All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 140.8
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed450
- On-Hold15
- Dropped33
- Plan to Watch90
- Total Entries614
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,577
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 67.3
Mean Score:
- Reading186
- Completed1,019
- On-Hold32
- Dropped37
- Plan to Read111
- Total Entries1,385
- Reread0
- Chapters11,716
- Volumes1,346
All Comments (34) Comments
welcome sweeti =)
yeahhhh me 2 , I Can't Wait ♥_♥
Thanx =$
ahaha yes! i LOVE them! <3
hmm.. i don't think ALL girls do =3
(i always see forum topics on MAL about a particular series.. and sometimes, they're .. uh.. complaints and disappointement threads ..)
ooohh thank you!! x"""D i'm not really good at it that much though. i need more practice! =D
Yeah I really enjoyed watching idolmaster, and Makoto is my favorite character :D
Yes!!! They are over!! yaaay! Haha well I'm glad it went well! It's so nice not to have to stress over exams for a little while again x3
Ah! Math is not my best subject either! O_o I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I'm still waiting for my results, should be in this week o_O
I still hate Mio with an absolute passion but as it says on my list, I can tolerate Ritsu and Asuza. Also the 2nd ED is really really good.
Wanko is ok, it's nothing special and will be the next thing I probably write a blog entry on. There is a bit of a lack of endings, only 2 routes is a bit of a letdown if you ask me.
Havent played any Yuri games though I'm not sure if it would interest me too much in all honesty.
Unfortunately nothing else on the VN front has really jumped out at me lately and it really needs to I think. I need something new to play at the moment.
Been finishing more anime than spending time on VN's lately but I just need my motivation back for it I guess.
I dont mind getting bothered, not had too many people chatting on meh profile lately. =(
Gonna go back and get the individual girls' routes over the next day or say. Should be finished in about 2 or 3 days and I'll try and get a blog review up for it shortly after that.
The walkthrough is complicated as you can only choose one character's H-Scene. If you pick Sachi's it closes off all other potential H-Scenes later. I never knew that so I had to hold the ctrl key through Sachi's route again after turning her down so I could get Touka's. At least I have a save point just before the choice on Touka's so I can get Natsumi's and the other couple after that if need be.
Add to the fact I'm back on an anime kick as this season on the whole is pretty good and I've watched a couple of really good full series lately (Dance in the Vampire Bund is the best example at the moment) I've just not had so much time for it.
I'll get back to it soon though, probably in the next day or two as I want the harem ending as the game actually has one lol. Til then though I'll be on anime and MW3 as I've been getting really decent on that lately lol =)
Yes! IKR! worst feeling when they begin but the relief when it's over is almost heavenly! bwahaha! well somewhat >_>' lol
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ *feel like this* haha! My brain is dead!
Yes! it is normal! I live, eat, breath! anime/manga! I can't go too long without it! *twitch* I've hardly begun and I've already reached my limit ...
Yes! I will definitely let you know! xD and same to you! Would love have ya visit! xP
I work as a shop sales assisstant in the shopping mall lol. It's honest not that great working. I only started working in highschool because I had to.
Yayy good luck for your final exams, I am sure you will pass them and bring me back the good news.
Math is easy! Calculator will help you pass!!!
I went to the movies yesterday and saw Hunger Games, Gawd it was fucken horrible
Sharin no Kuni has been ok so far, it's no G-Senjou though, however I havent gotten beyond getting the obligations off the heroines yet so it may get alot better.
Living here is not so "awesome" to me, since ..well ...I live here! heh! but you feel the same about Germany! hahaha well if you ever get the chance! ZA is great to visit! I think i'd still love to visit Germany! am I weird for that? :O lol