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Days: 86.8
Mean Score: 6.31
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
Mar 9, 6:00 PM
Watching 9/26 · Scored -
Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e
Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e
Feb 16, 3:33 PM
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Feb 16, 2:52 PM
Watching 8/74 · Scored -
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Days: 5.8
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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Nov 12, 2024 3:21 PM
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Oyasumi Punpun
Oyasumi Punpun
Feb 7, 2017 5:00 AM
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Domestic na Kanojo
Domestic na Kanojo
Feb 5, 2017 10:50 AM
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fausifahrial Jun 20, 2024 10:31 PM
Happy birthday! :)
YayakoChii Feb 7, 2019 11:11 AM
I feel the same way. Two years ago the cashier asked for my identity card because they didnt believe I am more than 18 years old. I were 26. XD And I really dont feel as a 28 years, more like 22 like you. :D

Good luck. Dont forget to tell me how you liked it. :D

Sometimes I update them, sometimes I wait about 2-3 months then update them. I love all of the Challenges. I remember that the first challenges which I completed were the Scavenger Hunts. Its interesting, and I like searching. :D

Oh, I'm glad. :) Then you liked at least one of them. :D It aired last year so its a new anime. :D

YayakoChii Feb 5, 2019 11:55 AM
You know what? I am joining this procedure. Before we could reach 30 we will starting to get younger. :D (At least in heart. XD)

I cant laugh at old people. Sorry. :D XD I have never been a picky one. I watch almost anything except horrors, and I kindly give the scores too. Mostly from 5 to 10, if something is fewer then that was really bad. I dont know too much about the shoujo ai genre but good luck. :)

Ah, I'm very curious. And afraid, because I think you wont love them. I have been thinking very much about what should I recommend. Maybe I should have just go with the 5 most popular: Junjou Romantica, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Super Lovers, Hitorijime my Hero and Love Stage!. And I just noticed that you have already seen Yami no Matsuei,

I'm not sure how I am doing, at least I am working hard on them. :D Although now the Official MAL 2019 Challenge is more important. Do you participate in this one too? And how are you doing with them? I joined in 2018, March to the club, so soon it will be my first anniversary. :D You?
YayakoChii Feb 5, 2019 10:40 AM
Ah, yes, then you are really ancient I think. :D :D

There was a long period when I havent watched BL things either, but something bring me back for them. I watched only a few yuri so far, I dont have any problem with them but it just feels average to me.

Hm, if I consider your personality... Not as if I know you, but what I saw so far... I would recommend Yami no Matsuei or Ling Qi (I havent watched either one yet but I know the storyline). In fact I wanted to suggest No.6 but somehow it got out of the shounen ai genre even though its definitely one. If you want a little shorter then Doukyuusei (Movie) or Hybrid Child (maybe... really really maybe) can be a good choice.

Go on! :D
YayakoChii Feb 4, 2019 1:41 PM
Ah, I know aarinfantasy. In fact I was very active maybe... hmm around 10 years ago. Yepp, I'm sooo old. :D Nowadays I dont use it mostly because there isnt coming any new yaoi out. For mangas I use Yaoi Otaku. I cant understand japanese, but sometimes I just cant wait for the english version, so I read the raws. Or I should say watch the pictures. XD

Ah, no problem. You can use me. Hmm, it sounds really badly I think. XD XD
Hataraku Saibou is really very interesting. I'm not sure if you will like it or not.
YayakoChii Feb 4, 2019 1:19 PM
I know that you didnt mean it in a bad way. :) And yeah, BL is a good thing. I met some very kind people thanks to this.
YayakoChii Feb 4, 2019 6:19 AM
Thanks for accepting it. :)
Well, there is one thing which each of us watching and that is BL. So I thought why not? Its good to meet people who are different from us.
Deylia Mar 12, 2017 5:42 PM
Agreed. Sometimes I just wanna freeze time for a couple years and watch all the anime in the world, but if that happens what will I when I get older .-.
Deylia Mar 9, 2017 4:39 PM
I watched a episode of anime when I was around six, but now I'm finally getting back into it. Now the addiction has me captive :3
Deylia Mar 8, 2017 4:39 PM
Hello o' great Succhan <(dont ask)
I actually found you from a thread (is that what people call it now a days?), and decided that you would be the perfect target for my next friend-attack.
AestheticOnion Feb 6, 2017 2:38 AM
Da, Utena je definitivno jedan od najboljih naslova na koje sam naleteo. Mada ja ne bih mogao re-watchivatim pogotovo ne svih 39 epizoda, meni bude i problem i da gledam običan film dvaput :P

