Waifu: Super Sonico Hey, I'm Syn! I'm 23 years old. I've been watching anime for seven years. My favorite genre of anime is horror and supernatural. I also like a bit of slice of life and comedy. Uh...what else...My favorite color is red and I'm an artist. I like drawing characters and curvy girls :) Follow me! and I also make visual novels! see games here! Nice to meet you all!
I also love red head anime girls. They're so cute!
Feel free to message me or be my friend! :)
Have you some time for doing a little Anime Q&A? :3
I Ulti-chan will present to you with the rules for this Anime Quiz (Self-proclaimed) :3 The Rules are
You can answer with short answers or long answers both are allowed.
You can comment or PM the answers if you find it to private ;3
I don't want to force you to do it, since you can decide yourself if you want to or not :3
1. After watching an anime, do you give any thought to it? Like finishing your day only thinking about that anime or do you watch another anime immediately? :3
2. What Anime Studio do you favor? :3
3. What Anime have satisfaction/disappointed you? :3
4. What was the main reason for you to join the MAL Community? :3
5. Do you enjoy being on MAL or do you use another website like HummingBird, aniDB etc.?
6. What is your favorite setting/function in MAL and what do you wish MAL can implement someday? :3
7. If you could travel to a specific anime world what would it be? F. example One Piece World (a reason without spoiler would be acceptable) :3
8. If you could go back in time to the destined day where you watched anime up to today (Point of no return)? (Would you let your past self, repeat the same events you did, or would you prevent, or perhaps another choice of your choosing) :3
9. What is the one thing that you treasure the most in this world? :3
10. What is the best thing you gained from watching anime? (could be satisfaction, improved view, feelings etc., you can state more than one thing) :3
11. Do you want to travel to Japan if you could have the chance? If so what will the first 4 things you wish to see/experience? :3
12. Would you live in Japan or marry someone from there? :3
13. Do you follow any Anime related Youtube Channel if so which and why? :3
14. Do you want the Anime Industry to appeal to an greater audience than they have or do they have enough? :3 I'll answer your questions in return if you have any? :3
All Comments (130) Comments
So is Rena :)
What are you going to study in college?
Have you some time for doing a little Anime Q&A? :3
I Ulti-chan will present to you with the rules for this Anime Quiz (Self-proclaimed) :3
The Rules are
I also loved Kyouko from Madoka Magica(but i love Homura more HAHA)