-Hello, my name is Angelos (literally means angel) and I'm living in a town near Athens, the capital of Greece.
I live in a coastal town, full of green, so I'm spending my time at the beach and the sea the most of the year(even winter).
-I'm a beach rackets player, I'm actually pretty good and many pros believe that I have a bright future in this sport. Hopefully, in the near future, I will become a great and acknowledged player.
I like to walk a lot, I feel full of health when I'm walking. I like sports generally, good food, good drinks and animals. I like music, but I don't have a specific taste. I'm listening to different kinds of music, from blues and jazz to hip-hop and rap, rock, rock ballads and metal, and a few rnb, pop and kpop. I think the last 2 and a half years, blues is my favorite. I like anime/manga too, that's why I'm here :)
I don't like liers, hypocrites, pseudo-intellectuals, boring and repetitive situations like routine(generally, I hate repetition in my life,including repetition in words, conversations and discussions). And I hate the fuss, commotion and nuisance.
-I'm a little bit introvert , I like to spending time alone and I prefer to listen the others than talk(fun fact:I'm trying to spend time alone but ppl around me don't let me in peace). I'm talking when I have something to say, not when I don't have anything to share and just want attention, neither when I want to show that I exist. I'm self-aware and I prefer quiet, peace. But, tbh, I have some traits from extroversion and that makes me an ambivert? Maybe, I don't know..... But for sure, I prefer introversion.
-I watched anime, like the most of us, as a kid in television. Obviously, I didn't know anything about anime and Japanese culture. But I was lucky and as a kid I learned some things and a few ppl older than me, from my family circle, learned me a few things about anime. I was lucky enough to watch anime in video tapes, VHS. Don't ask me what was my first anime, if it wasn't pokemon or dragon ball, I have no clue.
Some years now, I prefer to follow seasonal anime.
I don't really care about scores, I'm rating because I can and it's for free. My scores, the most of the times, I think, are based on my enjoyment.
I like manga too, but I'm not discussing about manga often and my list is incomplete for now, looking forward to fix it in the near future.
-U can throw a comment here or send me a message, I don't mind. But I prefer to use discord because it's easier to communicate and it's fun.
That's all, ty for reading this.
"From anime we can learn a lot of things, we can feel happy or sad, confused or relaxed, hyped or empty.
But in the end, it's just anime. It's not real and it's completely unimportant unless your livehood depends on it. Calm your titties".
Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.
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Σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα και να πετύχεις όλους τους στόχους που έχεις θέσει στη ζωή σου, έναν προς έναν! Πάντα με υγεία και χαρά along the way :)
How are you lately?
Είδα τα προηγούμενα comments μας στο mal και γέλασα... σχεδόν 10 χρόνια πριν! Το ότι δεν μπαίνω discord λόγω δουλείας σε συνδιασμένο με το ότι έχει πεθάνει και το GreekZ server έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να είμαι out of touch με σχεδόν όλους σας..
Τέλος πάντων... και πάλι πολύχρονος και ελπίζω να πάνε όλα καλά στη ζωή σου!
Καλή χρονιά με υγεία, ευτυχία και με πολλές επιτυχίες!
Τώρα παρατηρήσα ότι έχω να μπω πολύ καιρό στο MAL.
Καλά τα περνάω, πολλή δουλειά, διάβασμα και καθόλου χρόνος για σειρές και ταινίες. Τώρα στις διακοπές πρόλαβα να δω κάποια πράγματα. Πώς τα πέρασες; Τι κάνεις; Εργάζεσαι; Πήγες σε κανένα νησί διακοπές;
ΥΓ: Η ταινία νομίζω ότι βγήκε (μετά από τόσο καιρό που έχω να μπω) . Πρέπει να την είδες. Λέει;
Χαχαχαχαχα πάντα θα γυρνάμε κάποια στιγμή στα άνιμε, αυτό είναι νόμος! Ο ποιος σε χάλασε?? ΠΆΜΕ ΛΙΓΟΟΟ
Μια χαρά μου ακούγεσαι, καλύτερα από ποτέ! Ακόμα ρακέτα ε? Τρομερός. Τρομερό ακούγεται το λοβ στόρι σας. Ζήστε το, αυτού του είδους η αγάπη είναι το πιο σημαντικό πράγμα για μένα οπότε δεν έχω να πω κάτι άλλο. Από μένα είναι μεγάλο ναι, εγκρίνω φουλ χαχαχαχαχαχ <3 <3 <3
Εμένα από καινούργια αυτής της σεζόν μου αρέσει μόνο το Human Bug Daigaku, αλλά ξέρεις πώς είμαι εγώ, αυστηρός και περίεργος :ρ :ρ