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Jujutsu Kaisen: Shimetsu Kaiyuu
Jujutsu Kaisen: Shimetsu Kaiyuu
Jan 14, 2024 5:40 PM
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Chainsaw Man Movie: Reze-hen
Chainsaw Man Movie: Reze-hen
Jan 14, 2024 5:39 PM
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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
Jan 14, 2024 5:39 PM
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Yuuki Aru Mono yori Chire
Yuuki Aru Mono yori Chire
Jan 14, 2024 5:40 PM
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Ore no Kouhai ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Ore no Kouhai ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Apr 7, 2023 11:40 PM
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Apr 7, 2023 11:40 PM
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baboon Dec 31, 2018 8:45 PM
Congrats on winning the league 2 championship.
Such a close final. I wonder what woulda been the tiebreaker, if I had known Adams and Galloday were inactive I woulda put Jordy and Rudolph in and it would've got me 8 pts which woulda tied the score.
TheForkLord Oct 20, 2017 5:03 PM
Well I have become the world's ultimate corporate shill.
Verdale Oct 10, 2017 8:06 PM
Hmm. Good question, lol. I still might reactivate the league, but last time we barely were able to find enough people with a month's notice.
itsthatguy Aug 18, 2015 4:45 PM
It might be the most exciting time of the year for the Bills depending on how things go lol.

The Cardinals have just...been driving me crazy this year.

What didn't you like about Shokugeki no Souma? I haven't really picked up anything new in a while but the MAL rating is pretty high on it.

Ahh ok that makes sense. I wasn't sure how localization for consoles worked.

Yeah as more sets come out it seems like your likelihood of pulling a current card decreases significantly (which also probably encourages people to pay more for loveca I'm sure), but at least you got something you like out of it.
baboon Aug 6, 2015 6:45 PM
Hey Surge, good to hear!

Ill change the draft to Friday August 28th to start off with.
Also, I see that Kyuu hasnt logged in for a while so hopefully someone can contact him to activate the other league for you guys.
itsthatguy May 15, 2015 9:19 PM
Ok so my one day reply got delayed to two my defense finals REALLY have been screwing with me for the past few weeks lol.

I had a teacher from Africa for my one chemistry class and, while she was a nice lady, it was very hard to understand her.

I don't blame you for waiting to pull. I waited to pull on card sets that I wanted and usually ended up with one from an old set.

The Colts seemed to walk away with a pretty good draft. They got a speedster for Andrew Luck and (as of yet) none of their draftees has suffered a season-ending injury already (poor Jags) so things are looking good for them this year. And if Tom Brady does get suspended for 4 games, which honestly even as a Bills fan I don't think is fair, then that should really help their playoff chances. As I expected the Bills had an awful draft - I"m really just waiting for next year's draft anyways since they will actually have a first round pick. Here's hoping that your semester went well and you can lounge around a little bit man!
itsthatguy Apr 25, 2015 12:12 PM
Mmm I think that the AFC South will have a rebound year this season. I would like for the AFC East to be competitive, but I feel like if it is then the Bills will be falling back into obscurity without a solid QB.

And the Cards have really carried their good spring training into the regular season.

I think that F/SN was the only simulcast I actually watched from last season, but I think I'm gonna try and do a few more for this season since my summer course load will be a lot lighter than my spring load was.

I'll respond to the back half of your reply later today or tomorrow since I have to head to work. The WVU Spring Game is today so the restaurant I work at is going to be slammed tonight haha.
itsthatguy Apr 9, 2015 10:07 PM
I plan on replying to you soon, I promise lol. For the time being can you message me your ESPN email again for the baseball league? I had to make a new league because I couldn't figure out how to get rid of old, inactive teams.
Bostonblows Mar 27, 2015 7:42 PM
Haha Kyuu didn't REALLY kick me out (probably), we just had some kind of miscommunication this season, i'll probably be playing MAL fantasy baseball tho. I generally pick 7-10 simulcasts and cut any I don't enjoy for the first few episodes. No need to apologize lol. You probably don't want to hear it, but you should get your certs anyway before you graduate, one saying I constantly hear is "Non tech savvy people like to see degrees, tech people like to see certs". You play any video games?
itsthatguy Mar 2, 2015 4:47 PM
Well at least the Panthers won their playoff game, so them making it wasn't so worthless. I remember that I read an article that said that the Lions, Ravens, and Bengals basically got handed playoff spots because they were scheduled to play the whole NFC South and AFC South who, with the exception of the Colts, were two of the worst divisions in NFL history.

I'm not watching any simuls right now because I'm trying to force myself to catch up on all of the classic series I've had on backlog. This semester hasn't been as strenuous as the last one was so I've actually been making pretty good progress. I've really been on a Mirai Nikki kick here (9 episodes in 3 days) which is the first show I've really been able to marathon in a while.

Oh nice! My friend used his student loans to buy one lol. I'm holding off on buying any game systems for now only because I have so many old games that I need to play, although I have been strongly considered getting a 3DS XL because of all of the awesome games and JRPGs Nintendo has to offer.

Which "natural" science did you end up taking?
KyuuAL Jan 15, 2015 6:09 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL. That trophy was intentional.

Also, you're welcome. ;)
Bostonblows Jan 7, 2015 6:28 PM
My path in life has been a little less conventional, i took a job as a staples easytech shortly after high school, worked up to supervisor then a network admin job for law firms and accounting firms was offered to me by a customer and former i'm sort of on the comptia certs and CCNA plan (i didn't like college >.>)

I've lost literally 3 fantasy championships in a row, 2013 mal baseball, 2014 mal baseball and my fantasy football league at work this year (kyuu kicked me out of mal ff(not really))

I'm a little picky with my anime, i used to binge watch wayyy too much, now i pick a handfull of shows that are airing for the season on crunchyroll and stick to them.
Bostonblows Jan 6, 2015 8:03 PM
few things, it may be late but i forgot to QQ about losing to you 4-5-1 in fantasy baseball champs so QQQQQQQ, didn't realize you were a Infosec/compsci guy, that's what i've been doing the past few years too. lastly...go colts?
itsthatguy Oct 2, 2014 6:07 PM
The NFC is looking pretty good this year...with the exception of the NFC South. They are all struggling over in that division lol. I still can't believe that Seattle lost to the Chargers. With the exception of the Raiders the AFC West is going to be pretty strong this year it's looking like. Seattle has got a strong fan base so maybe they can charge more money per ticket to help keep people around haha.

Yeah Waino was the only bright spot on my fantasy baseball team this year. Congrats to the Cards on making it to the playoffs (although I do hate you guys for taking the division over the Pirates by 1 game). I'm still pretty salty after that awful playoff game they had against the Giants yesterday so good luck. Apparently Wacha is getting moved to the bullpen for the playoffs, hopefully it pays off.

I'm so behind on my anime watching, I have things from the Winter season still on my backlog. I haven't even really given the summer or fall seasons a look (aside from the new season of Fate/Stay Night) and I have all of those series you talked about in my Crunchyroll queue waiting to get watched once I get a chance.

The Madoka movies are definitely on my PTW list although I'm not sure when I'll fit them in (as mentioned before lol).

An hour drive with traffic isn't all that bad, especially since (and I don't know this from firsthand experience) California traffic is supposed to be crazy.
Faust721 Sep 26, 2014 10:46 PM
I'm rooting for you. Though I'm still salty as heck lol xD
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