I never have. And you're sad! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!!! T_T Makes me sad too dude! Oh ok, well you must tell me what happened in it? Why it made you so sad?!?!
I can help you with the original source of the spell, as you can see that Porco Rosso is a Pig. "Pig" is a metaphor for a man, who rejected his humanity and lost the faith in mankind. The spell comes from his own will. He transformed into Pig.
I couldn't understand the plot of the story, that's why I couldn't give it a great rate :P
Hi there, I am fine what about you?
Yes Porco Rosso is one of my fav for Ghibli Studio :) I liked that opened-end. I am sure he was turn over as a human, well that what I hope for.
I am glad that you loved that movie, what else did you enjoy ?
Thanks for the compliment. I do like all peeps. IT's good to do so. I'm just causious tho, some peeps are crazy!! LOL! no i've never been to TAM, just my mom is from TEx, and she liked it, so i kinda adopted the love of tex....I'm orgiinaly an okie and pops the japanese dude. So there's the mix.
However, If i had to choose it would be OU, outnumbered.....you know? ^_^
They're cool. I have them here in the US. I really like all people, cuz you have evil and good in all races, you, know ^_^! And what?!?!? lost to TexTech?!?! Now, I do like Tex AM (at times), but to lose to TECH!?!?! >_< That's just not right!
Has OU been having a bad year?
I have many arabian patients!! ^_^ It does have good classes. OK is mostly known for the schools and such, but you'll have to go elsewhere if you want to find a job.
All Comments (28) Comments
Hows it going, long time no see.
Take care~
I couldn't understand the plot of the story, that's why I couldn't give it a great rate :P
Yes Porco Rosso is one of my fav for Ghibli Studio :) I liked that opened-end. I am sure he was turn over as a human, well that what I hope for.
I am glad that you loved that movie, what else did you enjoy ?
However, If i had to choose it would be OU, outnumbered.....you know? ^_^
Has OU been having a bad year?