All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 186.5
Mean Score:
- Watching96
- Completed710
- On-Hold29
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch372
- Total Entries1,208
- Rewatched36
- Episodes11,914
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries23
- Reread1
- Chapters2,378
- Volumes44
All Comments (5) Comments
his brother took over his VA from the 3rd on - he animated 2 seasons, maybe even 3rd, but deff a certain style and amount of thought behind each fight, things they don't even dare to animate with all the new software/tech they have today & it really shows, just look at how ruby uses her scythe in season 1 and 2, some of those moves I dont think theyve done since - If he was alive with 7 more years experience dude would be pushing the limits of animation Idk what next lvl fights rwby would have but itd be beyond epic, also you should read that page if you havn't - crazy he created rwby at I-hop on a napkin, boss gave him chance to work on his own project after season 10 of red vs blue, and never knew that it was due to a medical procedure that put him into comatose & is why he died at 33 a month later, its really sad it was suppose to be standard and he would of never known he might not wake up, 33 is young too i thought he was 37-39, Thats just sad he lost his life when he finally got to do his own thing and follow his own dreams....
Yeah after 10pm besides americandad/family guy & lots of infomercials southpark was the only thing on so ive seen alot lol - But Heres one on Goth Vs Emos lol --- and a second on on Goth Vs Vamps lmao butters becoming a vamp and the edgar allen poe thing were hilarious - but legit dont think ive seen the ep of goth kids with the super friends which is the second half of that video, cuz I dont remember any of that lol
Thats whats up on it staying loyal to the anime xD the hummingbirds are still dicks though lol, and I meant mention, when i first seen the fiery chasm that was so dope, besides first entering the abyss, that was a pretty epic sight lol - along with ice caves and a few other places on layer 3 thats been pretty cool to explore, has me amped to see the 4th layer - and third layers gotten easier but still a few shades of hell lol also I climbed all over the outside of that pirate ship for 20-30mins - finally found it inside the ship like I first thought, but its right in the middle / near the rear of the ship at the cave entrance, but facing the direction of the outside/front of the ship, when you near one of the first walls heading forward, itll say Q to push and then in that hidden hallway, you drop down to a secret exit in the center - then in the next layer you enter im 90% sure i had to use a rope to descend from there and there was no way to climb back up, so its a one way exit.
Sweet ill save my level 1 and 2 relics. - and dude if im gonna make someone kill 30 critters ima drop 15 in 3 diff areas so you can do it in one go lol the fact they want me to kill 10 boss lvl crabs when theres only 2 on layer 1 and sometimes neither 2 spawn when they should just fking spawn every time! Thats total trash! Lol screw those kill quests, if I kill enough to complete em cool, if not whatevs, cuz you're 100% right, the relics give plenty XP anyways
And sweet on the secret quest, but nah keep it a secret for now lol, ill let you know if I find it, and if not, I'll ask for another hint, but thanks on the 4th layer tip for now, i know in the anime its not as desolate as layer 3 so im hoping its gonna be dope to explore.
100% garbage! Original endings dont do shit for anyone but the dickhead whose making them xD like 90% suck, and id dare someone to prove that theory wrong lol - Yeah as you seen its him and was legit going to ask you if it was me or if they all looked like side characters lmao but you dont gotta be sorry XD deff seems like a B-rated actor lol & yeah atleast his voice has gotten a lil better xD
Back to original ends, dude those 12 eps covered 30 chapts, theres 60, 24 eps woulda been the entire story - so dumb they fucked that up - I read the second half of the manga just to see Shiros story like I said - and in the anime when the guard-tower blows up and you said she seems like a curious/interesting character, i just agreed & didnt wanna say much to not spoil - but at that point with the blue flames on her, the spiraling wind going, i figured you might of guessed she was a dead man too - but that explosion was the moment I wanted to know more about her, and the smile she gave, was also the moment everything made since, I couldn't tell when we talked about that episode if you came to the same conclusion.
