Late reply again lol, how was your week? Its been raining constantly here, its getting depressing lol
Haha thanks, i guess i do have a diverse taste. The only bands i seen live was matt and kim and crystal castles. Although crystal castles was more of a rave than a concert, i was disoriented and confused half the time but i still enjoyed it lol
Wow that suks about your droid 2. I have yet to break a phone, but i have lost a ton so i guess that evens out somehow >_>
So you reached the climax of psycho pass, makishima is pure genius. I like the idea of the helmets and how everybody goes crazy when their idea of safety is shattered. Have you seen the true apperance of the sibyl system? Its pretty messed up lol
Sorry for the late reply, i been soo busy this week. I am stuck in traffic in the city right now while its raining ugh!
Well i am also all over the place, i listen to everything when i am in the mood. My favorite bands are Matt And Kim, wolfmother, the white stripes and fastbacks. I also like flo rida, lupe fiasco and when i am in the mood i listen to crystal castles and daft punk lol
Yeah archery can be relaxing and nothing beats the feeling of hitting your target. I do miss my kung fu, i saw some amazing stuff in there. There was this one time when one of the monks did a triple flip in the air like it was nothing, its like they can defy gravity lol
Whhaat your internet is down! That sucks :( hopefully you can use your phone or something. I finally got a new phone, i can finally enjoy some interwebz in my cell lol its a nokia n9 what kind of cellphone you have?
I am almost finish watching psycho-pass but i got sidetracked watching Game of Thrones lol i started watching it out of whim and its preety good. Have you heard of it?
Wow you serious? That's so cool. I don't really listen to them that much but I think they are going to sound way better live, I bet its going to be amazing. I hope you get a good spot to see them. What other bands/music do you listen to?
I also work two places over the summer, but I am going to try and get back to my archery classes cause I still kinda suck lol I used to go to kung fu classes over the summer but I guess last summer the monks decided to tear down the temple lol. I decided not to continue cause their other temple is in Chinatown in the city and that place is hectic and I am too lazy to go all the way over there.
Yeah I am going to try and read bakuman the maga to see what kind of stuff I missed. You're right psycho pass is really getting good, especially after episode 15 everything starts to get more interesting. i especially like how the the human nature of people gets realistic. it seems like things are about to go down lol
Lol, Yes its tragic. Hopefully i get around to finish final fantasy 13, i liked it because the way you level up is pretty linear and i can pass the time focusing on the story and not so much on character stats although some ppl didn't like that about the game. I am just in it for the story :D
Talking about passing time, cant believe its already May. Time flies by soo fast and now summer is coming, I feel so old already lol. So you got any plans for this summer?
I finally got around finishing Bakuman. 3. Some parts did feel like they were dragging it out like you said but overall it didnt hurt the story that much, but i guess they have to milk it out as much they can lol. idk how the manga compares but the anime really good overall specially with the nice ending. So i started watching psycho pass, It does look unique. It gives that l kind of vibe like when i watched Ergo Proxy or Witch Hunter Robin although its not as depressing or boring lol
Haha i thought the same thing but its actually pretty funny aside from some sad parts but Awww cant tell you how many tears i almost shed in that anime but if youre not really into sad then you should avoid the anime movie called grave of the fireflies like a plague >_<
I always wanted to finish an rpg game but i never could. I was close once with final fantasy 9 but i lost my memory card when i was moving between apartments, i was so sad because i already had all of my characters equipped with the things i wanted and it took me a crap load to get them. After a long time i tried final fantasy 13 but i still haven't finished either because the saved game was in my cousin ps3 and he moved away :( its all very tragic for me lol
Soo i finished watching shin sekai yori, It was an incredible ride lol It always keeps you entertained wondering what the hell is happening, and the soundtrack makes the atmosphere of the anime feel more alive, i really recommended. I am going to watch psycho pass after i am done watching Bakuman. 3
Haha well to be fair the movie UP wasn't that sad and it had a happy ending. I seen anime thats preety sad like Clannad, I mean a child dies in there and it almost made me shed manly tears but the ending was happy so it all turned out preety good.
