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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 7, 4:48 PM
Watching -/13 · Scored 6
Tengoku Daimakyou
Tengoku Daimakyou
Feb 1, 11:46 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 6
Jan 19, 4:57 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
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Feb 2, 10:41 AM
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I Login Alone
I Login Alone
Dec 29, 2024 10:34 PM
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Demon in Mount Hua
Demon in Mount Hua
Dec 29, 2024 10:30 PM
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Fatality101 Jan 1, 2020 9:49 AM
Thank you so much and yea they dont do it like they used to.
Fatality101 Dec 19, 2019 5:40 AM
can u reccomend me some old shows or movies like mind game?
kokuro Feb 7, 2012 10:28 PM
Hi, how are you?

So I get back to MAL after almost three weeks of hellish life/work and I'm rewarded with your post :) I absolutely LOVE the undercover video. Amazing job, really. I'm so happy that you're getting to showcase your work internationally. Congratulations! I am looking forward to seeing more and more of your work in the future.
My life's been crazy (well nothing new in that) recently. Even crazier that it used to be. I've been meaning to contact you for a long time now but a lot of things went wrong at the same time. Now I'm starting to catch up with my life so I hope to be able to manage that Turkey trip I told you about a long time ago. Most probably (if things go as planned) I'll be traveling to Istanbul for two weeks in Spring. It'd be nice if my trip coincides with any of your shows! I'll write more in a message soon but for now, thanks for the videos and good luck with all your future work.
noci45 Jan 24, 2012 1:15 PM
15 days of straight anime watching time?? Never calculated it, but combined with movies, it must be a month at least, or so... scary stuff, really (especially today, I will never get that time back!) - but ha, it was worth it.
noci45 Jan 11, 2012 1:30 AM
I'll check it out.

Naw the list is not complete yet, but let's say 3/4 is on there.I thought I had watched more myself.. especially compared to you and Mr. Pirrip. One thing tho that makes the list short is that I usually delete and forget any series I don't like, and don't mark it as "dropped" unless I archive it for whatever reason (i.e. Ideon, kept it because it's sort of fascinating, albeit crap). Otherwise, ultra selective.. :)
kokuro Dec 15, 2011 7:26 PM
Thanks my friend :)

How's life for you btw?
kokuro Aug 8, 2011 8:59 PM
those videos are interesting. I really loved ISAM both music wise and visually. Did you get to attend the Inferno club event yourself?

Ibiza fantasy night seemed like an innovative work but very experimental. It's interesting but seems it has the potential to get much much better in my opinion.

On "C":
I don't think I'd want to see Nakamura's bad works. It makes me hate the work even more if I know that the director is capable of doing better. I'm too busy with work again these days. Also "santetjan" from CnC is gonna travel to Toronto next week and will stay for two weeks so I'd be busy showing him around.
Orion1 Jul 20, 2011 4:22 AM
I'm actually quite a movie junkie myself.
Netflix Reviews
Movie Fans page

I think I know what you mean about Casshern Sins. I have no idea what I might think if I re-watched it right now. Many of my opinions have changed so much since then. I went back through my list the other day and downgraded the scores again. I created that Casshern picture on my page years ago now. It might be time for an update. I'm just a bit lazy I suppose. It's a good project though. I should create a new picture for my page. Thanks for the idea. LoLz

If I had to throw out a few of my favorites I'd probably just go with what I have on movie fans.

Enter the Void by Jaspar Noe is my newest favorite right now.
Orion1 Jul 19, 2011 3:17 AM
I guess your opinion about Nodame Cantabile is one that reflects a person that cares a great deal about classical music. I didn't think the classical music was as important in the story compared with the character interactions. I thought the music did a great job of furthering the plot for that reason. I do tend to really enjoy slice of life series too so it could just be a matter of taste. Either way, good music and interesting characters are more than I usually ask for in an anime. When I see them portrayed with a good plot and pacing, I can't help but enjoy myself. That's why I really enjoyed Honey and Clover too. But after looking at your list a little deeper I'm beginning to think that you really don't seem to like slice of life series that much. Most Shonen and Shojo, which includes it's many sub-genres like etchi... tend to be very repetitive and dogmatic now. I suppose this same sinisim could also be applied too slice of life series which can be directed to a large audience, because they deal with very human situations. So series based on work, school
and transitional moments in life tend to still hold my attention. I'm sure it is completely subjective on my part. I tend to chalk that up to my own tastes maturing. I still try, and every once in a while I can enjoy a shonen or shojo series, but usually if it isn't able to draw some sort of strong emotional response from me then I won't give it a positive score unless it's technical aspects are especially good. I think The Wings of Honneamise fits into this category.

As for the seinen, jousei, shojo, shonen being a genre, I really only use them in an attempt to describe the intended age of the audience and or what publication they come from in Japan. I've noticed and argued in the past that sometimes these categorizations overlap. Nodame Cantabile, Honey and Clover and NANA would be good examples of what I'm meaning. Even though they are published and classified as Jousei, they seem to be also targeting some young women and teens, of which I don't know what the Japanese word is for that category. I think it might be subjective and just basically understood that there is going to be some overlap between young women/women and young men/men.

