All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 165.8
Mean Score:
- Watching8
- Completed351
- On-Hold0
- Dropped124
- Plan to Watch351
- Total Entries834
- Rewatched34
- Episodes9,932
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 285.7
Mean Score:
- Reading275
- Completed326
- On-Hold4
- Dropped529
- Plan to Read743
- Total Entries1,877
- Reread21
- Chapters40,951
- Volumes2,201
All Comments (3) Comments
I saw you were in chapter 62, further into the current arc they explain why brimhats' ink is so strong and dangerous and justify why not to use magic in someone's body. I gave it a 2nd read recently and got a much better understanding of the overall picture, if you feel like it, give it a second chance when the anime releases (hoping its well adapted xD)