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uni Sep 26, 2023 10:33 PM
Dearest Sora!! It's been a while! I just wanted to say that I hope you've been doing well and enjoying Aria the Natural so far! It makes me happy to see Akari in your favorites ♡
asshatdotorg Jan 29, 2023 7:03 PM
asshatdotorg Jun 11, 2022 1:53 PM
rain of love rain of love AMEEEE
uni Jan 10, 2021 4:41 PM
Happy new year Sora!!! It's so nice to hear from you again! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
No worries at all that you weren't able to reply back right away! I'm just glad my birthday wishes reached you in time and I hope you were able to enjoy your special day in spite of how busy you were/are! You weren't ranting at all and I'm always here and happy to listen to anything you want to talk about! I just hope you were able to get enough rest during your short break and over the holidays before your second semester start(ed) ;___; I feel you!! I just realized that we were talking about which fall anime we were most looking forward to in our last conversation, and now the winter anime have already started. How time flies! I'm grateful I got two weeks off between classes and work, but they seemed to pass by in a flash! And at the same time, this year has felt quite long already, at least for me. Nevertheless, I'm wishing for a better and brighter year for both of us, and may you and your loved ones have a safe, healthy, and wonderful year ahead! We both seem to have a lot on our plates at the moment, but I'm excited to catch up with you again and talk some more once our schedules lighten a bit. Take care until then dear Sora and may you have an amazing start to the year!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
uni Nov 8, 2020 10:04 PM
Dear Sora!
I'm finally replying back now!
First of all, (and you may have already heard about this!) a Vazzrock anime has been announced! You were the one who introduced me to them and their wonderful music, so I'm very grateful to you and I can't wait for this and Tsukipro S2! There's so much to look forward to :')

Oh no! It sounds like you were very busy, but I'm proud of you for finishing your back-to-back reports and submissions, and I'm glad you had a chance to relax afterwards and treat yourself to some anime! You deserved it for sure! ♡ you chose two wonderful shows to watch too! Kazetsuyo and Tsurune are both so inspirational with great messages behind them and lovable ensemble casts! Also, it looks like a Tsurune movie was announced not long after you finished watching it, so it seems like you're a good luck charm for the series! :') did you have any favorite characters from Tsurune? I was actually thinking of rewatching it back in September before my classes started up again. Speaking of Tsurune, I've been really fond of Yuto Uemura recently (I started paying attention to him thanks to his soft and sweet-sounding singing voice in Bpro, and it's adorable how his personality is a bit chaotic but in a very wholesome way!), and Shintaro Asanuma's performance as Masaki was amazing too and I loved how that role and his voice were both quite different from his previous characters!

I've been doing well too, thank you for asking sweetie! I've been a bit busy with problem sets for my classes and work in general, but fortunately I seem to be managing everything alright so I can't complain haha. I'm actually going on a roadtrip later this month with a friend, which should be a nice change of pace and a good excuse for me to get out of the house!
How have you been? Hopefully your classes have continued to go well and you've had plenty of opportunities to rest in spite of your workload! I'm always cheering you on and wishing you the best!! ♥

Omg I feel you! It looks like Haikyuu has gotten back on its feet over the last few episodes, but the animation and pacing earlier in the season definitely left much to be desired :'( hopefully this season can end on a positive note because I totally agree, there are lots of great moments and matches coming up that deserve a topnotch adaptation!

Same! Our conversation is making me realize that I actually haven't watched many stage plays in their entirety ;___; I definitely need to change that soon, especially since there are so many wonderful plays out there! Hopefully we both have a chance to watch more soon so we can talk about them together!

How are you liking the other seasonal anime you've been watching? Tsukiuta has been very fun so far! The music is super catchy as always, and it's so nice to see everyone again, a little older and more mature than they were in the first season! Each episode focuses on a different character who also sings the ED, and a few Tsukipro characters (Tsukasa, Ken, Ruka, and Makoto) even showed up in You's episode! Hopefully there will be more cameos later on, and I'm even more excited now to see how the Tsukipro characters look like after the time skip in S2 haha.

