I'm just your typical guy who enjoys anime. While I was originally just a fan of the Dragon Ball franchise, since then I've expanded into new anime such as Bleach and Death Note(my second and third respectively) and am looking to enjoy more anime in the future!
I'll be reviewing every anime or manga that I've read upon completing them, meaning that I should have a DBZ review up here sooner or later. Hopefully you'll read and enjoy my analyses!
I find it important to stress that I do NOT rank movies using the same system as actual anime/manga. Rather, I base those movies on how interesting/enjoyable the plots are, their quality, and rewatchability factors. Additionally, as for my character top ten... I aim to make it so that I can find the best characters that stand out in their respective anime/manga, so while I may love, say, Hiei and Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, I have to give Kuwabara the nod because he's my current favorite character in ALL of YYH. That's why someone like Inuyasha(who I haven't seen as much as Hiei or Kurama)) is on there instead of placing Hiei or Kurama on there.
As for HOW I determine my ordering of my top ten characters, I have recently decided on a small system so as to rank them. Basically, what I do is assess the characters on my list with five grades that determine their standing on this list(do note, however, that Mikasa, Inuyasha, and Zoro have not received any of these grades yet simply because I'm not far enough to judge them. Additionally, this list is being reworked as you read this to accommodate this new system).
Characterization: Focuses on the character's progression and evolution throughout the narrative. Blatantly static characters are exempt from this particular definition, however, and they instead receive an assessment of 'consistency'(which is whether or not their material eventually grows old and stale).
Appealability: This particular grade demonstrates my assessment of how this character appeals to several types of audiences and how much I was originally drawn to the character to begin with.
Personal Enjoyment: How much I enjoyed the character personally. This particular grade is based off nothing more than my general interest in a character, and even if the character is utilized poorly in a storyline, (s)he can still receive a good marking here.
Utilization: How well the character is utilized within a storyline. Any character progression, power-ups, and various other dynamics are taken into account for this. This particular grade isn't necessarily intertwined with development, however, as it has to do with not only the character but also his/her various roles in the story.
Impact: Overall, what will I remember of this character? Did the author's intended purpose of including him/her reach me correctly? Did this character become someone that I look up to in some way or have some trait that I would desire to attain? Is this a character that will stand out among his/her fellow co-stars?
In any case, I hope to evolve as an anime watcher and eventually watch all the programs that look enticing, and hopefully you'll check out what I have to say and think!
Hope you enjoy perusing my profile!
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