask specifically to change your nose shape, whatever that in social standards look attractive it would work, not to look like Jimin though xP
Fun fact: most Asians people do at least one surgery in their life, k pop stars do much more because they must be beautiful and fun to watch, but they don't screw up with the result at least.
Yeah he married a card box, because Jimin kya, the worst part is, I don't think that Jimin is that attractive lol
ikr, I just watch now a k drama about a hotel that serve the dead people before they go to the afterlife, and the manager's male best friend got a gf, he was about to propose to her, then she got into a car accident and died, he saw her for a short time in the hotel while the moon was covered, and then she disappeared, rip
Btw, watch Hotel Del Luna, that shit is amazing
I'm too scared of riding a car but I still have to, but I still know I will make an accident one day, welp fun
lol true, well I know many people that don't give a shit about study for the whole year, then exams come, they study for 2 days really hard and then get a very good score, so it's never the big picture, also no one will remember what they learned for the exam one year later, even if it's for a job, they always have to memorize and refresh their memory to not forget if it's important.
Did the woman in New Zealand make a full quarantine? like that no one will be able to get out for a while? I remember people said she was great and joked that we are screwed because we got males to fight against a virus they're not ready to, and too impulsive.
What did she do excatly? tried to look in google but didn't find the detailed thing.
I need something related to webs and codes I guess, because the big money is there, my bf wants to do something with graphic design, I watched his stuff and he made way better stuff than me, in way less time than me, like, he is really good, not anime stuff though
Do you think most introverts will get this result? I don't really know what it says about me, like I know I'm an introvert and need jobs in helping people etc, or artistic stuff, I just don't see any money in them so I won't spend a degree to learn to them sadly.
I just really hope I won't take a degree that I will regret on later, that will suck .-.
Really? you haven't seen this "Jimin" then XD
He thinks he looks exactly like Jimin, he married his cardboard
Well guys can succeed in life if they look average or ugly, but girls get too much pressure from society to look good and put a lot of effort into their appearance to be approved
I know their surgeries are pretty cheap over there, so if it helps improve their life, why not haha
Not exactly but close
He is a bit of a liar because he pretends to be someone else to be liked by me, it means he is not proud of his individual self,
being too interested is not the problem though, being clingy and too attached when you're not close is the problem
Not being worthwhile..not quite true, I would just call it a boring dude or someone that didn't find his identity yet and put his all desires and goals in life on someone else that he isn't even in a relationship with or have mutual feelings yet for him.
In a relationship, it's a turn off too btw
I hope I explained it easy enough this time xD
Yeah I agree on that, if you don't have a garden or many people in the house it's too selfish to let him rely only on you and keep him alone in the house many hours a day :(
Hahahaha omg, I think I was like that too at some point, now I'm just trying to figure out how to not kill myself in going full speed for long time in a road with cars lol
Omfg that was long and so difficult to understand for me hahaha, I think I quite get what you meant
So basically because of the lockdown, they tried giving an alternative to the exams which is giving grades based on performances, and if someone is not satisfied with the grade he can ask for an exam after lockdown, sounds quite fair! I think it's smart for everyone
I noticed in many countries people are being indecisive about what to do and every time changes their decision and it makes the economy collapse and people will starve soon and it's really bad, it's like there is a lot of pressure to not go into lockdown again here, and on the other hand the people that get infected get higher and higher so they can't avoid it, also no jobs, and barely any money is received, the government basically don't know what to do, they seem so clueless.
Hey, at least now everyone here wear masks 24/7 now, after a lot of threatening with charges and stuff and a lot of police reinforcement in street, except the secret private parties and going to beach full of people that people still really love to do -.-
Nahhh, I became independent because I learned social skills and found good city to live in for a while that taught me many things :P
Same here, I hope to make more friends to hang out with soon.
I will try one now :D
Introvert(44%) Sensing(9%) Feeling(62%) Judging(1%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (9%)
You have distinct preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
Good line, yes I'm doing my best haha
lololol he's actually cute I agree, but I know only the name Jimin, apparently, he is the most famous guy in the group and everyone adores him.
I don't really understand Korean good enough to understand songs, I think most Korean people look the same because of their beauty standards for males and females.
Wow, so I read the situation quite well huh? xD
Let me try to explain it better, basically what connects people to each other is passion, it can be an attraction to appearance, hobbies, similar backgrounds, etc
If someone spends time on something he isn't entirely into, he will feel that and get disappointed he wasted time when it doesn't get him what he wanted (getting closer to this person), and usually, it's really easy to see when someone is really passionate about something or talk about it just because he is interested in you.
