I have a note for every anime I've completed or dropped excluding some Specials, Sequels and OVAs. (edit: I haven't held this same sentiment but I plan to fill those gaps out eventually)
I don't claim to be objective with my ratings. That is not to say, at times, my perspective of "objectivity" may change my opinion.
⭐10/10: Personal Favorite - I enjoy what I enjoy. ⭐9/10: Great - A great experience all around. ⭐8/10: Considerably Good - Solid. Watchers/Readers (at least me) will typically enjoy what they present if the premise appeals to them. There are flaws but they aren't going to hinder my overall positive opinion for me personally. ⭐7/10: Decent - Pretty enjoyable throughout, doesn't mean it doesn't come with flaws but they're, for the most part, not overpowering against my enjoyment. ⭐6/10: Entertaining at the very least - Enjoyed it but it could either be better and/or lacks in certain other aspects I'd enjoy. ⭐5/10: Okay - Usually mixed feelings upon the animanga. Or it didn't stand out for me. ⭐4/10: Not for me/Nonperforming - Can at least see where it could appeal to someone but it just didn't work for me. Or it appeals to me but it still failed to captivate me. ⭐3/10: Dislike - Disagree with what the animanga is trying to do. To each their own but I'd personally not recommend it. Or it just sucks but sucks a bit less than 2/10s ⭐2/10: Not good. - If the animanga was a person, I'd probably avoid all contact with it. ⭐1/10: So Bad it's good - based
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