Yes!! Tokki has a really distinct and versatile voice, and Minority is an amazing song! He's just perfect as Yuki, and I can't believe he never considered auditioning for singing roles until Tsukipro when he's such a talented singer. And I know what you mean! I've been listening to lots of Growth music lately, which is why I think his voice as Koki has stuck with me over time. His character in Mahoyaku is also a bit similar in appearance and temperament to Koki :') hopefully you enjoy Mahoyaku if you have a chance to play and/or read it sometime!!

I hope you've been doing well too and staying safe and healthy during these times dear! Take care until we catch up again and as always, please feel free to take your time replying back!
Sending lots of love and hugs your way and I'm wishing you a wonderful month ahead!! ♡
uni Oct 17, 2020 6:24 PM
Dearest Sora!!!! I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to reply back to your comment yet, but I saw that it was your birthday so I wanted to make sure I greeted you today! I always get confused about time zones so hopefully I'm not too late or too early ;___; but happy birthday Chi-chan and I'm wishing you an amazing day and year ahead!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

I know we've already mentioned many times how much we enjoy our conversations and hearing about each other's updates and interests, but I just wanted to reiterate it once more here :') I can't believe it's been a little over a year since we started talking - somehow it feels like much longer, yet at the same time this past year has just flown by! It always brightens my day to hear from you and I can't wait to talk with you even more this year! Hopefully school has continued going well for you and you have a chance to rest and treat yourself on this special occasion in spite of everything going on because you deserve it so much! ♥♥♥♥♥

Sougo is wishing you a wonderful birthday too and we're both sending lots of love and hugs your way!!!! <33333

uni Sep 28, 2020 3:04 AM
Thank you so much Sora ;___; I couldn't agree more. This has been such a turbulent year in many ways, but as you said, hopefully it can end on a peaceful note and lead to a new year with happier times in store for everyone!
I'm glad you had time to rest after your classes started up again!! Hopefully they've been continuing to go well and you haven't gotten too busy dear! My classes finally start this week, but I'll be working less hours, so hopefully my overall workload will still be manageable haha.

I know!! I still can't believe that the new season of Haikyuu is right around the corner! And that's so true, Kaji-san is such a social butterfly who always makes sure to take good care of his kouhai haha.

They really do! And that's the perfect way to put it! Watching behind the scenes footage really helps you gain a greater appreciation for all of the love and hard work the cast and staff members put into each and every performance. I forgot that Makki played Yamanbagiri, but this makes me want to watch the Tourabu live-action even more too!! And omg, I didn't know that Ozawa Ren played Heisuke, but I can totally picture him being a perfect fit for the role now that you mention it! He was adorable as Eijun in Daiya no Ace and Subaru in Enstars, and he really did do an amazing job as Kazunari! I look forward to hearing more from him in the future too and I hope he continues working as a seiyuu in games and anime. This is making me realize that I have many more stage plays I need to watch, so I eagerly await your future recs! :')

Awww thank you for always being so patient with my replies Sora, it means a lot to me! If you do end up going back to edit or add anything to your previous comment, please feel free to either let me know or even just post it as a new comment, whichever is easiest for you! I wouldn't want to accidentally overlook it after all the time you spent on it ;___; please also feel free to take as much time as you need to reply back to me! It warms my heart that we're able to have so many wonderful conversations like this, they spark lots of joy for me too and they always give me something to look forward to! ♡

Yay!! There are so many shows to look forward to this season haha. For Tsukiuta, it's been exciting to see how the characters have aged in the S2 previews, and the voiced countdowns by each character have been such a treat as well. I can't wait!

Omg, once again our tastes align perfectly! Tsumugi and Summer Troupe are my favorites too :') I also love Muku and Sakuya, as well as Taichi and Yuki! It's funny how Summer and Autumn have the most chaotic energy out of the bunch, but in very different ways haha. And I feel the same way, I love the whole cast so much! Hopefully you enjoy the rest of the stories as you get further along in them!

