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Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
Mar 19, 12:34 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 8
Hibike! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest-hen
Hibike! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest-hen
Feb 11, 1:07 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 6
Hibike! Euphonium 3
Hibike! Euphonium 3
Feb 11, 1:06 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 8
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Mesugaki no Iru Kissaten
Mesugaki no Iru Kissaten
Jan 6, 2024 10:43 AM
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Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin!
Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin!
Jul 1, 2023 9:51 AM
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Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Dec 16, 2021 12:11 PM
Completed 50/50 · Scored 7

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dlxuniuniu Jan 1, 2021 12:47 AM
Indeed. Last season was pretty gooood no doubt. The "main" anime that I watched was good like Tonikaku Kawaii or Majo no Tabitabi. Especially Majo surprised me with their bloody scenes which was also quite good I have to say.

But there is clearly one anime that is above everything else by faaaar, like really really faaar. It would deserve a 100/10 even: GochiUsa. Simply best of the year 2020 imo, even a little bit better than BanG Dream S3 at the first season of last year (damn saying last year for 2020 is something new). It' been long time since something better than GochiUsa S3 aired, it is even so much better than the previous seasons and OVAs.
Beside that Ochikobore Fruit Tart is something I enjoyed also a lot. New Idols are always good. Niji can only take the third place in my ranking...For a stand alone it would be good but having μ's and Aqours in mind, it cannot keep up with it imo. I have said quite often already that I am not a big fan of Solo idols...and even Yuu can be that cute, having a manager is simply Idolm@ster style. It's not LL.
I am never watch CGDCT+action/fighting random genre again. After Senyoku no Sigrdrifa and Assault Lily: Bouquet I finally realized. From the art Senyoku was really one of the best ever but random airplanes and random odins destroy everything.
Bears are cute and Climbing girls better do workouts (Onegai muscle!!!). Everbody loves trash likes Dogeza and enjoy One Room. Finally someone besides Kanata realized how important sleep is.

In general it was a very good season thanks to GochiUsa especially. And it was my season of reviews...wrote a lot this time. That's so far from my side...
dlxuniuniu Oct 10, 2020 12:09 PM
Thanks a lot!
Hope you're all still doing well from my little group. Was definitely a fun time.
This season there are really so many things to watch, my watching list is complete full and with Genshin my time flies away. There is nothing else to do for me besides work, watch and play usually. So many things hehe.
dlxuniuniu Sep 27, 2020 12:31 AM
Small? Well in compare to the fall season yeah, that one is gonna RIP my time totally but it will be great. Totally hyped for all the CGDCT shows with Gochiusa on top for the moment but they others like Maesetsu!, Dropout Idol Fruit Tart and ofc Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai will be great as well surely...anyway my PTW list is complete full already for Fall.

But I have watched this season too much already...lets start:

First of all there is no doubt that Lapis is my most favorite seasonal (maybe even year). I can't praise it enough, it is definitely underrated as I mentioned that way in my review. Just wow!

The second place would go fo Kanojo...well simply simp. I really enjoyed this show and let's see the second season. Chizuru is indeed top tier waifu.

Place three is Fruits Busket for me. It is one of the less such genre animes I watched and even liked. The story is just too beautiful and I just really really like it.

Also I can't deny I will miss Food Wars. A shounen anime which I even loved. Bye bye all the delicious food after 5 years of action and cooking. Totally will miss it...

ReZero is okaaaay...somehow S1 is better imo. Maybe because of the Rem missing?! Who knows...but yeah it's a show everybody must watch.

So the other CGDCT show from our fishing girls were enjoying, the Yuru Camp vibe came back a little. Just sit down and relax, comfy is everthing. Someday I have to get my fishing licence (and you your car hehe).

The other shows like Dokyuu Hentai or Monster Musume..well Ecchi is the word. Story is hmmmmm but Ecchi. No more words needed.

Uzaki was fun and S2 will be surely like that as well but it's not that special and the romance progress could be more.

Actually the short one's are great this season. Like Rebirth, Garupa Pico or Umayon. I love chibis. Smol is cute, said by Confuzius.

There is one OVA I will highlight: 22/7: 8 + 3. Just wonderful, the OVA is better than the main series already. And the ED song made into my top 5 of all ED songs already. Wow, wow!

At last, lets see how Mewkl will continue, this one is also a 10/10 cleary.