Vidim da si fan psiholoških crtaća, ali ne zmam voliš li više neki dobar mozgojeb, ili neki muh symbolism...
Ako je do ovog prvog, svakako gledaj Shinsekai yori, i nastavi sa gledanjem Kara no Kyoukai-a
A ako je ovo drugo, onda verovatno Texhnolyze. I usput pogledaj i Mawaru Penguindrum ako dosad nisi. Pisao je isti lik koji je pisao Utenu, mada mislim da nije toliko dobar...
Javljaj utiske u svakom slučaju :D
AestheticOnion Feb 5, 2017 10:08 PM
Haha, domaći smo bre :D

Ja te nađoh preko par prijatelja, pa vidoh Utenu u favoritima reko moram te dodati :D
corwinr Feb 1, 2017 4:57 AM
Kako ti se dopao Rose of Versailles na kraju? Ako imaš withdrawal, možeš naredno pogledati Onii-sama e, to i RoV su serije koje su najviše inspirisale Ikuharu i njegove saradnike za rad na Uteni. Zanimljivo je da je isti i manga autor, Ikeda Riyoko, tako da bi ti mnogi likovi delovali poznato. Ovo uopšte nije Oscar, haha.

Titani su meni bili solidni, štaviše, više sam uživao nego u dosta novijih shounena, haha. Serija me je dovoljno zainteresovala da krenem i mangu da čitam. Mislim da sam od likova najviše Levija zgotivio, i naravno, Sašu, nasmeje me uvek. Nadam se da će druga sezona animea imati nešto bolji pacing, pošto je prva bila dosta razvučena, ali verujem su delom bili i primorani na to, zato što im je nedostajalo materijala za adaptaciju.

Generalno za preporuke, šta znam, mogla bi Mushishi da pogledaš, vidim da ti je na PTW listi. Natsume Yuujinchou je isto dobra franšiza, jedino što te može odbiti kod ta dva naslova je ako ne voliš duhove i sl. natprirodna stvorenja, ali sem toga, toplo preporučujem oba naslova. Ako voliš samuraje i istorijske naslove, Saraiya Goyou je kratak i dobar. Pošto ti se Lain dopao, možeš pogledati Texnolyze i Haibane Renmei, dosta su slični u pogledu pojedinih motiva, čak donekle i u atmosferi. Sem toga, ako ti se nešto drugo gleda, ili tražiš nešto specifično za preporuku, pitaj slobodno, haha.
VXO Jan 30, 2017 11:38 PM
Haha I love Rem as well. I didn't even finish it all yet. I've been meaning to, but I don't even want t finish it. It's definitely overrated. I've been meaning to watch Shoujo Kakumei Utena, but the whole thing about her being a guy kind of set me off and I actually just watched clips of it. During the end, her friend sort of betrays her and I guess I liked that part. I've just finished watching Death Note and it was great. I just hated the fact that they had to kill off L :( but nonetheless, it was an excellent anime that didn't waste my time like Re:Zero did. Anyways, that's my little update ^-^
corwinr Jan 20, 2017 10:01 AM
Hoho, pozdrav! Nisam zagledao da si sa ove strane sveta, haha. Yup, Utena mi je jedan od dražih anime naslova, ima finu poruku, lepu vizuelnu stilizaciju, a likovi upečatljivi. Šta više tražiti, haha. Rose of Versailles je inače inspirisao Utenu, tako da je vrlo verovatno da će ti se dopasti.

Ja sam se odlučio da pogledam Shingeki no Kyojin sa tvoje liste, taman da se spremim za drugu sezonu ove godine, haha.
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