Also! I wanted to ask if you've played or read Mahoyaku by any chance c: the main story finished getting translated recently, and the series and its characters have kind of become my happy place over the past couple weeks after work picked up a bit for me. I see that you have Toki Shunichi in your faves (he has such a lovely voice and he's a wonderful singer too!), and he voices one of my favorite characters in Mahoyaku! If you're not into it already, I think you would enjoy the story and its characters quite a bit too! ♥

And same, you're welcome to let me know if there's ever anything you want to talk or ask about! It always makes me happy to listen and chat about anything with you! Sending lots of love and hugs your way Sora, stay safe and I hope this month wraps up on a very positive and wonderful note for you!!! ♡
uni Sep 13, 2020 9:58 PM
I missed you so much Sora!!!! It's wonderful to hear from you again and I'm glad that you've been staying safe and healthy ;___; thankfully I've been staying healthy too! And omg that's the perfect way to put it. This year really has felt like the shortest yet longest one at the same time!
Ahh does that mean you've started school already? If so, hopefully you were able to get some rest beforehand and I'm wishing you a wonderful first week of classes my dear!! ♡ I'm glad your project is wrapping up too! It sounds like you worked really hard on it, so I'm sure your hard work will be rewarded and it's great that you learned a lot through it and were able to have such a positive mindset in spite of how busy you were! Otsu~!

Omg I know! I can't believe Haikyuu is already coming back next month, and I'm grateful that we won't have to wait long to see more of it! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your rewatch too! And that's so true! Yuki Kaji's reactions to people teasing him are always adorable haha. He seems really well-liked and many fellow seiyuu adore him, so he must be a very likable person in general!

Thank you! I hope I continue enjoying it too! And omg!!! I love how often our tastes and faves align haha! If you like a certain series or character, I can always be sure that I'll end up liking it too c: I also hope there is more to come from Bpro in the future! I can't wait to check out more music from the series, everything I've heard so far is super catchy!

You said it perfectly! There's just something so charming about live performances and watching the cast's chemistry bounce off each other, even in a recorded version ;___; and same!! If you ever have any stage recommendations, I would be more than happy to hear them :') I'm not too familiar with many stage actors, but I do love Aramaki Yoshihiko! I've seen clips of him as Ritsu and Tsumugi and he's just perfect as both. I also love Ozawa Ren, and it was wonderful to hear his seiyuu debut in A3!

I agree! It's so exciting that the i7 anime is finally coming back! And I know, Riku really does deserve a big hug ;___; even though it was a little bittersweet that he had to temporarily give up his center position, I still love Perfection Gimmick and Iori was truly a perfect center for it in his own way! I also can't wait to see Restart Pointer in the anime!! And LOL same! The angst hurts a lot but it's done so well that you can't help but enjoy it!

There's no need to apologize! Please feel free to take as much time as you need to reply back! And awww haha I don't remember seeing mistakes in your previous comment, so no worries at all! You're so sweet!! I always look forward to reading and receiving your messages and it makes me happy that we never seem to run out of things to talk about! I cherish our conversations very much, so thank you for always being willing to share your thoughts and little snippets of your life with me! I promise I'll do a better job of replying back too! Sending lots of love and hugs right back to you!!! ♡

Ooh that's a great question!! A lot of the autumn anime look really interesting, but I think I'm most interested in Moriarty the Patriot, Higurashi, Jujutsu Kaisen, A3 Autumn & Winter, Hypmic, and ofc Haikyuu! I feel like I may have forgotten some haha. What about you?

