It was only Midsummer the last time I saw them. Red lilacs dotted the ground, trampled underfoot as the coarse earth ground them between the jagged treads of numbing cold capturing my heart. What life came to a man who only experienced such darkness? Where might my ancestors lay so restless that the tombs they tremble in have pulsated into tremors reaching my mind? If only I knew this bitter fate would seal the key to my heart before I started, but now it is too late. Tomorrow I ride at dawn to meet before the Gods and receive my judgement. I can only pray for the grace of a quick death. You might be wondering what caused such bitter turmoil. Well for that I can only allude to the sullen mystique that caused the impetus of the event. The wanderlust that filled my heart in that moment. For it was the anticipation of something beautiful, something otherworldly. What, you might ask? To put it vaguely, a whiff of mine fair lady, the princess of all of the Westland's succulent fungal aroma. I'm sure you know that which I speak of. The webbed morsels of her southern digits. You could say they were like the insoles of my heart; softening a glacial mountain unperceived by me beforehand. But that tale is past. Overzealous in my mirth, I flew too close to the sun and melted mine ice within. Exposed and barren, a fool I was made. Now there is no more time. May the Allfather guide my fate.
Rating System:
Story: My pa always said my ma was "quite the storyteller". Although, I think he was just saving face in front of my teachers when describing her paranoid schizophrenia at parent-teacher meetings.
Characters: My ma always said my pa was "quite the character". Although, I think she was just saving face in front of the relatives when describing his feral bloodlust after a ketamine binge.
Art: 60's-90's is peachy. Anything more contemporary, not quite.
Sound: Moaning and screaming is peachy. Anything less feral, not quite.
Enjoyment: The only category that matters. Anything above, not quite.
As a general rule, the only good anime in existence, period, are either in the genres of "surrealist hyper autism", "incorrigible schizophrenic humor", or "bestial ultra-violence" and nothing in between.
Rating Scale:
1-7 - I would rather do a thing that I would rather be doing than partake in this activity.
8-10 - I would rather partake in this activity than do a thing that I would rather not be doing.
That is the one thing that I hate about my job, is that I'm constantly always around different style of foods. And processed food is definitely one of them. I've been trying to avoid that stuff lately, as well as carbs and sweets. I've honestly never been much of a dessert guy, but sometimes I feel as I'm getting older I do get tempted more and more often. I'm weak!! Those Choco tacos are pure evil! Hahaha!
Dude you are totally making me want to rewatch Bamboo Blade again. It's funny I ended up watching it online back in the day, only to buy the DVDs later on which I think are still shrink wrapped. I wonder if the dub is any good.
I can understand where you're coming from there. Turning your hobbies into work can make them less fun depending on how you approach it. It's as the old saying goes, work is still work.
Ouch! I'm very sorry to hear all that you're going through bud. ☹️ It must really be rough when it comes to your dietary needs. I'm not very familiar with what you have, but I will definitely keep you in my earnest thoughts and prayers that everything turns out all right for you. Now and in the future. I'm sure all of the nasty processed food and preservatives they put in our meals these days isn't helping you either. Would certain types of organic foods help? Just something that randomly popped into my head.
I guess it was just something about Miya's split personality that I couldn't help but find endearing. Plus the type of boyfriend she had made the whole situation with that dynamic even more hilarious. At least to me anyway. XD
When you find a job that you love it really does make all the difference in making feel work less like work. As the saying goes I guess. What kind of hobbies do you enjoy? Maybe you could make a profession out of that.
Do you suffer from stomach issues too? Reason I ask is because I do. I don't have any sort of sickness or anything like that, but I have a very weak stomach when it comes to eating certain types of foods. Let's just say that stuff goes right through me. XD
Oh nice I remember Bamboo Blade! I remember Miya being my favorite character. That split personality always crack me up.
My week has been going fine so far. I'm currently juggling two jobs, one of which is pretty slow these days so I really have been enjoying the downtime.
I would agree to that, without its fillers it can be a much more enjoyable experience. Even though shonen is known for its constant fillers with the ongoing manga. If you ever are interested in getting back into One Piece there is a new method of watching the anime called "one pace." Where the community basically tells you what episodes to watch while skipping all of the filler stuff.
Finally getting laid instead of watching all that Cowboy Beebope, but remember lift weights all you want but Asuka Langley will never be real. If you ever need a job just join the DEA, we could use a stud like you. Speaking of it, I hear you're into science, top of the class in physics eh? You wouldn't happen to know a guy called Heisenberg would ya? Hah!
Of course man! I've enjoyed our past chats. I actually went on a little bit of an anime hiatus there for a while. I felt like I was getting overwhelmed with all the potential new series out there. Now I've just been trying to Pace myself more slowly. The only anime I have kept up with constantly is One Piece, because you kind of have to do to all of its potential spoilers.
Yeah okay, Akira didn't happen. Watched like, a good *almost* ten minutes and fell asleep. Whoops.
My dad's always been crazy on Buddhism. Never interested in religion myself.
I like getting to know my things inside and out. As in, stuff I'm interested in, I'll collect the whole backstory, history...yada yada. With Philosophy too I read Kierkegaard's miserable ass diary first....did it help me understand his work better? Well, no. But it made me kind of depressed. Same difference, yeah?
Sweet! Funny thing, I've been meaning to rewatch it. One of my favourites from middle school but I haven't touching either the anime or manga since. Let me know what you think when you get around! Maybe I'd have watched it too by then and we can chat some about it.
I've been putting off Akira for the better part of five years. No reason, just never feel like watching it -- think I'll crack that open in a minute.
I'm not too keen on psychology myself, or, really any kind of humanities for that matter. Why Buddhism if I may ask? Haha.
- Fond of reading through Philosophy time to time. I bought Fear and Trembling the other night. Now, I've read through most of Kierkegaard's work so that shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
All Comments (40) Comments
Dude you are totally making me want to rewatch Bamboo Blade again. It's funny I ended up watching it online back in the day, only to buy the DVDs later on which I think are still shrink wrapped. I wonder if the dub is any good.
I can understand where you're coming from there. Turning your hobbies into work can make them less fun depending on how you approach it. It's as the old saying goes, work is still work.
I guess it was just something about Miya's split personality that I couldn't help but find endearing. Plus the type of boyfriend she had made the whole situation with that dynamic even more hilarious. At least to me anyway. XD
When you find a job that you love it really does make all the difference in making feel work less like work. As the saying goes I guess. What kind of hobbies do you enjoy? Maybe you could make a profession out of that.
Oh nice I remember Bamboo Blade! I remember Miya being my favorite character. That split personality always crack me up.
My week has been going fine so far. I'm currently juggling two jobs, one of which is pretty slow these days so I really have been enjoying the downtime.
How's the week been for you so far?
My dad's always been crazy on Buddhism. Never interested in religion myself.
I like getting to know my things inside and out. As in, stuff I'm interested in, I'll collect the whole backstory, history...yada yada. With Philosophy too I read Kierkegaard's miserable ass diary first....did it help me understand his work better? Well, no. But it made me kind of depressed. Same difference, yeah?
I've been putting off Akira for the better part of five years. No reason, just never feel like watching it -- think I'll crack that open in a minute.
I'm not too keen on psychology myself, or, really any kind of humanities for that matter. Why Buddhism if I may ask? Haha.
- Fond of reading through Philosophy time to time. I bought Fear and Trembling the other night. Now, I've read through most of Kierkegaard's work so that shouldn't be too much of a hassle.