Witam, wpadlem na twoj profil jakos przypadkiem. Widze, ze sporo masz tu animek, nie mowiac juz o mangach, ktorych u mnie na profilu biednie. Zastanawia mnie tylko to, ze czesto rozdajesz oceny 10. Zapraszam do siebie, jesli chcesz cos porownac.
Hi there! I hope everyone is doing good? First of all, we have new Member cards and now we have 150member and there will be a Limited Edition soon.. And if u can add your friends in this club..
Hey! Shining Kpop group SHINEE needs your help. http://www.acepolls.com/polls/1188264-best-kpop-male-groups-2011
Now we are in second place,but we need just a few hundred votes to reach FIRST place! Help Shinee to become THE BEST KPOP GROUP 2011.
Thank u for voting.
O bardzo dziękuje za zaproszenie ^^ rany jak by to nie było tak daleko to bym się skusił xD A tak nic z tego....ale w ramach podziękowania wypije za Twoje zdrowie ;)
All Comments (36) Comments
I guess it's time to revive Fai D. Flourite Fanclub a bit.
Would you like to join What would you say to Fai if in person? or Fai crossover pairing(s) discussions?
If not, it would be fantastic if you could make any other topic you like.
Hope to see you in the club! Best!
Hi there! I hope everyone is doing good? First of all, we have new Member cards and now we have 150member and there will be a Limited Edition soon.. And if u can add your friends in this club..
Now we are in second place,but we need just a few hundred votes to reach FIRST place! Help Shinee to become THE BEST KPOP GROUP 2011.
Thank u for voting.
Zapraszam :)
i hope we can b friends ^^
Wszystkiego naj naj naj najlepszego ^^ i Szczęśliwego nowego roku ^^