And before this comment gets too long, I would love to hear about your favorite character(s)/troupe(s) in A3 c: your SakuSaku SSR is so lovely, btw!
uni Sep 7, 2020 4:18 AM
Dearest Sora!!! Please forgive me for my extremely late reply ;___; I've missed you and I hope you've been doing well and staying safe and healthy during these times! How are you? I can't believe it's already September, time just seems to be flying by! I don't start classes for a couple more weeks, so I've just been focusing on work and trying to take it easy whenever I can. I hope you were able to have a restful and relaxing summer!! ♡

Omg yes! Wonderful pick! Namikawa Daisuke has the type of voice that draws you right in, and he's had so many iconic roles too. Namidai is just perfect as Oikawa! I hope you enjoyed your Haikyuu rewatch!! Recently I've come to appreciate Yuki Kaji even more than I already did. I know some people tend to think he gets a bit typecast in certain roles, but he's so talented with an amazing range! He's also very natural with tsukkomi characters, probably because they're not too far off from his own personality haha. And I totally agree! I want to explore and get to know more seiyuu and their roles too! It's amazing when you think about their versatility and the different kinds of characters they voice.

I finally got around to starting S2 of Bpro, and while I'm not too far in yet, I've loved what I watched! I think the ending of S1 threw me off a little bit, but the characters and music from the series are all so wonderful. I started listening to more of their music during my finals week back in the spring, and I think Thrive has my favorite songs of the bunch! I can definitely see why you love them and Kazuki Kato so much! Character-wise, Ryuji might be my fave so far c': I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the season!

Omg yes! I watched some clips from the Tsukipro stage plays and you're totally right, it looks like lots of fun and it's so touching to see everyone give it their all and become attached to their characters ;___; it really would be wonderful to go to a live event, stage play, or musical someday! Hopefully we can do that when it's safe to travel again! I also hope you've been able to watch anime and enjoy yourself to your heart's content this year like you were hoping to sweetheart!! ♥

I know what you mean! I'm the same way, and I'm also generally okay with spoilers haha. Sometimes I even seek them out depending on the series. And I agree with everything you said! I love the bond between Tenn and Riku, it's one of my favorites in the series! I also love the relationship between Iori and Riku, it's kind of funny how Iori and Tenn parallel each other since they can be a little harsh towards Riku at times but in reality they care about him so much. It looks like Second Beat is finally coming back next month, and it'll be such a treat to be able to watch it again on a weekly basis! I also love hearing about your thoughts and who you adore, they're always such a joy to read so thank you for sharing them with me!! ♡

No worries at all! I know our messages can get quite long, so please feel free to take as much time as you need, and you can even just reply back to certain parts if that ever ends up being easier for you! I completely understand. Thank you for always being so patient with my replies and I'm looking forward to catching up with you again!! Take care until then and be well my dear ♥
uni Dec 23, 2019 8:56 PM
Hi Cherry!! It’s so wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for your patience with my replies! I don't want to send too many separate comments for you to reply to, so I'm going to try and combine everything here as best as I can :') sorry if this gets a bit long!

I love all of those seiyuu you mentioned too! Saito Soma is so versatile and he's just an adorable person in general! I've also loved Ono Kensho ever since he voiced Kuroko in KnB, and it's cute how he's a bit similar to some of the characters he's voiced since he can be a little awkward in a very adorable and endearing kind of way haha. I'm also quite fond of Ayumu Murase! He has one of the cutest voices I've ever heard. Actually, when I reread the Furuba manga a couple years ago, I imagined Momiji after his growth spurt with Ayumu's voice! I'm not sure if they'll even recast Momiji later on, and if they do I'm sure whoever they choose will do a wonderful job, but I guess I have a bit of a headcanon of older Momiji being voiced by him c':

Ah, I have watched the anime for Bpro!! I think it turned out to be a little different from what I expected, but I for sure liked the music and characters in it :') what did you think of it? Kazuki Kato did a great job in it and he does have a really nice singing voice! I first knew of him through Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and I heard that he was also in Ikemen Sengoku, although I haven't watched or played that yet haha.