It's all cool to ask questions about a topic you aren't entirely passionate about, in conversations for example, because it's always good to know more about someone and what this person likes, and you don't spend your private time doing it "just for this person".
For example, my bf loves metal music, I won't start listening to metal just because he loves it, even if he will say we don't like the same music or shows because that's who I am you know?
I used to do things because of others in the past, in 9th grade, I listened to metal music for like 3 months because of 2 close friends I met on MAL, guess what? after stopped talking to them I lost interest completely in this kind of music.
I had a guy I had a crush on, he adored visual novels and would speak about them the whole day, silly me thought if I played a vn he loved we would have a topic to talk about and he will like me, nah, I didn't even reach the half of the vn since it was so damn long, and he didn't care about me, yay.
Also with learning Japanese, again for same guy, never finished with it, got bored easily, it wasn't for myself but for someone else, lost interest.
A girl that got rejected by a guy I knew, said she started watching anime and what he recommends, to the guy that rejected her a moment before that, he said "pls don't tell me you do things you don't love just for me", she did, didn't work, cut veins for him, uhh
When you are passionate about something it makes you unique, it makes your eyes shine, and it makes you genuine and an interesting person to be around.
On the other hand, having a hobby for someone else, makes you fake, un unique, and get influenced too easily in your core value and personality, it's not such a likable trait.
Remember the guy I had a crush on? when I stopped giving a fuck if he likes me or not and started have my own identity, he started liking me, it proves the point I gave lol
People are attracted to people that put themselves in the center, when you do a hobby you dislike just for to be liked by someone else, you put this person in the center, and it's not an attractive trait to give so much importance to someone before even going out with him/her.
If a guy watches k dramas with his gf because he knows she likes it it's different, it shows he cares about her and let her do what she enjoys, but he doesn't pretend to love it just to have a common interest you know, because that's kinda lame, the girl is also aware he doesn't love it as much as her but do it for her, but it's normal because they are in a relationship, he won't watch it alone basically.
Yeah true, that's your advantage compared to adults.
Yup, so bring your dog next time for a run on the beach XD
Our transportation is really bad here, like not horrible as in a village or something, but buses take a long time to arrive and too many people and stations change all the time, it's annoying to look find for each station just to arrive somewhere, it takes so long time.
I don't know how to ride a bicycle too actually! I never learned, my mom uses rollerblades so that's what she taught me when I was young :)
What what what, I don't understand, what kind of letter that you sent him? why? xD
I think I exist right now too, let's hope to find life soon.
Tbh army didn't change that part in me, I think being independent after army did that, also I just grew up and experienced new things, so I have different mindset now than in the past.
That actually makes me really happy to hear that I stayed the same in the core, it's cool to have friends that know you for so many years hahaha
I think you have stayed the same pretty much too, with all the life changes you are going through :D
Oh wow, what a useful info, I will take a look in it later and tell you the results, I did a personality test online long time ago, for fun, I forgot the result though, so I have to do it again xD
Yes haha I have always been doing that this way, since I was young, I love matching the gif to the color of the text, it's like a little story ;D
I don't find K pop music interesting enough, I don't feel anything about the boys bands, and I never understood what is so special in BTS.
I love dramas, every time I feel sad I get a reason to be happy when I see them fall in love and pass 5345323 obstacles, and someone always die or get injured badly, it's like a thrill of emotions :'D
Omg just don't tell me this guy watch k drama for the sake of the girl he has a crush on, it turns me off so much I swear.
I don't know tbh if it's all romcom, I assume it's mostly about it, the story can always be different, but they will always fall in love :P
Don't forget you're pretty young compared to the adults and closer to the kids age, so they might listen to you more because of that, I used to get along really well with kids in past, I hope I still have this skill lol
I'm not sure what I feel about hits, maybe only if they do something that put them in danger, so you have to make sure they won't repeat it again.
I'm not sure about that, as a teacher I would get really awkward and nervous and make mistakes from stress haha, also always being judged by teens, uhh wonderful life hahaha
But thank you for that! made me happy
And if it's running with a friend or with your dog? ^^
That sucks, well same here in Israel, I used to work in hotels for over a year and now rip, I hope I will find a job at least in something, more than million people here are unemployed right now, and we soon stop getting payment from government too, we're fucked.
Wow, it seems like everyone had such major changes in life waiting for them but got canceled because of the virus, for me I plan to start my driving lessons after the test in Sunday, I still got the money from army for that so it shouldn't be a problem to progress at least that.
What are you doing in your free time now then?
I can promise you that it's really depend on the individual, some people here really fun service, some get mature and learn a lot, and some stay excatly the same and just suffer till they want to commit suicide or leave army.