In compare to next season not that much surely....So that's my side so far, your turn now.
dlxuniuniu Jul 1, 2020 7:58 AM
I am a simple man, I write down what I think...

for the next season there isn't that much to watch acutally in my opinion...the best one and a must watch is Lapis Re:lights. After the first two episodes, it is just fantastic, glorious. A new idol theme is born. Wonderful. It will be pretty sure my seasonal (or year) highlight.

Besides that I am also joining the Re:Zero train like everyone else...

Kanojo, Okarishimasu definitely caught my attention. It looks quite fun and I am looking forward it.

Not sure about Monster Musume and Uzaki-chan yet but they made into my list as well for the moment.

And I am still a simple man, I see an anime with h*ntai in it's name, gonna watch Dokyuu h*ntai directly.

The last main anime for me is Chou Futsuu oh and the chibis Umayon as well.

Acutally I have the feeling the movies will be really really good:
Kud Krafter and Violet. I am looking forward those two. I hope we will see them soon somewhere online or offline and not one year after the airing in JP. But those movies are definitely masterpieces I think
dlxuniuniu Jun 30, 2020 3:08 PM
Time really flies by. Another season already over again and soon another year...everything is so fast nowadays.

So this the real season of delays...yeah yeah it’s all because of Corona. But luckily most of the studios were still able to show their work without delay or just a little.

So in the end I didn’t watch that many seasonal one’s like the past...first of all there weren’t that much things for me like in the Winter season and second some of them are delayed a loooot like Houkago Teibou or even Shokugeki no Soma, even Gal-Gaku with big delay. You can’t really say anything about those. It wasn’t the best season for sure.

So many people are that much hyped about Kaguya-sama and it’s best seasonal one’s etc blah blah...actually I liked the first season much a non manga reader of this, I don’t know what to expect really...somehow it isn’t about the love war anymore which probably isn’t a bad thing but for me I don’t see much progress on that part. It’s fun and good to know more background of the characters but it feels off topic in my opinion. But still a solid 9.

I was really hyped after the first few episodes of yesterday wo utatte. it had the potential to be my favorite one’s but we all know what happened in the end and how a 10 can be destroyed...still I don’t agree with that many low scores only because of the end. I am one of the fewer people who are still giving it a good score in the reviews...but everyone has another opinion on this.

I mean my scores are in general much higher than the average and so it’s for me Tamayomi as well. Very good story, I like their winning spirit. I would also do everything for a win. Who cares about the spectators anyway, they don’t play. That’s clearly the best part of the anime by far. But also the settings and characters are good, only the animation could be better.

What I really really cannot understand is the low score of Shachou, Battle. By checking out the reviews I am literally the only one giving it a good score. Generally I write many more reviews now to have a different opinion...maybe i see the things much different than the others. Anyway I had fun watching it tbh, only guys with long hair is naaaaahh...

Kakushigoto and Otome Game both deserved a 9 from me. They were simply great. The two sides of Kakushi made me happy and sad both in 24 minutes. Bakarina is just fun to watch.

My favorite one’s is clearly Priconne, the only one with a 10. Actually I am even liking this little more than Konosuba. I like the Male MC Yuuki also more than Kazuma. And their party is better and have a much better goal. Eating is everything!

Bascically those are the only one’s I watched which are completed. The rest is still airing (Fruits Basket; Garupa Pico) or like I said before delayed.

Oh and of course Mewkledreamy is great. Yume is a good girl, no need to mention I guess hehe. And I am the only one starting those discussions about the series...luckily Chinese people are crazy enough to translate everything directly. I would hate to wait for the Eng sub which is always one week later, always one ep behind....I don’t know why MoyaiSubs always take one week more for it....Anyway this one is clearly not for kids. It should be PG-13. The bad cats destroying the dreams are too dangerous. But if nothing happens dramatically this one is getting a high score too.

So that was from my side this time, now it’s your turn.
dlxuniuniu Apr 1, 2020 1:32 PM
but Hifumi is just so much cuter, more beautiful, basically everything than Miu and her age is perfect.

I don't think there will be a 2nd season. The OVA will be the last part. If you look up and search 22/7 a little bit, they don't have much attention. Sooo hmm I hope it gets a 2nd season but highly doubt it
dlxuniuniu Apr 1, 2020 7:13 AM
imgur and BB Codes works here fine...

FBI is incoming. poor Cacao.

Hmm tbh I am not a big Miu fan. I like Jun, Sakura or Reika much more than Miu. Shyness over 9000 is tooo much. I am pretty sure that it is an AI there and that thing is really interesting.