All of that sounds so promising for Tsukipro!! Hopefully you're able to find the full musicals online soon ;___; musical and stage play adaptations are always such a blast to watch. And I did hear about Tsukiuta s2 airing in April 2020! How exciting that the sequels for that and i7 will be airing in the same season, sandwiched between both seasons of A3! We have a fun year of anime ahead of us. Hopefully you have a chance to squeeze in season 1 of Tsukiuta before then c':

Awww, you're so considerate for mentioning the potential spoilers for i7! I should do the same thing, so on that note, this paragraph may also contain spoilers from the anime! You said it perfectly when you described the cast as being full of different charms and talents. It's impossible not to want to root for them all! I also love Riku and Tenn and I appreciate their relationship so so much ;___; Tenn might seem a bit cold and aloof at first glance, but he always prioritizes Riku's health and well-being even above his own and he's made many sacrifices. I hope he can act more in his best interests from now on and do what brings him joy! And I feel the same way about Sougo! He's another character who I hope can find his own happiness along the way with everyone else and allow himself to act a little more selfishly every now and then :'( your words about Gaku were spot-on! In many ways, he's kind of like a hero to i7 haha. I also love the contrast between his appearance and personality, and he's indeed a wonderful character with many admirable traits! I also adore Iori and how he tries to shoulder a lot of burden by himself, but at the end of the day he's still just a teenager and his constant attempts to hide his love for cute things is so precious! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the series Cherry-chan, I enjoyed reading every single one of them!! ♡

I did have a chance to watch both MVs, and I totally agree with you! I loved the songs and videos for both. They were so catchy and, as you said, everyone looked really cool in Mr.AFFECTiON and it was nice how i7's song this time around was a bit different from what they've done before! It also seemed to get sad and emotional at points too :'(

I agree with everything you said about Enstars!! I'm so glad you love Rei too! He's also my favorite c': he can be a bit silly at times, but I love how he tries to take care of the other boys by acting like a mentor and guiding them. It's also cute how he's such a doting big brother to Ritsu! I'm happy you enjoyed the video too! Undead songs are so catchy. Oh! And in response to what you mentioned about ep 23, I felt the exact same way! I was so sad and upset for poor Subaru, and I hope he'll be alright :'( I haven't had a chance to watch the final episode yet, but that was such a heartwrenching cliffhanger to end on. Btw! This is such a random question haha, but do you also happen to ship characters?

Ahh I see! I actually downloaded A3 the night before my last final as a way to procrastinate haha. I read some story translations over the summer and really liked Tsumugi, but I still haven't reached the Winter Troupe chapters in the game yet. The Summer Troupe might be my overall fave so far, but I love everyone a lot! I'll send you a message with my friend ID so we can add each other on there! I would also love to hear about any fave characters/troupes you have when you get a chance to play more :D

I'll have to watch Aikatsu Stars sometime for sure!! Yume-chan looks adorable! I definitely plan to finish the original Aikatsu, but do you think it would be alright or even possible to start AStars without finishing the original, or would you recommend finishing the original first? Either way, I can't wait to watch more from the franchise very soon :')

Oh my! I actually used to be pretty active on twitter, but I stopped using it a little over three years ago ;___; same with insta, I had a personal account on there but I'm quite bad at using and updating social media in general haha. I do want to be more active on insta though, so if I end up using it again I'll be sure to let you know so we can follow each other on there :') there are a couple other places I check a bit more often at least, and I'll send you a message about them after I finish typing up this comment!

I'm so glad you're done with your finals now, and hopefully your presentation went well too!! Awww, you're so sweet ;___; I definitely know how it can feel to be overwhelmed and stressed out by everything, so I'm happy my comments were able to help in any way, even if it was just for a bit! I'm always here for you and sending my love your way ♡ hopefully you can enjoy your month off and take lots of time off for yourself to relax! Thankfully I wrapped up my finals on the 6th, but I got a bit busy again last week with work and catching up with some people who were in town haha. Hopefully this week (and the coming ones!) will be much calmer and more restful for both of us!! <3

