I imagine you're referring to the original series.
I saw Macross quite a few years ago, in my "Mecha" era.
It was a pretty good series, with a good beginning and a strange development, but with a lot of action. The end is more memorable because there is the possibility of developing it much more.
I always say that when it comes to rating a series, a person has to do it personally, it doesn't matter if the rest of the world thinks it's a work of art, if you don't like it, then you don't like it, since we don't all have the same tastes, just like the days are not all the same, if I were wrong we would all fall in love with the same person!
You have a great day!!
I'm currently watching the 4th season of Strike the Blood, Fruits Basket and 07 Ghost. All of them are good, I like them, but I'll finish them soon, so I'm searching what to watch next.
Do you like reading manga?
I really loved Tsukasa's character development, and "he" was like more mysterious throughout the whole series. I really do like Mimiru as well, she is also a fav from that anime tho.
What about you? Do you like Mimiru more?
Я видел только Girls & Panzer Movie и мне было тяжело его смотреть до конца - я думал что будет мясо типа Цикад учитывая какими снарядами они друг в друга шмаляют. Чтобы посоветовать мне нужно понять что тебе понравилось в аниме типа Girls und Panzer??? Strike Witches наверное подойдет - да и в рекомендациям к девушкам-танкисткам оно есть. В рекомендациях к Girls & Panzer стоит на первом месте аниме High School Fleet - стоит посмотреть пару первых серий. Ассоциаций с девушками-самолетами или машинами у меня нет пока что - может что вспомниться.
All Comments (47) Comments
I imagine you're referring to the original series.
I saw Macross quite a few years ago, in my "Mecha" era.
It was a pretty good series, with a good beginning and a strange development, but with a lot of action. The end is more memorable because there is the possibility of developing it much more.
I always say that when it comes to rating a series, a person has to do it personally, it doesn't matter if the rest of the world thinks it's a work of art, if you don't like it, then you don't like it, since we don't all have the same tastes, just like the days are not all the same, if I were wrong we would all fall in love with the same person!
You have a great day!!
А ты? Дарэчы як маешся?
Do you like reading manga?
Do you watch/read something you really love now?
What about you? Do you like Mimiru more?