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Shina Dark: Kuroki Tsuki no Ou to Souheki no Tsuki no Himegimi
May 3, 2010 2:31 PM
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All Comments (39) Comments
And have you decided on your new name yet?
I like books that are food for imagination. "The time machine" is my favorite novel of all time. It pretty much took something that I(and probably lots of people) always knew, but didn't really think about in depth. In a thousand years, life will be vastly different, but the earth will be around for billions of years, so life will change unimaginably a great number of times. So when people think "future", they think flying cars, but that would only be one of the many variations, wouldn't it? It blew my fucking mind...
And if you think about it, this great momentum only started a few hundred years ago. We're only alive during the very very beginning of it all. Kind of trippy to think about...
We got a pretty big rainstorm last week. The garage at my office actually flooded!
You know, I've always hated having long hair, but I've also been bummed that short hair looks average, but I just though of an awesome solution... Soap Mactavish hair, but shorter. xD
I'm gonna try it during winter break. For the record, I'm not doing it BECAUSE it's from MW, that's just what gave me the idea... ^^
lol, oh and I didn't tell her anything about you, I just said "some girl you don't know". So um, just thought I'd give you a heads up... please don't kill me ^^;
And yeah, I know it's early, but all the cool kids on all my forums are doing it, and peer pressure's a bitch :P
...I can't believe she finally did it, she finally drank herself to death. Damn, I really liked her too...
I made you a present :3
(It's a profile pic ^^)