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Days: 17.4
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- Total Entries115
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- Chapters2,043
- Volumes347
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All Comments (4) Comments
And speaking of genre specific stuff, I can kind of give you a rundown (or refer you to someone with more detailed knowledge) on most of the go-to shows for each genre even if I haven't personally watched all of them.
Oh, and lastly, since there need to be more sakuga fans in the world... Check this out and let me know if you would be interested in more.
Friending is mostly for social purposes. The main benefit in terms of utility is being able to look at stats pages for specific database entries (example) since it will list the scores all of your friends have given an anime. I've personally compiled a huge list of anime to watch using friend data and such.
The main reason I note what I do about friending on my profile is more personal preference; I don't tend to like my friend list being cluttered up with people I'm unfamiliar with. If you're looking for recs, though, that's cool with me. I've friend req'ed people in the past for the same reason.
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