Thanks for the recs, Pen Pal at the End of the World was really a heartwarming read, although the World constantly giving me vibes of lot of drama and it got it's fair share as well but still ended and progressed beautifully with glow of life and hope, thanks a bunch for this recommendation.
For American comic fans, this character is pretty infamous and often gets on lists of the top 10 dumbest super heroes ever conceived. The winner is usually dog welder, a man who kills dogs and welds them to people's legs.
No I didn't. All I knew was that it's a series about a dude named Eat Man whose power is to eat inanimate objects. Same power as Matter Eater Lad from the Silver Age of American comics. That's enough reason for me to watch something!
Ah, I see an UK release. You're right about the UK usually only getting the same stuff as the US but every now and then something like this happens. I believe your release of the Gunbuster ova is easier to find as well, though that could be just an impression I got while trying to track a copy down.
The TV series was still fun (for You're Under Arrest) I knew to expect the animation downgrade but found the change in tone to be more jarring.
I hope you don't mind me asking but I didn't even realize that the You're Under Arrest ova had a DVD release. I'm pretty sure I've only seen VHS and Laserdisc copies for sale online. Is it a Japanese import without English subs or an official US release?
All Comments (7) Comments
Thanks for letting me know of this plot-twist. It shall be added.
If you know more about the greatness of "Badass Girls Doing Badass Things", let me know. ;)
For American comic fans, this character is pretty infamous and often gets on lists of the top 10 dumbest super heroes ever conceived. The winner is usually dog welder, a man who kills dogs and welds them to people's legs.
The TV series was still fun (for You're Under Arrest) I knew to expect the animation downgrade but found the change in tone to be more jarring.