I don't know what to put here, so I'll just put my scoring system, both as a reminder to myself and just in case anybody's interested.
I rate mainly on instinct, the main factor being how much I enjoyed the plot/characters/setting, but points can be added for spectacular animation--or, on the other hand, they can be deducted even for shows/manga I love if the art is awful, or if the story goes somewhere I don't like, or if the pacing is bad. So the score I give an anime is not actually an indicator of whether it's one of my favorites. I'm weird that way.
10: Unused. I have a distaste for this rating because I've seen too many people rating things 10 and then complaining about all the things they didn't like about it, so...I never use this rating. A show would have to be absolutely perfect, with not a single flaw, to earn this rating from me.
9: My "effective" 10, used for the shows I have a deep, abiding love for. I love the characters, the plot, the setting. It's consistent in quality and does everything right. Any quibbles I have are extremely minor or are eclipsed by the sheer awesomeness of the rest of it.
8: It was a ton of fun, and I only have small complaints. Put another way, it was great, just not amazing enough to earn a 9 rating. Maybe there was an annoying character or two. Maybe the plot took too long to get started, or dragged in the middle, or fizzled at the end. Maybe there was a plot point that didn't quite make sense. But overall, I loved it.
7: Pretty solid. The show might have been just a little too fast/slow-paced. Perhaps there was a plot twist I didn't like. The art could have been janky in places. Maybe I like the world/characters/plot, but not the plot/characters/world. (Slice of life shows have a hard time rising above this rating.)
6: Good, but not great. There's potential, but there's something about it that annoys me. Maybe it constantly shoves fanservice in my face. Maybe there are gaping plotholes, or the story drags on and on, or there's a character or two I want to shove off a bridge. I like it, but it has problems.
5: Dull. Not unbearably boring, but not interesting. Alternatively, it's interesting, but executed poorly. Bad art and poor writing, or just plots/characters I don't care about. I don't like it but it has some good points, or I like it but it has Problems.
4: Bad. Can be so-bad-it's-good or just plain bad, with some redeeming features. Shows that I had fun watching but are objectively Not Good often end up with this rating, and so do shows that are objectively not bad but that I didn't like for some reason.
3: Very bad. I may have started out liking it, but came to dislike or even resent it by the end.
2: Terrible. I wish I hadn't watched it and I get annoyed every time I think about it.
1: Technically unused for the same (but opposite) reason as 10, but--So bad it actually offends me just by being so bad, like its very existence is a personal insult. Anything rated this gets amended to a slightly higher rating--or de-rated altogether--once the kneejerk "I hate everything about this" reaction is over with.
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