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Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita
Dec 6, 2024 6:02 AM
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Hope things get better Mela. Hang in there.~
Funny enough I was doing that one domain with the 3 abyss mages and two of the players on our team lost which left just my Yelan and someone else's Kokomi dealing with a hydro abyss mage. Like legit we did no damage do it, so we ended up leaving. Yea Heizou is such a neat character, fast paced damage with long reach too. Compared to Sucrose imo Heizou just seems like a better option, DPS Heizou. I feel like you'd really only run Sucrose if you don't have Venti for large small mobs.
How did the Itto rerun go?
I ended up getting Kuki which isn't bad because she heals and does passive damage at the same time. I wonna use her as a battery with Yae Miko and add Klee and Yelan but idk how good that team is. Rn my go to team Klee, Yelan, Keging and Diona.