I hated history at school. So sth with history is a no go for me. Many people say that Eizouken is sooo goood but I didn't even watch a sinlge part of it. Hmm nothing for me. I preferred the short series like Yatogame-chan or Natsunagu more than it.
dlxuniuniu Apr 1, 2020 3:44 AM
oooof someone deleted lots of comments....try the meme as pic with imgur

So winter season was definitely tooooo much stuff to watch, "luckily" my spring PTW isn't that much as winter.

I am trash and I know it. So I loved Ishuzoku. Enjoyed every episode. Nothing more to ask, just perfect. But ok since it's more like that kind of "anime" it's a different thing.

For a "normal" anime BanG Dream is clearly my favorite, even it isn't finished yet and the waiting time are so looooong because of HIDIVE. But the S3 is clearly much better than the two before, although I am not a big RAS fan, just Pareo. The story is good, the music is always great and for Bandori fans just perfect.

Nekopara also deserved a 10 for me. I mean there are Nekos and they are cute. Everyone played Nekopara will love it surely.

Koisuru Asteroid and Heya Camp were also relaxing and good. Just CGDCT. While I didn't like Bofuri at all after few episodes. Boring, nothing new. Random fighting. And tooo much guys. Same goes for Hatena Ilusion, it just didn't get more interesting at a point.

For the idols shows 22/7 and Oshibudo, they were great. Especially both came up with a new topic as I mentioned in my reviews about them. Very very interesting.

Runway de Wattate is probably also one of the best for me from winter. The fighting spirit is just soooo high, never give up! I really liked it.

I thought Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu was with girls, that's why I watched it. But it was very funny, clearly the funniest one of this season. If it were girls instead of guys, it would be sooooo much better. But still not that bad though.

Murenase! was also very good and the fan service was alright. Entertaining to watch but not 10/10 for me.

Sadly Show by Rock included boy band. Buuuuuuuh. It would be so much better without them. For someone who never watched any Show by Rock things, it was still enjoyable.

To sum up, the season was great all together. I think much better than the upcoming one's.

Xiaraith Mar 20, 2020 3:29 AM
Thanks! Always feels good that I started adding these little descriptions back when my list only had ~130 entries, and nowadays they quickly offer me a memory on what I liked and disliked about specific shows. Now you also need to imagine these scalable boxes next to each entry to actually show the anime's cover though :3 (I should repair this part again, though not sure when MAL api will mess it up again~)

If you want your own anime list to look special, there's a bunch of well written guides in the forums here, including templates with code to simply copy over and try out.
dlxuniuniu Dec 31, 2019 3:46 PM
Haha it's not annoying all fine...

Hmm so this season can't keep up with the others, we had much better one's in 2019. There was a lot of crap that I watched like Assassin's Pride or ValxLove. No plan why I looked at it at all, probably only because of the L*LI or ecchi. In terms of content, they were boring without end. In general it was definitely not a season for CGDCT, although there were certainly one or two interesting things with Watashi Nouryoku, Azur Lane or Rifle is beautiful. But it's the season of delays. Everything is late. Azur Lane (plot crap, ships top) is of course a thing with a few months delay.
Chidori is the best of them in my opinion, but a week delay to the end before the last episode is a must of course ... Watashi was also good, but compared to Endro ~ (felt quite similar) much weaker. Null Peta probably had the most potential, but it was just too short.

Since the CGDCT category is only so-so overall, you have to help yourself with Ecchi. Kandawaga Jet Girls is not bad, especially the uncensored version. Jup fun. Food Wars S4 isn't bad either, although that's not my genre at all usually. But cooking is always fun hehe.
At the end, I chose Bokuben S2 as my favorite anime for this season. That was the funniest and most interesting, maybe also because my S1 best girl won (at leats until now) in the end. Even if the end came too quickly and unexpectedly, it was still a great success as a sequel.

Well, it looks better again for the new season. I am most looking forward to BanG Dream!
So how about you ???

dlxuniuniu Sep 29, 2019 4:37 PM
I think it's quite normal to dislike the one or other show even it fits the usually watching genre...I mean everyone has his own priorities still, for myself idol would directly have some plus points while CGDCT plus action is still bad and autamatically dropped like Granbelm when the fights begin.

