“Do not consider yourself deprived because your dreams were not fulfilled; the truly deprived have never dreamed.”
― Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”
― Audrey Hepburn
“The dreams we are chasing and the reality that is chasing us are always parallel; they never meet.”
― Ai Yazawa, Nana
“I always thought that life was about standing your ground, no matter how strong the current was. But going with the flow isn't so bad after all. As long as it takes you forward.”
― Ai Yazawa, Nana
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.”
― Oscar Wilde
“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”
― Oscar Wilde
“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”
― Oscar Wilde
“Tell me who admires and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Believe you can and you're halfway there.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
*Note: The above quotes express my opinions about dreams, life and generally everything they refer to. Some contradict others and some may even tell you stuff about myself. For more information feel free to send a pm or a comment or even a friend request. Why not? I never deny those.
That's all folks!*
All Comments (137) Comments
También me encanta Ai Yazawa, lastima que siento que nunca veremos algo más de ella. :(
I send you a pm with the links. Hope you can read it.
I read Orpheus no Mado in spanish but idk why any scanlating english group never translated it. Such a beautiful manga.
What's up? ^-^)
Hahahahaha, mhn anhsuxeis, den exw kanena 8ema, ma kanena 8ema me argoporhmenes apanthseis. To mono pou kaneis einai na mh niw8w enoxh an egw arghsw, opote tairiazoume!
Sugxarhthria gia thn e3etastikh :D Toulaxiston ola phgan kala! Elpizw na thn paleueis kalutera twra.
Hahahaha, de mas 8eloun oi upologistes, blepw? Siga siga ephreazoume tous pantes gurw mas. H kollhth mou anagkasthke na kanei format prin liges bdomades epeidh kollage apisteuta kai en telei, ths ebgale kai blue screen of death. Kai to anemisthraki mou de ftiaxthke, alla ema8a na to agnow oso mporw. To kako einai otan eimai se skype call kai akougetai h blakeia sta atoma pou milaw kai tous enoxlei karga, enw egw mallon epa8a anosia kai den to niw8w pia toso. Kapoia mera 8a parw neo laptop T^T
Np :D De blepw polla pragmata apo auth, olws parado3ws, alla einai kaluterh saizon apo tis teleutaies pou eixame. Ektos apo sequel klp, susthnw Arslan Senki (pou einai novel apo auton pou egrapse to Legend of Galactic Heroes -ean exeis akousta- kai pou to kanei manga adaptation auth pou egrapse to FMA, opote 3eroume oti pame se kati poiotiko. Kai sta 4 epeisodia pou exoun bgei einai pragmati mia seira agaph <3) kai Ore Monogatari!! pou einai romance shoujo alla 3efeugei apo thn kentrikh idea ths kathgorias (dld, den exei pretty girl kai pretty boy h popular girl/boy san main character. Exei enan pio axaro main) ki enw, fusika, exei ta apeira klise tou, einai polu warm kai xouxouliariko. Mporeis na koita3eis kai Kekkai Sensen, ean 8es ena pio kagkouriko anime xwris kentriko story alla wraio animation me periergous xarakthres kai randomies.
Elpizw na breis xrono na deis tpt :3 Epishs, molis eida oti eixes x8es gene8lia, ohhhhhhhhhh!!!! XRONIA POLLA! NA ZHSEIS, NA TA EKATOSTHSEIS KI O,TI EPI8YMEIS <: Sou euxomai na exeis parapanw eleu8ero xrono gia sena :DD
Εγω εδω αθηνα έμεινα ....και στη τελική ετρεχα με διαφορα...ενα 4ημερο αραξα ουσιαστικα μονο Τ.Τ
Απο άνιμε ξεκινησα arslan senki και shokugeki απτα καινουρια...και φυσικα την επιστροφή του gintama <3
Και τωρα αναμενουμε πως και πως με μια δοση αγχους το comicdom-con. (Θα είμαι στα fanzine) :)
Εσύ τι λέει? ξεκίνησες τπτ καινουριο απο άνιμε?
ΥΓ: Τι λέει η Μονεμβασιά; Αξίζει σαν μέρος;
Asano Inio writes some of my favorite stuff, he gets slice of life/realistic perfectly, leaving such a raw feeling
You've got some really inspirational quotes there <3
You've got a great selection of favorites btw~
Καλά εδώ οικογενειακά τα πέρασα.. ήρεμα και χαλαρά. Εσύ;
Τα καινούρια anime που βγαίνουν, δεν πιστεύω ότι είναι και κάτι της προκοπής... παλιά βλέπω... το Berserk βλέπω που μου φαίνεται καλό, το Speed Grapher καθώς και το Steins; Gate... Από manga, άρχισα το Battle Royale.... Άρχισε και το Yamada-kun με τις 7 μάγισσες... και καλά το πάει γιατί διαβάζω και το manga...
YΓ: Αν ξέρεις κανένα καλό μάνγκα, ρίξ' το :P