DAmn, 100 hours!!! thats a lot for me, it have never played a game that took me that long to finish. Yeah, i get how it must be sad to finish an rpg game where you have to customize your character and finally see him succeed with your own build, its like nurturing your own baby to success lol
So how is psycho-pass, is it any good? I started watching Shinsekai yori and it looks amazing. There hasn't been a dull episode at all , it really shows that they put a lot of effort on each episode. i like how the animation subtlety changes on each episode to set the mood, its almost like i am watching a movie. Anyways excuse my Fanboying but Everything in this anime does look Freaking awesome lol
Lol, now that you told me the ending is sad it makes me wanna pick it up again...maybe when i feel like it. The series finally of breaking bad will start this summer, so that's going to be perfect timing for you ;P
No worries, I actually was Playing bio shock infinite this whole week lol. It is soo freaking good, I am so sad i finished it already. OMG The zeppelins Were amazing and you're right there is a lot death associated with them and it doesnt help that the game makes you blow them up to hell lol
A bunch anime finished this week, i cant wait to watch them all in one go. Shinsekai yori and Psycho-Pass look really good, i wanna see whats that all about. I was also waiting for bakuman 3. and robotic notes to end since both are sequels to other anime i have watched. Also Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure sounds really crazy just with the name, I don't know what the hell is going to happen there lol
I think you should give breaking bad another chance, I know the first season starts slow but trust me it starts to grab you during the second season. I actually got my mom hooked on the series, and she doesn't really like watching tv lol I have seen weeds but i stopped watching it around season 6 when they are on the run after killing that lady. does anything interesting happen after that?
Haha yeah thats true, i am actually now starting the second game lol. The the third bioshock comes out at the end of march. i cant wait because it takes place in the sky and there are Zeppelins all over the place. I am a sucker for Zeppelins, i wished i owned one :D
I know it looks amazing and hopefully its not going to disappoint. Now i will have something to look forward to after work at night lol do you have any night shifts at work? I used to watch Breaking Bad after work before i finished the whole series. Have you heard of it? I think its on the amc channel on tv.
So I been preoccupied playing bioshock and it really is a good game and i am almost finished with the end, good thing i bought the bioshock dual pack :D Its been the first game i played in a long time since finishing the last metal gear game lol
Well it sucks that you been working this whole time but At least is good you have your gamestop connections, right? There is some new anime thats coming out in April which look pretty good. I am actually looking into this one called Shingeki no Kyojin, sounds interesting. I cant believe a there is a spring season already, Time really flies by and it sucks cause it feels like i haven't accomplished anything lol :/
Thats good idea, Its a nice way to end valentines day. I think ill try out next year lol :D
Wow i Definitely need to check out the online gaming part if its got you hook in lol Yeah i know what you mean, If i didnt have anime to fill up my time i would be depressed. I Actually received my friends ps3 and i bought bioshock like three days ago but i been soo busy i havent even touched it lol Hopefully tomorrow i can get some serious gaming done lol
Yeah like i said you didnt miss much this season, the good thing is that i can start catching up to the animes i really want to see lol Hopefully you can manage to see some anime, Its easy for me since i dont have cable and its the only thing i could plug into my tv lol i personally watch it at night. I used to watch it during the daytime but there is too much distractions around my house now and i also like to do my reading and drawing during day. Plus i work so yeah, my time can get limited. I still think its awesome that you work at gamestop, do you work there like everyday? I know i wouldn't mind lol
Oh BTW happy valentines day lol Hopefully you had a day full of love and all that mushy, happy stuff lol
Haha That's cool, i can get addicted to games real easy too. That's why i tend to stray away but its too hard lol
So assassin's creed is getting interesting? I never really paid that much attention to the story, all i know is that a guy is in some sort of machine and he is dreaming all of that stuff lol
Anyways idk if you have seen any new anime that came out this season, but most of it is pure crap there are only like three animes that i would likely watch and some of those are sequels. So dont worry youre not missing anything lol
Yeah definitely interesting but it might get a little bit far fetch to believe at the end, you'll know when you watch it.
Yeah i look forward to catch you whenever you're online :)
Hey sorry for the late response, its been a hectic week. I finally have my weekends back lol :P
So How you been? Its been freaking cold here, I am still waiting for that snow though lol
Just hang on with Higurashi, You'll get it eventually trust me ;) I forgot to tell you about another creepy anime i like, Its called Ghost Hound you should definitely check it out
Cool, well ill be on Ym tommorow if you wanna chat :)
Yes i mean NYCC, I missed it last year because i had to work but i am certain that ill be going this year. You should make the trip, It will definitely be worth it :D
Hahaha so that means your poodle is always de-puffed lol This reminds of a picture i rebloged from my friends tumblr page, its someone washing their pet bunny and make it look half its size, its hilarious.
so how you liking higurashi so far, Is it getting confusing? I know i was foe awhile lol
Wow, And i thought mine Ym ID was weird lol Cool! i added you in my contacts already, I am mostly logged in the evenings.