My parents think army didn't change me at all, I think the same, also the payment each month is about half week of work in minimum wage, and it's for the whole month, yeah, they pay you for buses and for food, but if you go out in weekends or wanna save, you basically work almost for free.
Wah that's actually a good idea! the elimination huh
I did something similar 2 years ago with fitness coaching, didn't want to work in an office whole day, wanted to be the boss of myself and have social interactions all day and help people.
But I have social anxiaty and it does make me really scared be alone infront of a group of people, I'm scared they will have a problem and I won't be able to solve it for them and I'm afried I won't know how to answer their question, I don't feel mature enough mentally for that, so even though I have a certification I have put this job on hold for over a year already ;-;
What would you suggest me to do?
Yes yes you have to, K dramas are absolutely amazing, the songs (far from k pop btw), the plot, the characters, everything sits perfectly there usually, it's like almost every drama feels like Your Lie in April or Clannad xD
I must say though, I know only one guy that loves k dramas, mostly girls love it, and it's about love stories between a handsome guy and a woman lol
Here it's the same for parents as well, the kid can hit you, you can't hit him, anything is considered as violence, even if you must give them some discipline.
No one is supposed to hit anyone, but if they hit you first and not respect you at all, let's say it doesn't put the teacher in a very good position.
Yeah I know what you're talking about, I find most teachers evils because of that, in school mostly, they treat the kids really bad and always blame the parents and even involve them in that mess.
I will just blame the super low wage they get that they feel so unworthy and useless, also no very much demand for this job let's say because no one wants to put the effort to study something that pays you so low for such a difficult tiring job.
Yeah same here, 2 days ago I have been to a tour in my country, and I was in a place called "The Path of Stars"
I run with another person really fast until we couldn't breathe just to get the most of this place, it was super fun!
Wow damn, so you're not working now as well?
The fact that you started collage already and you're younger than me makes me feel like everyone are more productive than us in Israel, maybe because here there is the army thing until age 20 and we don't have to go to collage directly after high school, I still have no idea what degree I really wanna study tbh :(
I fell when I try to climb a tree XD also it's pretty weird to see a woman do it, with heels, and not so comfortable clothes.
really? well sit in a tree feels nice, that if I can reach a place to sit on the tree haha
You can, but you have to be very very good at that, and still have a few years of experience.
Let's say there is a woman in a big hotel that I know, that studied all the hotels and tourism thing, and they gave her the lowest rank because she has no experience, the oldest guy in the staff was like 70 in the lowest rank as well, but that's because he refused to get a better position, it doesn't wanna take a lot of responsibility so he prefers it this way. he told her to go study something useful because now she wants to learn history because it's fun.
Lawyers are very cool
Oh, in Israel kids can hit, harass, throw things and do whatever they want to the teacher but the teacher can't do anything back except defend themselves since they're adults.
Also teachers are almost always very hated, and being judged a lot.
Let's put the effort :DDDD ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
Climbing a tree is harder for me than playing running wtf XD
Yes, we use shekels, we don't have buses on Saturday, etc, very biblical ;P
The managers are working 10 years in this position so they earn more of course, but the low ranks earn minimum wage and it's a part-time job basically.
Yes, I couldn't agree more, I really enjoy talking to you and putting in the effort to make it happen :D
Hey, actually teenagers are the worst, they don't care how the adult feel, they won't listen to you, they will do whatever they want and act like retards to make everyone laugh, and they don't have any shame to laugh on other people, I'm glad I'm an adult now.
Same same, but hey if we really wanna we can practice, right now my bf says I run like a guy that smokes for years rip. I get tired and red too fast.
Hotelling pay like 4 shekels more than minimum, maybe less, it's really not great, but the job is satisfying, you just can't work in it forever let's say, it's not jobs for adults over 30 years old.
You say you get happy and enjoy it when you see my messages on your wall? I don't know why but it made me really happy XD
ok ok I get it, no need for discord, MAL for the win!
Teachers in higher education earn a pretty good salary I think, the problem is mostly with high schools and elementary school teachers.
Yes, I would happily love this tree and make him feel secure and happy every single day of his life lol
So you're good in sport activities and such?
Haha yeah, tourism is pretty huge here, but tourism can be many jobs, from working in a hotel in the reception and interact with the tourists, from being specialist in arrange the whole trip for them and get paid for it, you can also market the trip to people and open your own tours company or become an agent, the lowest paying job is working as a tourism guide, barely have any jobs in this field today, and too many tourism guides rip I'm working in a job that involves interacting with tourists, but I earn close to the minimum wage from it.
Btw since we both are not super active here if you wanna speak on discord as well I will send you a message with my discord now