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Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru OVA
Mar 27, 2018 3:36 AM
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And streaming is out of the option
So coming back to the topic, i just wanted to know whether u have read source materials of upcoming Isekai shows. I m excited tbh but if i could know that on which shows i should keep my eyes on then it would be better. If u want then i can list the shows here since u are not online often
So...Busy lately?
Note: it'll be rare for me to be active from now on, so it'll take a while if anyone is msging me
How are u? ^_^
oh the ntr post lol.
as i said earlier you should always check tags on before reading any manga.
i too had similar experience with ntr as yours so i can understand that painful feeling...but you will have to overcome it if you wanna widen your perspective and not feel like shit.
easy way to overcome this is to face it.see something even more brutal.But this time you will already know what you are gonna see so 'no surprise factor' and there is high chance you'l get over it.
blush dc himtsu is a dark brutal manga..
holy knight is even more...
good luck ;p
Lets hope we get second season!!!
BTW, what do u liked about isekai smartphone? For me, it was the way they concluded the anime.In place of introducing a main villain in the end,they focused on the romantic development between the characters.Not many harems do that especially the isekai ones.And Man that ending!!!("i will marry u all" :-D)
That was the most amazing harem ending i have ever seen!!!!!
Was just bored
Ok that's cool
I see you have a good taste on animes and games.
How are you if I may ask?
Tank u brudda