All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 47.0
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed118
- On-Hold28
- Dropped23
- Plan to Watch147
- Total Entries321
- Rewatched12
- Episodes2,782
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 49.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries233
- Reread0
- Chapters8,939
- Volumes972
All Comments (17) Comments
Kuroko S2 is pretty good. I really enjoyed the Aomine game and it is probably my favourite game in the series, alongside the game in S3. Aomine is by far my favourite character from the show, such an excellent antagonist that presents the idea of "the curse of the strong" the best out of the Generation of Miracles. I do have issues with the the season though since the games are sprinkled here and there with plot contrivances and it took me out a couple of times but, other than that, it is a pretty good season. Hope you enjoy S3!
Psycho-Pass, along with Fate/Zero, are Gen Uroubuchi's masterpieces in my eyes. Psycho-Pass's exquisite writing and theme exploration really makes it a favourite and a 10/10 for me. It's so thought-provoking and "deep" (I sound pretentious, I know), the world-building is great, with a first-hand look into this dystopian society. The characters are excellent, specifically Makishima and Akane. I agree that Makishima is a GOAT and is one of my favourite antagonists in anime. His views on individualism and control and done so realistically and sometimes, I sympathised with him as did most people. Akane is just excellent, really displays the themes well and her conflict with the Sibyl System was great.
I actually haven't watched past S1 of Psycho-Pass. I heard a lot of bad things about S2 so, I thought I probably shouldn't watch it. But, the main reason I didn't really want to continue was that I felt S1 provided a complete and satisfying narrative that didn't really need continuation. Also, Gen didn't do the rest so, that kind of sucked too.
What are some of your favourite films (other than Uncut Gems and Good Time)?
(Also, sorry for the huge paragraphs)
I noticed you finished Psycho-Pass. One of my favourites so, what were your thoughts on it?