Yeah I guess that's a good thing, I wanna save some money this year for comic con, have you ever been there? My friend says there is a crap ton of stuff to look at and they give out free stuff :D
you got a poodle? that poor dog must be an Popsicle by now hahaha wow thats crazy, it Must suck when you drift out of control into a block of ice and see your whole life flash before your eyes D:
Haha Lol I have this friend who acts like a total blonde, I once asked her if she ever traveled to another country and she said she wanted to travel to california, I told her that wasnt a country and she didnt believe me. It took her a week to figure it out. This whole time she thought Ny was the Whole USA and anything outside of it was another country XD Do you have any blonde moments??
Btw do you have Ym, Mine is whalegator, Maybe we can IM some time
well am not usually busy either but one of my coworkers is on vacation so i have to cover their shift, now am working weekends...booo lol Omg you know how to bake?! Awesome I always wanted handmade cookies xD
So how was your weekend? I bet you got to play with all that snow, We only had a lil bit of snow which quickly turned into slush, I wanted snow bad :(
Am getting more excited about the wiiu but i might wait up for a while. My friend is lending me his ps3 and i wanna finish playing bioshock, I wanna finish before the new one comes out :D
Really? Hahaha Naw, you will just look more Mature, which is a good thing cause people will take you more seriously, unlike Me :( lol
All Comments (36) Comments
Haha thanks, i guess i do have a diverse taste. The only bands i seen live was matt and kim and crystal castles. Although crystal castles was more of a rave than a concert, i was disoriented and confused half the time but i still enjoyed it lol
Wow that suks about your droid 2. I have yet to break a phone, but i have lost a ton so i guess that evens out somehow >_>
So you reached the climax of psycho pass, makishima is pure genius. I like the idea of the helmets and how everybody goes crazy when their idea of safety is shattered. Have you seen the true apperance of the sibyl system? Its pretty messed up lol
Well i am also all over the place, i listen to everything when i am in the mood. My favorite bands are Matt And Kim, wolfmother, the white stripes and fastbacks. I also like flo rida, lupe fiasco and when i am in the mood i listen to crystal castles and daft punk lol
Yeah archery can be relaxing and nothing beats the feeling of hitting your target. I do miss my kung fu, i saw some amazing stuff in there. There was this one time when one of the monks did a triple flip in the air like it was nothing, its like they can defy gravity lol
Whhaat your internet is down! That sucks :( hopefully you can use your phone or something. I finally got a new phone, i can finally enjoy some interwebz in my cell lol its a nokia n9 what kind of cellphone you have?
I am almost finish watching psycho-pass but i got sidetracked watching Game of Thrones lol i started watching it out of whim and its preety good. Have you heard of it?
I also work two places over the summer, but I am going to try and get back to my archery classes cause I still kinda suck lol I used to go to kung fu classes over the summer but I guess last summer the monks decided to tear down the temple lol. I decided not to continue cause their other temple is in Chinatown in the city and that place is hectic and I am too lazy to go all the way over there.
Yeah I am going to try and read bakuman the maga to see what kind of stuff I missed. You're right psycho pass is really getting good, especially after episode 15 everything starts to get more interesting. i especially like how the the human nature of people gets realistic. it seems like things are about to go down lol
Talking about passing time, cant believe its already May. Time flies by soo fast and now summer is coming, I feel so old already lol. So you got any plans for this summer?
I finally got around finishing Bakuman. 3. Some parts did feel like they were dragging it out like you said but overall it didnt hurt the story that much, but i guess they have to milk it out as much they can lol. idk how the manga compares but the anime really good overall specially with the nice ending. So i started watching psycho pass, It does look unique. It gives that l kind of vibe like when i watched Ergo Proxy or Witch Hunter Robin although its not as depressing or boring lol
Haha i thought the same thing but its actually pretty funny aside from some sad parts but Awww cant tell you how many tears i almost shed in that anime but if youre not really into sad then you should avoid the anime movie called grave of the fireflies like a plague >_<
Soo i finished watching shin sekai yori, It was an incredible ride lol It always keeps you entertained wondering what the hell is happening, and the soundtrack makes the atmosphere of the anime feel more alive, i really recommended. I am going to watch psycho pass after i am done watching Bakuman. 3
Haha well to be fair the movie UP wasn't that sad and it had a happy ending. I seen anime thats preety sad like Clannad, I mean a child dies in there and it almost made me shed manly tears but the ending was happy so it all turned out preety good.
