- I speak English and Portuguese.
- I mosty like... well, i like every type of anime and i don't have a favorite genre.
- My favorite color is
Yeah... not very good at talking about myself. Here some of my "favorites", maybe you'll get an better idea after looking at those (or maybe not, probably not).
Favorite Openings:
Favorite Endings:
All Comments (28) Comments
Além de boku no hero que tá lançando agora.
Assistindo ou lendo algo interessante? :3
Oh ok! I've seen Death Parade, i liked it. And i have the Tales of Zestiria game, but haven;t played it yet, so i can't watch the anime lol. Since it will spoil the game :(
Zankyou no Terror's soundtrack was done by the lovely Yoko Kanno - AKA the best anime composer! At least imo =P Haven't seen either Tsuritama or Sakamichi no Apollon, though i've heard good thing about them both! I jut have so many things to watch lol.
Rakugo is amazing! Seriously, i was my anime of the year last year and the 2nd season is just as good! And yeah, Gundam is HUUGGEE lol. It took me over a year to watch it all. But you don't have to catch up though! Most Gundam shows are standalone! Only ones that are connected are the UC-timeline Gundam shows, of which there's like 5. Still a lot, but still lol.
Sure! I'm not watching many things, i think. Only Rakugo, Gundam, Blue Exorcist lol. I'm trying to stop watching a lootttt of things in one season, because i get overwhelmed lol.
What are you watching?
Eu tenho os filmes de Persona 3 baixados mas todo mundo diz que não é uma adaptação tão boa, e não quero ter uma primeira impressão ruim.
Novamente outra de minhas paixões, eu amo rpgs mas estou entrando no mundo dos japoneses apenas agora, teria algum problema se eu jogasse o persona 5 logo de cara?
E não se preocupa, eu sou ateu ;v. Mas fora isso, adoro jogos e outras obras que abordam remas mais sérios assim, isso já me chamou atenção .
(Desculpa pelo ataque ;v)
São duas franquias que tenho muita vontade de conhecer mas não sei por onde começar...
Poderia me falar um pouco sobre? :3