Part 1: Your Favorite Anime Watcher Answers Your Favorite Questions About His Favorite Anime.
Just a brief note about my favorites. You may see some anime on my favorites that have a lower score then another anime that is not on my favorites. This could be for a number of reasons which I've listed below.
There is more then one part to it.
A good example of this is Code Geass, Attack on Titan, Hetalia and even Fairy Tail. While I may rate something like Code Geass higher then Ouran since it has two parts I will not put it on there. The reason I do this is to prevent overcrowding of my list with essentially the same show. Putting Code Geass I and II on there would take away a spot from 2 very good shows. While these shows are less deserving individually then something like Code Geass or Hetalia it seems wrong to fill my last 3 favorite slots with nothing but Hetalia and lose the chance to promote other deserving series. You may be wondering now why I allow Hunter x Hunter 2011 in there since it is technically apart of a larger franchise. This is simply because it is not a direct sequel to any of the other Hunter x Hunters shows and movies.
All this being said I still wish that an option to choose an entire franchise as a favorite would be possible.
The second possibility currently no longer exists unless I go through a very large change in the way I rate animes but for a while there you may have noticed that I didn't have my favorites bar filled out. This happened for one of two reasons.
The first possibility is that I had not watched 5 anime yet and therefore could not truthfully fill out my favorites panel.
The second and more likely scenario is the simple fact that anything that is below a 9 or 90.00% on my ratings scale will not be put into my favorites and at the time I had not yet seen 5 animes that I had rater 90.00% or above.
Part 2: Ratings, Scores And More! What It All Means.
I rate based off the American grading scale.
There, I said it.
Now I know at this point you're bustling with questions and concerns such as "Gawd what an American fegit. I bet he doesn't even know Japanese." or "But Syn-Kun! MAL has a 1-10 rating scale! Why would you not use the system they so graciously provide for us?!" Well if you halted the flow of your tears momentarily I'd tell you.
The majority of people seem to rate this way so I do the same.
I don't know whether this phenomena occurs because the majority of people on MAL are Americans or for some other reason but currently most people rated from 5-10 and ignore the 1-4 ratings.
Why do I follow the majority ( aside from being a sheep )? So I can more accurately score the animes I watch and give them the relative boost ( upward ) or shove ( downward ) that they deserve.
You may be curious as to why I simply don't rate everything I watch a 10 or 1 to give it a larger boost or shove closer to the score that I think it deserves. This is simply so that I can preserve accuracy of my list and so people can't use this to bait/troll/flame me.
The same goes for why I don't simply bump up the rating of a show to a 9 if it's an 87.50% and so on.
It's possible in the future that I may change this method and simply rate everything as a 10 or 1 and have my tags represent my actual rating. Only time will tell.
So we've figured out now that I rate based on the American grading system. But what does that mean? Well I'll show you.
F - 50-59.99%
D - 60-69.99%
C - 70-79.99%
B - 80-89.99%
A - 90-100.00%
As the percentage goes up the anime rises in quality.
Generally my standard for quality has varying sections.
50% - Trash. These shows have no entertainment value whatsoever. I probably lost brain cells in the process of watching this.
60.00% - 62.50% - Bad. These shows are just plain bad. There may be some redeeming factor in them but it's not enough to compensate for my loss of brain cells and the outrage I suffer.
65.00% - 67.50% - Below Average. These shows have a few redeeming factors whether it be an interesting premise or moments that made me chuckle but generally they're not very good and seem like a waste of time after the fact.
70.00% - 72.50% - Average. These shows
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Nice anime favorites btw
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