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Days: 66.9
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- Total Entries211
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- Episodes4,007
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 18.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries58
- Reread0
- Chapters3,259
- Volumes61
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1) Maison Ikkoku : A real classic piece. People don't give it a look, since its artwork looks old, but it is the best romance manga/anime (both imo) there.
2) Love Hina : It's harem and the MC is wimpy, but this series is legendary and also my very first manga I ever read. It is quite good.
3) The World God Only Knows/ Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai : One of the best romance manga that is ongoing currently. Unique concept but a very good storyline. But you'd appreciate more if you have played some visual novels.
4) Ai Kora : It is kind of the same setting as Love Hina, but the MC has a different, unique kind of fetish. It is humorous and the MC is not wimpy. It is a good manga as well.
5) GE ~Good Ending~ : It is a manga I am following currently. It is quite good, but sometimes the drama and emotions are too heavy for my liking. But the series is quite good.
6) Kimi no Iru Machi : It is actually very popular but somewhere the drama and emotions went too high for my liking, so I dropped it. But I might give it a try after sometime again, since it is praised very much.
For other good recs, check my Mangalist. The ones whose rec I gave were ones I have read/completed. There are many good ones in my "Plan to Read" section as well. You might like some of them.
And how did you find "Liar Game"? Was it good? And I kept checking for your LG update on MAL and since it didn't come, I thought you never got time to read it.
My friends could see my new one for days but I couldn't till 2 days back. Some weird problems MAL has from time-to-time.
And about Anime jumping? Well, I only watch those currently airing anime which I am following. And apart from that I watch detective conan and gintama from time to time (I have switched to DC manga now, btw) . A week or two back, I marathoned till the #130 of One Piece, but that's it.
Mostly I jump on Manga. I try searching for Shounen Romance /psychological ones. So, whenever I see a good looking synopsis , I give it a try.
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