So how is psycho-pass, is it any good? I started watching Shinsekai yori and it looks amazing. There hasn't been a dull episode at all , it really shows that they put a lot of effort on each episode. i like how the animation subtlety changes on each episode to set the mood, its almost like i am watching a movie. Anyways excuse my Fanboying but Everything in this anime does look Freaking awesome lol
Lol, now that you told me the ending is sad it makes me wanna pick it up again...maybe when i feel like it. The series finally of breaking bad will start this summer, so that's going to be perfect timing for you ;P
A bunch anime finished this week, i cant wait to watch them all in one go. Shinsekai yori and Psycho-Pass look really good, i wanna see whats that all about. I was also waiting for bakuman 3. and robotic notes to end since both are sequels to other anime i have watched. Also Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure sounds really crazy just with the name, I don't know what the hell is going to happen there lol
I think you should give breaking bad another chance, I know the first season starts slow but trust me it starts to grab you during the second season. I actually got my mom hooked on the series, and she doesn't really like watching tv lol I have seen weeds but i stopped watching it around season 6 when they are on the run after killing that lady. does anything interesting happen after that?
I know it looks amazing and hopefully its not going to disappoint. Now i will have something to look forward to after work at night lol do you have any night shifts at work? I used to watch Breaking Bad after work before i finished the whole series. Have you heard of it? I think its on the amc channel on tv.
Well it sucks that you been working this whole time but At least is good you have your gamestop connections, right? There is some new anime thats coming out in April which look pretty good. I am actually looking into this one called Shingeki no Kyojin, sounds interesting. I cant believe a there is a spring season already, Time really flies by and it sucks cause it feels like i haven't accomplished anything lol :/
Thats good idea, Its a nice way to end valentines day. I think ill try out next year lol :D
Yeah like i said you didnt miss much this season, the good thing is that i can start catching up to the animes i really want to see lol Hopefully you can manage to see some anime, Its easy for me since i dont have cable and its the only thing i could plug into my tv lol i personally watch it at night. I used to watch it during the daytime but there is too much distractions around my house now and i also like to do my reading and drawing during day. Plus i work so yeah, my time can get limited. I still think its awesome that you work at gamestop, do you work there like everyday? I know i wouldn't mind lol
Oh BTW happy valentines day lol Hopefully you had a day full of love and all that mushy, happy stuff lol
So assassin's creed is getting interesting? I never really paid that much attention to the story, all i know is that a guy is in some sort of machine and he is dreaming all of that stuff lol
Anyways idk if you have seen any new anime that came out this season, but most of it is pure crap there are only like three animes that i would likely watch and some of those are sequels. So dont worry youre not missing anything lol
Yeah definitely interesting but it might get a little bit far fetch to believe at the end, you'll know when you watch it.
Yeah i look forward to catch you whenever you're online :)
So How you been? Its been freaking cold here, I am still waiting for that snow though lol
Just hang on with Higurashi, You'll get it eventually trust me ;) I forgot to tell you about another creepy anime i like, Its called Ghost Hound you should definitely check it out
Cool, well ill be on Ym tommorow if you wanna chat :)
Hahaha so that means your poodle is always de-puffed lol This reminds of a picture i rebloged from my friends tumblr page, its someone washing their pet bunny and make it look half its size, its hilarious.
so how you liking higurashi so far, Is it getting confusing? I know i was foe awhile lol
Wow, And i thought mine Ym ID was weird lol Cool! i added you in my contacts already, I am mostly logged in the evenings.
you got a poodle? that poor dog must be an Popsicle by now hahaha wow thats crazy, it Must suck when you drift out of control into a block of ice and see your whole life flash before your eyes D:
Haha Lol I have this friend who acts like a total blonde, I once asked her if she ever traveled to another country and she said she wanted to travel to california, I told her that wasnt a country and she didnt believe me. It took her a week to figure it out. This whole time she thought Ny was the Whole USA and anything outside of it was another country XD Do you have any blonde moments??
Btw do you have Ym, Mine is whalegator, Maybe we can IM some time
So how was your weekend? I bet you got to play with all that snow, We only had a lil bit of snow which quickly turned into slush, I wanted snow bad :(
Am getting more excited about the wiiu but i might wait up for a while. My friend is lending me his ps3 and i wanna finish playing bioshock, I wanna finish before the new one comes out :D
Really? Hahaha Naw, you will just look more Mature, which is a good thing cause people will take you more seriously, unlike Me :( lol