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Days: 36.6
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- Episodes2,291
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Days: 4.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries49
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- Chapters355
- Volumes92
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Nothing much, just work I guess. Most plans were cancelled due to the obvious so it's been a pretty mellow summer so far.
Ugh if there's one thing college has taught me its that men are gross. know no boundaries, and are usually horrible. And I hate those people that are like, well if women dress or act a certain way they deserve what's coming to them. Those people are the most ignorant and I hope awful things happen to them >.>
I think we have a lake? We have a place where people, I don't remember what its called but its a giant hole in the ground made of rocks and its like over 50 feet deep filled with rain water. I went once, it was pretty cool and fun if you have a big group. I've run into a lot of weirdos here and thankfully stalking hasn't been one of my problems. Most of mine are personal problems. But if that's something you're dealing with, I'm so sorry. That's awful and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. I never judge.
Oh wow! That sounds awesome and that's so commendable :) Well at least you'll see a doctor soon! Hopefully it's not anything worse!
I'm so jealous! I love the beach and there aren't any beaches out here in Kentucky :'( Haha, I'm not gonna pry but not gonna lie I've had problems being out here on my own and only just recently did I start to resolve them. But I doubt its anything similar to yours.