Based on list of completed entries sorted by date finished. Pick nearest non-seasonal TV anime or self contained OVA at or after:
1: Death Note
2: Eromanga Sensei
25: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
50: Monogatari
75: Steins;Gate
100: Shokugeki no Souma
125: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
150: Arakawa Under the Bridge
175: Samurai Champloo
200: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
225: Monster
250: Baccano!
275: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
300: Mushishi
325: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
350: Pop Team Epic
375: Tatami Galaxy
400: Psycho-Pass
425: Macross
450: Kuroko no Basket
475: Mad Bull 34
500: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
525: Prison School
550: Overlord IV
575: Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
600: Elfen Lied
625: Aria the Animation
650: Mononoke
675: High School DxD
700: Hidamari Sketch
PSA: 6 is a good score. Read MAL's own descriptions of each number.
10 - This show goes above and beyond in indescribable ways. Subjective masterpiece.
9 - This is an simply fantastic show. Blows me away.
8 - This show is special and really really good.
7 - This is good.
6 - I liked it, but that's about it.
5 - "Eh." Neutral face. Didn't like it, didn't hate it.
4 - Not horrible but most certainly not good.
3 - I'm not hating myself for watching this but it's really bad...
2 - At this point I'm hating myself for watching this.
1 - The most peak of shit that I despise to my core.
Scores ending in a decimal are always considered to be rounded down. Decimals are purely used to differentiate within a category. For example, if I were using whole number scoring, a 9.9 would be a 9, not rounded to a 10.
I have a lot of OVAs and Specials unrated and at some point I might go and rate them, who knows.
Monogatari Series: LN order is the best.Spoiler explanation
It really all comes down to the idea that the arcs and their themes fit into each other perfectly when going in LN order. Shaft didn't make changes to the content to make the broadcast order a good way of watching it, and they even changed aspects to LN order in the BD release (Hana after Kabuki, Owari back to back)
Bake -> Kizu -> Nise -> Neko: Kuro
Neko: Shiro (MSSS 1) -> Kabuki (MSSS 2) -> Hana -> Otori (MSSS 3) -> Oni (MSSS 4) -> Koi (MSSS 5)
Tsuki -> Koyomi -> Owari -> Owari 2 -> Zoku Owari
Other than reading the VN first, no order is ideal and you're going to have to make a sacrifice somewhere. 1. Read the VN
It's just that simple 2. UBW -> HF -> Zero -> (Deen Fate if you want)
The way I recommend it. Yes, you miss out on Saber backstory at the beginning which makes a few saber things not really work later on, but Zero first actually makes that worse (other than her identity reveal). 3. MODIFIED Deen Fate -> UBW -> HF -> Zero
After watching Deen Fate, I'm convinced this is possible with minimal effort. Might be better than skipping Fate route so long as you go into it with low expectations for Fate's adaptation quality.
Basically the important things here are to not watch Zero first and to watch UBW and HF back-to-back.
I watched in broadcast, although chronological is probably also good. Will try it on a rewatch and develop an opinion
Movie isn't canon so finish the pre-0 anime-only timeline first: Steins;Gate -> Egotistic Poriomania -> Déjà Vu -> 23 (β) -> Steins;Gate 0 -> Valentine's
Toaru Series
Sisters arc is better in Railgun, so get pre-Sisters content of Index done then get to Sisters in Railgun: Index eps 1-9 -> Railgun -> Railgun S -> Index 10-24 -> Index II -> Index III (bad) -> Accelerator -> Railgun T
Saiki Kusuo
More for fun, but watching in the way it aired makes for an enjoyable experience that lasts a while:
Monday - Friday: watch an episode's individual segments, one per day
Saturday: watch the entire episode
Sunday: watched the dubbed episode from 4 weeks ago (for example: watch dubbed episode 1 after subbed episode 5) completed: started 2022-05-09, completed: 2023-07-02
Hidamari Sketch
Every episode corresponds with a day (or days) in their high-school lives. Therefore, start between April 7th and April 17th on the 2nd half of Season 3 Special #1, and line every episode up so you can watch the characters in real time. in-progress, started 2023-04-08, estimated completion: 2026-02-28
I used to have a huge explanation here but it was really confusing
I have a system for my tags. I don't do descriptions in them. They all follow a format.
Without explaining every detail, the general idea is that I mark show identifier tags first (like if an entry belongs to a series it'll get a tag)
Then I have groups for each watch and relevant tags to go with it.
For example, if I watch a show as a seasonal, it'll get the Seasonal tag, as well as the specific season tag, and maybe a Late Start tag if I begin after the halfway point.
Tag meanings:
Late Start - for a season show, added before season tag if I late start between cours and watch completely in the following cour, added after season tag if i begin past the halfway point of the cour to the left.
Drop/Undrop - I stopped watching and started again from the beginning. Start date reset.
Rewatch - tags coming after correspond with a rewatch of the show
w/ Name - watched with a person
All Comments (8) Comments
I'm not sure, I didn't make that script and I have never used it either...
Mal stores all images since I created my MAL account, so images are never updated here.
Oh really? I didn't notice any widgets on your profile, just some pictures and text.
I liked this
But this is only an image
Some of the scripts I made can show the "results" to anyone
Yeah, I liked your thread about the css "program" you did, that looked really nice