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valkyrus Dec 27, 2019 11:08 AM
i mean i'll still watch it even though i'm not expecting that much from it. this is pretty much like when people saw zexal for the first time but difference is that zexal actually looked like a yugioh show but sevens literally looks like a buddyfight ripoff.
valkyrus Dec 26, 2019 12:39 PM
yeah, the card game news was great but it's just a shame about the anime.
valkyrus Dec 26, 2019 12:00 PM
the new master rule was actually well received, during the stream where they showed the new series, the announcement for "master rule 5" was heavily cheered but when they showed the trailer for the new show, the crowd was dead. links before this change restricted synchros/Xyz/fusions from being summoned more than 1 time and people were mad about that, so konami decided to undo the restrictions to make people happy and that worked out great. also link monsters will still be used because the method is still the most generic and easy to use so it's not gonna die out.

hopefully in the next series, konami/nas can find themselves a good studio that can return to the old art.
valkyrus Dec 26, 2019 11:29 AM
studio galop won't be doing yugioh anymore so future spinoffs won't look like the older shows.
they already revealed the new cards and they look like hearthstone cards. also why do you find the new master rule irritating ?
valkyrus Dec 26, 2019 11:09 AM
i'm doing alright, how about you ?
also not digging the new series because they ditched takahashi's art but i'll still give it a shot.
valkyrus Dec 25, 2019 1:35 PM
merry christmas fam.
valkyrus Mar 3, 2019 12:00 PM
ygopro used to have an ai for testing but it's gone now. you can open ygopro twice, host and play against yourself to practice combos or decks.
don't jump the gun though, when i cameback i had no idea what a synchro/xyz/pendulum was, so i started to watch 5ds then zexal and learned how things like xyz materials/rank ups/overlaying/double tunning/accel synchro work. this basic casual knowledge actually helps a lot.
yugioh is a fast-paced game, Konami tried to slow it down many times but it's just impossible for this game to not be fast. it's not like the other card games, where there's stuff like mana cost to stop you from overextending, even the watered down version of the game (duel links) that started off slow is now fast.
if you want to play I'm down anytime.
valkyrus Mar 3, 2019 3:23 AM
i started playing like everybody else, back in like elementary/high school, after that i fell out of the loop because of school and daily life, got back when i learned that there's a new anime for Yugioh in 2014 which was arc v, a show that had a lot of promise to be the best gen but they messed it up midway through the anime. and no it's not hard getting accustomed to the new rules, you just gotta mess around playing online and you'll get it in no time.
valkyrus Mar 2, 2019 7:15 PM
they didn't play by the rules because the movie had a special mechanic to it called Dimension Summoning, i don't remember much about it but it worked like this, pay life points, summon monsters, this was never used in the real game or the original DM.
yeah i remember hearing about how people went to see pyramid of light, to get the free cards they were giving, then found out they can't summon it.konami marketing can be questionable sometimes.
valkyrus Mar 2, 2019 10:47 AM
i got back to playing the game when arc v was airing, pendulums at first didn't actually see that much play, the mechanic became a problem in 2016, but got nerfed when they made links.

my only beef with a dark side of dimensions is the villain and the fact that even in 2016 they still didn't play the card game correctly. this is one of the many reasons why i can't go back and rewatch DM, aside from that it was great.

pyramid of light is ok, best thing about it was shining dragon, cool card but hard to summon, Konami has been making retains of old cards since vrains started, so maybe sometime in the future shining will get some modern day Version, it would look even cooler with today's art.
4kids did a lot of bad things to Yugioh but you gotta give them credit for giving dm a good dub even though it's butchered and Hyperdrive.
valkyrus Mar 1, 2019 1:12 PM
misty her brother and carly died in normal ways compared to other characters, if i remember correctly, bomber got hanged, and Kiryu got killed in prison,all of these are messed up, but dark themes have always been part of Yugioh, since like it's creation, even the most kid-friendly versions of Yugioh aka zexal/arc v had messed up events happen in them.

not all skills are the same in vrains, some duelists have a different type of skills, they don't necessarily have to revolve around getting a random monster.

arc v introduces pendulum monsters, these act as both monsters and spells, halfway through the anime the protagonist finds a way to mix them with other methods of summoning to create hybrid cards like synchro/pendulum/fusion/tuner etc, it's complicated stuff but not as complicated as you may think.