Btw! I don't mean to make this comment even longer than it already is haha. But I had two things I've been meaning to ask you about! The first thing is, have you read or watched Natsume Yuujinchou by any chance? Since we seem to have quite similar tastes and types, I think you would like the series and Natsume himself if you haven't already :') the second thing is, since we've been talking a lot about idols, do you also happen to follow kpop? And if you do, we can always save that chat for another time or take it slowly if it might be a bit too much right now haha. I've just been curious about those two things!
uni Dec 14, 2019 5:30 PM
I'm not sure if you've seen this already, but it reminded me of you and I had to send it to you! You said you'll be busy until around the 20th, right? Best of luck with everything! Tanjiro and I are cheering you on!!! ♥

uni Dec 6, 2019 4:51 PM
Cherry!! Thank you for your comment! (no need to reply back to this one btw!) I just wanted to let you know that it might take me a bit of time to get back to you bc of finals, and also I don't want to bombard you with another long msg as soon as you replied back to my other one haha. But best of luck with everything and I can't wait to chat with you again very soon! ♥
uni Nov 28, 2019 11:31 PM
-cries- in my head that was supposed to be a short comment ;__; but really, take your time replying back and take care until then my dear!! <3
uni Nov 28, 2019 11:28 PM
Cherry-chan!! I finally have time to reply back, and the first thing I wanted to tell you is that I finished Hanamaru s2 this morning! It was such a treat to watch from start to finish. I really missed Yamatonokami throughout the season, but it was great seeing him focus on his own growth and self-development in the process, and it made the reunion between him and Kashuu at the end even more impactful! They're two peas in a pod for sure, and definitely my favorite characters in the series :') the anime had the perfect mix of comedic and emotional moments, and I miss everyone so much already! What are we going to do without our boys ;__;

Oh gosh, I know what you mean! Breaks really do always end up like that. I'm so happy you were able to meet up with a friend you hadn't seen in a while though. That sounds wonderful! And I'm still really glad that you were able to finish i7 and that you enjoyed it as much as you did!! <3

You've probably already landed by now, but I hope you had a safe flight and I'm sending you all of my strength and well wishes that your business trip may go smoothly 💪 omg, you sound very very busy ;__; and I can't believe your finals start so soon after you come back from your trip! Hopefully you have enough time to rest throughout it all! No worries at all if you're not able to reply back until after your finals are over and you've had a chance to catch your breath first. I know how hectic the end of the year can be, and your health is the most important thing after all! I look forward to reading your replies when they do arrive, but in the meantime I'll be cheering you on and rooting for you from the sidelines. If you ever need a break from studying and want to chat, I'll always be here! ☆

Thank you so much!! My trip was also 5 days long so I came back a little over a week ago, but I actually attended another conference this past weekend that was only a day long and within driving distance this time haha. I had a really fun time during my trip, and I miss it a lot already! I have work retreats at both of my jobs in mid-December, and I also start finals next week (fortunately mine are just projects/papers/presentations, no exams!), so I'm already looking forward to winter break. We can both do this!!

Omg, also! I noticed the Enstars and i7 additions to your faves list c': I love how similar we are!! The Sakuma brothers are truly wonderful ♡

Oh!! I don't mean to make this msg even longer than it already is, but since you're also quite fond of Rei and Toshiki Masuda, I wanted to share this video with you (although you may have listened to it already!). It's a compilation of Rei's solo lines so far :3 he has such a lovely voice. It's totally fine if you don't listen to any/all of it, but I just thought I would let you know in case you might enjoy it too c':

uni Nov 27, 2019 2:51 PM
Hi sweetie!! I'll reply to your other message soon, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm finally watching Hanamaru s2 bc it's a holiday over here and I thought it would be the perfect time to start it :') and I love it so far! Now that I know the characters better, they really feel like a family to me. Kashuu's struggles with his self-worth broke my heart, and I really hope he can reunite with Yamatonokami soon ;___; oh and the spontaneous cooking musicals still make me burst out laughing! The comedy in this series strikes all the right notes for me. I can't wait to watch more ♥
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