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  • Total Entries621
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  • Episodes5,278
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Days: 16.9
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  • Total Entries267
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  • Chapters2,641
  • Volumes339
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peachriver Feb 19, 2024 4:10 PM
Friend, have you been here recently?? I've been wondering how you've been ;; This is Dee btw, idk if you remember me! Miss you <3
zenethia Aug 28, 2009 5:13 PM
hello there -- i just stumbled upon your profile as, well, i'm about to move to shropshire (in a matter of hours!) and i was curious to see how many people in the area were signed up to this site. the answer: a surprisingly low amount. i guess not many people bother to fill the location box in D:

i just wanted to say that it was cool stumbling upon your profile and looking thru your lists. nearly EVERYONE i've come across on here has watched & read more stuff than me, haha. it feels a bit crazy, because it's been something like 10 years since i watched my first anime. it makes me feel like i've been slacking!

(which is very much the exact opposite. i've been moaning on my profile about how much time i waste online, haha)

anyway... i've forgotten what i actually wanted to say, so i'll just slink off, eheh.
TanNaruto Aug 15, 2009 2:28 PM
seriously I'm still waiting for my profile picture... I am getting very impatient sister >:}
Darkii May 10, 2009 1:55 AM
Hai bro.
What do you think of Zero? :3
VScosplay Apr 9, 2009 1:51 PM
I like ur profile picture:D
But one question... do he tutch him self or something.... and findes something that not r supose 2 be there??:3
ashllee Feb 13, 2009 11:36 PM
haha yeah Crona is fairly awesome.
oo i know, you're right about the 'outside the us' bit - it's the same with that viz naruto thing, it just tells me that i'm out of the region or something..grr americans lol. there was only 10 or so episodes left of soul eater too! yeah at least someone else is finishing it =] i haven't seen past 39 yet, i'm thinking i might marathon it once it's finished (or when i get in the soul eater mood again)

what's crunchyroll doing? i've never used it myself. i tend to torrent everything nowadays. ooo zoku natsume yuujinchou!! i'm about to start that (i just finished season one), and i've heard good things about helalia (what's your thoughts?), i started kuroshitsuji and loved it, but i've falling way behind.

i'm back on another 2 weeks holiday now =] (i did a summer class) but then uni starts again for me too, i'm kind of looking forward to it, i miss my uni friends =] what are you studying?
peachriver Feb 10, 2009 4:32 PM
heya Steph, Dee here :333
ashllee Jan 19, 2009 8:16 PM
Happy belated New Year to you too! =]
soul eater is definitely my favourite series of 2008 - everything about it is just awesome! stein is my favourite, i cant wait to see episode 41 apparently its a lot of stein <3 though the whole funimation take over is making it hard to see now.which sucks seeing as there's only supposedly 10 episodes left. ill just have to catch up with the manga now or something - i usually do that after i finish watching the anime (im doing it with nana and beck atm)
so whatcha been watching lately? having a good holidays?
ashllee Dec 6, 2008 5:48 AM
haha im a slow replier too, so no worries!
thanks =]
but your drawing is much more awesome ^ ^
oo so youre watching soul eater =] you like?
MurrayMac Nov 17, 2008 1:19 AM
Decided to start with Kaiji, watched the first 10 eps, really enjoyin it so far....
MurrayMac Nov 15, 2008 7:04 AM
I meant the one that shows up when you comment in groups.... but i discovered it was from Kaiji.... Your drawn profile picture is awesome btw
MurrayMac Nov 15, 2008 12:47 AM
Yo dude, was wonderin what anime your avatar pic comes from????
ashllee Oct 25, 2008 8:38 PM
wow i love your profile picture! and then i read that your drew it yourself and that makes it just that much cooler! XD
TanNaruto Sep 7, 2008 4:32 PM
heeeeeeeeeey, Come round here and make me a cup of tea please please please :)
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