I agree that Autumn doesn't look that promising at the moment...looks like there is almost at least ome guy everywhere...maybe time to watch some old one's on my PTW list...let's see but first time to take a short break from watching that much for me since the season is over. At least not watching that much right now
dlxuniuniu Sep 29, 2019 2:40 PM
That was probably one of the best, no THE best season, for me. There was so much good CGDCT.

Re:Stage is definitely one of the best idol shows ever, probably on the same level as LL. It was so good, that I even wrote a review for it. Re:Stage made my Sunday better every week and not worrying about Mondays...but sadly it ended today...I really hope there will be a second season of it (who cares about NGNL S2 now, here are the real points). LOVED it.

Besides Re:Stage Machikado Mazoku was also a good CGDCT show which was enjoyable to watch, although the story didn't convince me that much but the cute girls there are really hmmmm cute I would say.

Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] is one of the anime doesn't really fit into my anime genre but somehow I liked it. The idea of such a game would be also a hit in real life. It really is quite good and the action isn't the typical fight fight fight which I totally hate.

And of course the ecchi one's with cute girls like Tejina-senpai, dumbbell, Sounan Desu ka? or even Okasaan Online was a must watch for me too. Back to my basics with Ecchi where I started with To-Love Ru. I know some people don't like fanservice anime but I like it, so I enjoy them also. The stories aren't that important here although good if has one.

The best drama seasonal and the only I have watched with the genre drama goes to Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. The end was too fast for me though and a little bit suddenly but luckily no NTR (I hate it). The OP is one of the best ever, loved to hear it. So good.

And finally Carole&Tuesday and Fruits Basket ended (or will end) this season. Those two were my most favorite from last one so I was looking for the ending.

To sum up, this season was soooo good. Autumn season will be nothing compare to it (if I look what's on my PTW list there)

dlxuniuniu Jun 27, 2019 6:00 PM
hmmmmm don't really know...the last season was in my opinion so much better with Ueno-san wa Bukiyou, BanG Dream! S2, Endro!, Kaguya-sama and Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!, also Kemono Friends S2 was much better than its first season.
If I compare them to the one ended now, this one doesnt really feel great...

Except Isekai Quartet I have watched all the other....uff so much time spent on it totally

Bocchi was a good show in general, but everytime her ex friend Kai is shown its triggered me directly...She is just such a bad person. "I wont be with your friends anymore until the whole class are friends". DA FU**...TRIGGERED that how you treat your friends?! And nobody even wants to have a whole class as friend...Although its "just" an anime, it's so dumb...If I were Bocchi I would kicked Kai's ass so hard that she will hopefully never came back again because I definitely don't need those "friends". Thats not supporting her in anyway, its just ridiculous.
Without her this would be a great CGDCT show but she destroys EVERYTHING with that attitude.......
dlxuniuniu Jun 27, 2019 1:01 PM
hmm pretty hard to say...

I have watched a lot again this season again and I really like to give high scores for that what I like and watch (my average score is much higher than the most people, if you exlclude the Htais in my list :D) But for this spring season no one got 10 points from me and I gave only two 9 points...I mean I literally didn't watch any action one's except there are really cute girls there :D

In the end it was a bit disappointing though...Senko-san had the potential to be much better at some point the guy is really boring and nothing happens really (that's why only 9 points from me) The second 9 point is Senryuu Shoujo...but than there were really bad one's like Joshi Kausei or Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma...I really didn't like those...

But Carole&Tuesday is still on going and I think it really can become the best one...beautiful music, good story. Maybe just the style a little bit different, but that's definitely the one to check out the most in my opinion. And let's see how the finale of Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai will be,it is also quite good. Fruits Basket Zenpen is so much better than the old version from 2001 which I have dropped after three episodes (that's the only one without that much cuteness which I have watched this season)

Anyway to sum up, the january winter season was much better...and your thoughts about that?

And here is my list of comedy, slice of life, MOE, CGDCT for upcoming season:

Tejina-senpai (Jul 2)
Sounan Desu ka? (Jul 2)
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? (Jul 3)
Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. (Jul 4)
Joshikousei no Mudazukai (Jul 5)
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. (Jul 6)
Re:Stage! Dream Days♪ (Jul 7)
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 (Jul 7)
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] (Jul 7)
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? (Jul 8)
Machikado Mazoku (Jul 12)
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? (Jul 13)

dlxuniuniu Jun 5, 2019 4:54 PM
hehe you found me here although my username is a little bit different from 9gag^^ yeah yeah I am really who you think I am
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