I do take pills, don't do speed, don't do crack, don't do coke, do smoke weed, don't do smack, do do shrooms, do drink beer, I just want to make a few things clear:
My name is TJ, and I'm anew into the anime game. I recently got into it after hearing my socially awkward friends do a name off competition, babbling off about 1, 000 anime. I like being better than everyone at everything, so I INTEND TO WATCH 100 ANIME. That's like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much or so. That's a big devotion for an American teenager, nut I'll tough it out
What else? I'm into that bIg emotional shit. I've compiled a list of 55+ shows and watch 9-1 of those. I never watch more than 3 at a time because I'll confuse plots with one another if I do. If your reading this, I'll never ever post so recommend shows to me so i can turn it down. I like shortwfast animes (and yet One Piece is on my list)I rarely remember the names of characters (Hagunoshira, Tisomusi, Miyajewkake) so if i can remember 5 names of characters within a show, it has to have been good. . One more thing; no matter what, Cowboy Bebop WILL BE #100!!!!!!!! Even I HEARD OF IT, and i like building up anticipation for what's considering the best anime ever
What about me? I can't give personal information because you're a stranger!! But if you MUST know, I am a he. That is all.
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