All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 162.5
Mean Score:
- Watching59
- Completed470
- On-Hold114
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch304
- Total Entries947
- Rewatched24
- Episodes9,491
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 9.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries141
- Reread0
- Chapters1,143
- Volumes198
All Comments (42) Comments
I would love to make that my FB pic, but then all my relatives will be like :O and then I'll be disowned!! So yeah... that's why I can't. :(
But maybe one day, I'll come out of the closet. Hahha, sounds like you're planning to torture me 'till I expose it or something! :o
Ps, Imma steal that romcom you're watching. :) kthnxbai hehehehe
And lol I was just checking our anime compatibility! P:
And yeah, I'm going, and you better be coming! And I thought she wanted to go to the movie theatre 'cause she said "and watch a movie??? It's Tuesday :D" so yeah... but hopefully she was talking about movie at her house. xD
Ps, what do you say about going to Montreal and staying there a couple of days (all of us)? :D
Lmaoo, I wanna see your eyes! XDDDDDDD
and also
you're going today, right?! :D
don't know if she wanted us to bring movie tickets?! :/ but i've watched all the movies out there, so i hope we just chillax at her place C:<
man, it's been too long since we've seen each other! (no homo)
go rewatch episode 3!
And mannn, no ending AGAIN?! ps, i finished the first season of darker than black C:< hehehe...
and yes i am! and they're true pervs too, sooooo... it's a dangerous place out there. xD
ps, i'm watching durararararararaaaaaa! hehehehe... watch it with me :D
pps, on episode 3 some dude was like masturbating or something! o.O
come join me! man, there's so much more to MAL than i thought. xD
your code name can be 00piccolo, and i'll be 00pinchy and we'll be the best partners in crime. C:<
though there are a lot of pervs here, so beware :o
Would you like to join us? :3
Lol, remember that Betrayal Knows my Name? xD Such a waste of time...
Yo let's hang soon! >:C
Ps, I started on Darker than Black. B) How was it?