i watched bonds beyond time around the time when aporia showed up, i think watching it before you go above 140+ episodes is the correct time. this movie is somewhat cannon to 5d's, you get to see paradox being sent to the past to a time when he can kill Pegasus, i think zone talked about this or referenced this at some point, i only rate it high because i got to see Atem and Jaden in 3d, it's an ok movie, but the best movie for yugioh is dark side of dimensions, it's the latest movie and with great animation.

also only streaming website that i watch from is kissanime.
valkyrus Feb 26, 2019 10:24 AM
the original plan was to make an Arcadia Movement arc, after the dark signer arc ended to develop Aki more, and see more of her past after the scandal emerged, they changed it to Iliaster, it would have been nice to see that arc but i guess the replacement was just as good.
the whole cheating thing is regarded as ass pulls, sometimes it's vaguely explained but for the most part it's just the writers looking for a way to finish duels that got overcomplicated, they have been trying to explain these things in the newer gens in a better way though, for instance in Vrains there's skills, what these things do, is when your lp is below 1000, you can create a data storm and get a random monster out of it to help you turn the duel around, its still bs but i guess it's better than"believe in the heart of the cards".

arc v is when the card game becomes a bit complicated, in the show they use all the summoning methods which is one of the best things about arc v because the other spinoffs tend to stick to one summoning method.
5d's was complicated for a lot of people, if you managed to watch 5d's you should be fine with the later gens.
valkyrus Feb 25, 2019 4:37 PM
usually, people don't give spinoffs like 5d's a chance because they see gimmicks like the"card game on motorcycles" to be a bad thing. when in reality it's not, at first it's weird to get used to, but after a while, it becomes the norm, the strongest selling point for 5d's is the soundtrack imo, i was totally blown away with how much intensity the sounds added to the duels. character wise, not a fan of how Aki/Leo/Luna got sidelined for crow, I don't hate crow and understand why they did it, but it's still a shame that they wasted all that hype behind Aki. also don't quite like how Yusei turned into a Gary Stu, he always carries the team and wins even during the most impossible times like that 1 team unicorn duel, and worst of all they didn't develop him much.minor characters like Carly Yeager were always fun to watch,Yeager for instance always reminded me of Chronos,both seem unlikeable at the start but after a while they grow on you, his banters with jack about the cup ramen noodles were hilarious. i would like to also point out that 5d's had a lot of backstage problems, Carly's VA was in a cult and that became a huge scandal so the script had to be rewritten after the dark signer arc, and Konami had to distance itself from cult-like stroylines, Iliaster was not even the original plan, this lead to Carly being sidelined and that killed the whole jack/ Carly relationship which was sad, if not for these issues i feel like the show would have been a 10/10. and I agree the whole bonds/friendship thing are cliches but unfortunately these things are a staple when it comes to Yugioh, 5d's could have reversed that though because it was so different from the other shows,they had a much older cast, more mature atmosphere, and somewhat realistic setting like the Satellite new domino city connection, they could have done without the usual bonds and friendship.
I would recommend Zexal and arc v, even if you don't know much about modern TCG, each spinoff teaches basic things like new summoning methods, so you can just learn the new rules and playstyle while watching, you don't have to play the card game to know, although it does help, arc v starts well, it struggles midway through the show and even in the end, Zexal starts slow and little bit boring, but once you get to Zexal 2, the show becomes very entertaining to watch, as for Vrains the (current gen), I'm not much of a fan of it myself, a lot of people compare it to 5d's because they both have weird gimmicks, there's also references to 5d's in it, but it's not as good or entertaining as 5d's and suffers from safe writing and that makes it boring to me, so i wouldn't recommend Vrains but if you are willing to watch the futuristic shows might as well give Vrains a look sometimes.
valkyrus Feb 25, 2019 9:24 AM
not a duelist anymore ? o well
when i was watching 5d's i had alot of fun even in it's weak points (fillers) so i'm glad you had fun reading my comments but what's your take on 5d's anyway and are you interested in watching the more futuristic spinoffs like arc v or zexal ?
valkyrus Feb 24, 2019 10:29 PM
Hello fellow duelist sorry for the late accept btw
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