I saw that you gave Vampire Hunter D 3 vs. Bloodlust an 8. I thought that was a little strange. I don't know too many people who like the sequel more but I'm sure you have your reasons.
kokuro Jul 16, 2011 10:26 AM
Ideally I'd be working with metals if I get the job at the place I like. I'm not a fan of chemical side of polymers and usually those are left for chemical engineers. I'm gonna graduate from the Solid Mechanics stream and would do my masters at UBC (University of British Colombia) right away. I won't go for a PHD though as it'd lead to academic research or teaching as a job which I'm not fond of.
My interest in learning Japanese is what made me go back to watching anime after years of not watching any. Learning Japanese led to meeting people who introduced me to very interesting options regarding work experience in Japan. It'd be great if I get to learn more about their working system as all the companies I might end up working for eventually, have ties with Japanese companies. As for the working bee attitude, I see that more in China than the modern Japan at least not at the higher positions compared to labor level.
Woot, that sounds awesome! Regarding the budget, there's always room to spend more cash in any event but I'm sure regardless of the amount of money you spend on this, as you said yourself, it's gonna be a great experience and an opportunity for you guys to have the spotlight :)

I'll be visiting Istanbul and Antalya if things go well. I'll let you know as soon as my plans are set. I'm hoping I'd be able to get there in October but many pieces have to fall into place for it to happen. Will see.
Orion1 Jul 10, 2011 11:16 PM
Well if your looking for something that's fast paced I wouldn't pick-up Casshern Sins, it's a series not unlike Ergo Proxy, in that it involves a Post Apocalyptic world, and the plot and pacing is very slow and dark. It's hit or miss with many people. I love the series because I'm a bit of a fan of old school sci/fi and the character designs and the story reminded me of Mega Man and Tetsuwan Atom. Didn't care for the live action movie too much and still haven't found time to watch Neo-Human Casshern series, if it's even completely subbed yet, but I enjoyed Casshern: Robot Hunter, which wasn't as slow paced or dark.

On the subject of Tetsuwan Atom, I always like to tell my friends to keep an eye out for the original Japanese 193 episode version with english subs. I know there isn't one right now, but I haven't been following the fansub community as closely lately so I'm not sure if anyone has become very ambitious. Hakaba Kitarou is a re-telling of Gegege no kitaro, one of Japans most beloved ghost story franchises. Gegege no kitaro is yet another series that eludes being released in English. I'm beginning to think that the Japanese protect these works as part of their cultural heritage but in reality there demand is just so high that the studies have been charging an enormous amount of money for these two particular products. As yet I don't any fansub groups that have been able to get there hands on a complete version of either. I don't blame them either, they are kind of like their version of Micky Mouse and Casper the friendly ghost, in comparison with U.S. media folklore. Hakaba kitaro is a fun version of gegege no kitaro and uses many of the core characters and themes that the original did. My only wish was that it would get a full season of at least 26 episodes but that didn't happen.

I'm like you in that I don't really have a genre that I'm exclusive too. I think they all have some noteworthy material and even some of the less than spectacular work can be fun to watch. Obvious examples being Moe, ecchi, mech, shoujo, shounen and comedy. Other obvious favorite topics include anime geared more towards my age demographic like Jousei and Seinen, which tend to monopolize my favorites. I'm a big fan of Nodame Cantabile original work. Never read the manga, but after the fiasco that happened with Finale, I wish I would have read the manga instead of watched the last two series in the franchise.
Orion1 Jul 10, 2011 7:14 PM
I'm a little confounded on you dropping Bartender. It really is quite solid as far as job related anime go. It also has some really interesting facts about the origins of certain drinks, developed in interesting bar conversation. Some things just aren't everyone's cup of tea I suppose. And if you've watched three episodes and didn't like it, then there really is no reason to continue. Personally those first three episodes made me decide to make an evening of finishing the series drunk the next night. *Smile*
Orion1 Jul 10, 2011 7:40 AM
I don't believe we talked too much before. But I noticed you have posted in CnC and I read your profile page and thought you seem like a cool enough person. I see our compatibility is pretty high too. If you have any questions about any anime on my list feel free to ask.

kokuro Jun 30, 2011 12:59 PM
That's great to hear. I'm glad for you. So you've had a "hot" summer so far and I hope it only gets hotter from here on. Not weather wise though ;) I recently went to an underground concert and I can understand how the energy of the crowd can carry you away. I'm sure it feels great when you are the performer and the audience responds to your work positively and from what I've seen of your work, I'm sure what you've earned in that respect is well deserved :)

I've been busy with work lately. I didn't take any courses this summer since I am working on a project that's due in July (have been working on this project for almost 9 months now). It's great to be part of such a huge research project. We are working on designing a new material for certain engines and it's been a great experience for me since this is what I wanna do eventually when I graduate. It's been tough at times as two of our main team members/ colleagues had to leave us along the way and my prof had to travel a lot during this project and we faced many technical issues but it all is gonna be over in less than a month.
These days I'm looking for a bigger affordable place to move to before the new semester starts. I'm also working on my Japanese, I can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and a few kanji now. I am planning to work in Japan for a year when I graduate and I've found a few connections there too.
Last but not least, I might travel to Turkey this Fall. It is not certain but the chances are high. I'm planing to go there to visit a few friends and my family would join me there also. If things work out and I get to go, I'd love to see your work live!
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