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Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Sep 30, 2010 9:46 PM
Watching 11/25 · Scored 10
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Sep 30, 2010 9:34 PM
Watching 11/13 · Scored 7
Kurau Phantom Memory
Kurau Phantom Memory
Sep 28, 2010 4:10 PM
On-Hold 3/24 · Scored 4
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Sep 30, 2010 9:31 PM
Completed 22/22 · Scored 8
Sep 30, 2010 9:29 PM
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Shinseiki Evangelion
Shinseiki Evangelion
Sep 29, 2010 6:11 PM
Reading 76/97 · Scored 8

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japonecka Sep 29, 2010 2:09 PM
Wow, the second half of my message disappeared?! Sometimes I´m thinking of destroying MAL.

Yes my pic is from Pluto - amazing manga by Urasawa. It gives a feeling like Asimov´s books.

You want to be writer? Good lucky man. I guess you should read "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" by Haruki Murakami, or some esseys by Stephen King (he also often write about what it takes to be a writer).

When it comes to new Berserk anime, I would like it to be an OVA (more raw scenes) about 50 episodes long (beginning of manga, remake of old anime + more). I have doubts but I´m looking forward to it. I cannot say what kind of score I will give it. It kinda reminds me of FMA: Brotherhood, remake of old FMA anime in the way of FMA manga. It was not as good as it could be. I hope new Berserk will be based on intellectual understanding not emotional one (5 min long scene with crying main hero, etc).
I would like to see more - the teaser look pretty good.

For me the best story is "For Those of Us Who Don´t Believe in God" and "The Crow, the Girl and the Yakuza". Also "Platform" and "Because You Are Definitely a Cute Girl" rest is only mentionable. "Tanpenshu" is probably one of the best things I have read so far. Comparable with classic literature. That´s why I did not hesitate and buy it as soon as possible.
I do not know your interests so good yet, but I think you would not enjoy "All Rounder Meguru" so much.
japonecka Sep 29, 2010 1:47 PM
Hello again,
I think you mean "Solaris" by Andrei Tarkovsky, not the new one by Steven Soderbergh. Yeah I have seen the old one - very good movie, yet not the best one by A.T.

Neiru´s "runaway dream" is one of the best analysis of Griffht, but I think she is absolutely wrong with homosexuality. Griffith, imo, see Gutts as the most important person in his life - as best friend, not lover.

Childhood´s End is also pretty good song by Pink Floyd, I have also heard something Anno Hideaki listened to it while writing NGE (don´t know if it´s true).
japonecka Sep 28, 2010 4:47 AM
Btw look into band "Gogol Bordello" and manga Homunculus, if you are interested in "alternative".
japonecka Sep 28, 2010 4:43 AM
Hi there,
you are fast reader. Yes I remember that story - grotesque. Unfortunately I have not read Clark´s "Childhood´s End". I would recommend "The Name of The Rose" by U. Eco (also the movie is quite good) or try some work of Ernest Hemingway. I think he is kinda overrated, but can be enjoyable ...

When we talk about "The Cremator" I have also read the book, so I may see the ending kinda differently:
Add his other self) if you noticed he often used some excuses, he was not a frank, he often tried to "cheat himself" (this is better described in the book imo), so his other self is probably his another excuse, to recruit himself into that whole nazi business with death.
Add Ending) for me Kopfrkingl finally stop to dissimulate - abandon his life and career in funeral house. His obsession with death and ugliness reach some new level ...
I think the best quote: "Dáš si rakvičku, nebo věneček?" (it´s kinda untranslatable, yet I will try) / "Do you want patisserie (which reminds coffin) or fried cake (which reminds funeral wreath)". Juraj Herz shows us some kind of tabooed perversion. Also the camera effects "fish eye" which makes R. Hrušínský even more plump ... really a masterpiece.

About Nick Cave: I have also read his books, which are pretty depressive. Some examples of his music

Well, when you say: "I take life seriously" what do you mean? :) One of my creadits is: "Don´t take anything too seriously, though it is pretty hard". That´s pretty big part of my nihilism: I don´t care enough to be somewhat corrector of the things I see around myself. I do not want to be politician nor bearer of changes. I do not think of my ideas as high to bring; to present them.
I agree with you or Hikky - not want to believe in some kind of false (or unprooven) happy ideas. For me it´s rather I´m returning ticket to god (we are talking about htis with TheNewAkira) - to that christian / judaism / islamic ultimate being which I found pathetic. I would like to say "No, thanks". This is kinda odd discussing it here :D

My plans for future? Hm, let me think. Study. That´s all I know. About job: I really don´t know, however I will need enough money to posses books / music - you know, I need enough money to entertain myself. I´m not such extremist to don´t have plans, though I think I can anytime change them and end like some weirdo living in the czech coutry side with some cows, cats, goats and dogs; smoking cig after cig, who knows ...

I see, you have read Tanpenshu, what do you think about it? I gave it 10/10. Masterpiece for me.

About new Berserk anime: I have doubts, yet I´m glad someone really try to make this. I hope Susumu Hirasawa will make OST.
japonecka Sep 27, 2010 2:46 AM
you are some friend of TheNewAkira, or you just happen to see our discussion?
I have accepted your friend request. You know I don´t accept it, when I think something like: "Wait ... who is this guy? We never talked about anything, we don´t share anything (usually Naruto, Bleach and Dragon Ball in favourites and 5329 friends)" It´s unfortunate that these guys don´t at least read my warning about friend requests.

I started to read literature since childhood, books like: "the Lord of The Rings", "Harry Potter" etc. I started with more serious books by G. Green at the end of elementary school. However I too spent many days and months just chatting with friends and I don´t regret it. If I would like books and films I like now, when I was 15, I would be quite a freak :) . In High School I happen to have nice teacher who familiarize me with many authors. Nowadays I (maybe unfortunately) don´t have many times, and read more manga than normal literature.

Berserk was surprise for me - something so dark yet beautiful and touching. It is definitely one of the most influental manga for me. However I don´t like how Miura continues nowadays. I guess best Berserk (worth of 11/10 here on MAL) = 1.-20. volume. I see you like Griffith :) I was really hypnotized by his character - magnificent and sophisticated. I´m looking forward to what kind of kingdom he will create. If it will be heaven or hell.

Ah "The Cremator" - nice movie. I like it pretty much. It´s sad, there are not so many good Czech films.
"The Stranger" is pretty good. I love the last part, when he talks with priest about redemption etc. I´m looking forward to hear your opinion on this ... I want to read more Camus works like "The Myth of Sisyphus ".
You have some very good bands in your list: "The Pogues", "Genesis", "The Mars Volta" or "U2" nowadays I listen to kinda strange music, often unmelodical. However look at "Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds" - I think you won´t be disappointed with it ...

If you want to see true nihilism, look at this - :))

Please pardon my imperfect English ...
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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