So if you're interested in knowing what really went down. - I threw it in this spoiler, sorry it wasn't shorter but half of a story was kinda difficult to summarize.
lindsey seems cool, havnt heard of her but maybe one time you mighta mentioned her - but didnt realize she's the voice of fiona frost from spyxfamily lol thts dope - & purple hair dragon girl from komono michi rise up and blue hair MC girl from afterlost / even though both those are kinda 5-7s anime shows and not that memorable, still cool - & too bad they killed gantas school friend in EP 1, she voiced that Mimi girl / his school BFF apparently lol, but yeah as Eris i really like her voice, hopefully she gets some more main cast roles eventually, shes also kinda cute IRL xD
Yeah flat earth is for dumb people xD agreed, I mean theres a horizon & things disappear behind it, and dammit lol, the sun, moon and everything else is a sphere so why wouldn't earth be too? & never been in an airplane, but im sure it would convince flat earthers cuz id imagine the earth looks kinda curvy from 30,000 feet high xD
Brooo honestly thought I was alone when it came to finding stuff like that fascinating, to your comment about stars being trillions of miles away - epic math btw! Brow sweat was earned xD - But yeah aliens reaching us is far fetched, internet says Plutos 5 & a half hours away at speed of light - Alpha Centauri (nearest star) 4.3 years - Sirius (brightest star in our sky) 9 years - and read one article that nuclear explosions, or future nuclear fission thats suppose to happen in a decade could help us reach 10% the speed of light, but thats still 40 fucking years to the nearest star and 90 to the brightest xD thats unreal, unless we figure out how to live to be 200-300 years old lol, or someones willing to spend a life time in a metal space tube I doubt it happens anytime soon lmao... & there childrens lifetimes at tht rate...
Also by linking radio telescopes across earth to make an "earth-sized" telescope they took a picture of a black hole last year - and if we had an array of telescopes 20 times wider than earth and 500 Astronomical units from the sun, which idk wtf those units are but google says pluto is 39 astro units from the sun for reference lol, but with that setup - they wanna turn the sun itself into a sun-sized telescope lmao - and heres a link with a picture to better explain it xD - Nasa plans to use lasers to propel tiny telescopes 5-10% the speed of light out that far in the 2030s, but it'll take 30-40 years to get there and send images back, so we'd be like fking 80-90 and might not be around long enough to see them, but still hope i can see it even if its blurry as shit xD
Annunaki & Mesopotamians mythology, kings/queens living thousands of years, I love that stuff whether its fake or not lol - and Ive heard of planet X from a few friends and my oldest bro is big on theorys lol, some I've read said planet X got destroyed and became the asteroid belt between mars/jupiter, others think cuz theres a gravity wobble to the planets in our solar system and that it could be from a possible 10th planet - But facts even if not true, i still enjoy the mystery also, now if only we could live twice as long to see all the cool shit over the next century lol, like greenland sharks can live 400 years brah, i just want 1 or 2 hondos extra xD, - lastly like these new quantum computers they're trying to make - suppose to do an equation in seconds, which would take todays fastest super computer built in like 2020, like 600 million years to complete and yet these quantum ones can do it in minutes to seconds, & they're saying we'll be creating thousands of new discoveries every year once it happens, its insane, but also really cool to think about lol.
But I've watched the first 20 mins of that youtube video, and ima have to find an hour or two and listen to it all, cuz im digging it lol,
Haha is that so? Cool... I'm always looking to watch those kind of anime that wont bore me so my list is pretty limited, but since i judge an anime by its cover a lot, i end up liking an anime with a cover that's not so attractive, but it's happened only sometimes. My plan to watch is more than my watched list but i doubt i'll be able to lessen the number a lot since im pretty busy with my university. Even if its a short anime in a month, but if its worthwhile than im satisfied. :P
I see... Thats cool. Have you watched Re-Zero? They're pretty great too but Alas! there arent much anime like that huh? haha
Not a problem :P Glad to help :D Thansk and You too, have a great day (OuO)\