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Air Gear Special
Air Gear Special
Sep 28, 2009 9:53 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Air Gear
Air Gear
Sep 28, 2009 9:52 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 7
Sep 28, 2009 9:42 PM
Completed 26/26 · Scored 9
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Aug 8, 2009 6:08 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Dawn: Tsumetai Te
Dawn: Tsumetai Te
Aug 8, 2009 3:19 AM
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BioMeat: Nectar
BioMeat: Nectar
Aug 8, 2009 3:19 AM
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NorthPole Dec 18, 2010 10:34 AM
Moklyop Nov 18, 2010 9:17 PM
Hey, nice to meet you!
The name's Garrett!
Turorr Oct 8, 2009 2:43 AM
andy_blah said:
Seems that you are even more retarded that I tought, good luck getting banned you masochist

Insulting one of the best...I mean THE best member of MAL...and on his own profile...who the fuck do you think you are faggot?

Either you kneel before the awesomeness that is Sonofjohn or GTFO TROLL!!
rawrandom Sep 21, 2009 5:09 PM
hell yeah!
rawrandom Sep 20, 2009 2:24 PM
Uhhhmmm, thats nice to know.. XD
andy_blah Sep 20, 2009 11:13 AM
Seems that you are even more retarded that I tought, good luck getting banned you masochist
De-JaY Sep 8, 2009 11:02 AM
Well I do some picture editing and stuff. ^^
De-JaY Sep 7, 2009 1:46 PM
Ehehe... my old small room. That was a pain. Got my own apartment now (new pics)

I have so many headphones because I collect them. ^^"
Pineappledishes Aug 8, 2009 7:03 AM
I know. I've watched most zombie movies out there. Even the independent movies. (which suck)

I cant remember the last manga I read that had zombies. : / I know I'm looking for a manga, that's called "The Collection" I think there were zombies there, but I cant find it. Zombies are not so popular in Japan, I guess. : ( It's more of an American thing.
Pineappledishes Aug 8, 2009 3:36 AM
I saw your Zombie thread. I dont have any recommendations, I just wanted to say I love you. ;___;

I fucking love Zombies. Everything about them, man. I try to watch and read as many animangas I can find.

Keep on with your zombie appreciation. :O
terminus Aug 7, 2009 8:35 PM
well...from the pace that Hellsing Ultimate going now, I'm guessing sometime in 2010, maybe even 2011.
Bladin Aug 7, 2009 5:25 PM
Shes under the impression that the relationship has completely ended when Audrey left, but rather it's still up in the air.
Baman Aug 6, 2009 3:17 PM
Well, as far as the characterization went, it often seemed so unnatural, and the characters seemed to be more slaves to the plot than independent actors in it.
Like how Lelouch kills Clovis for no apparent reason in the start (Probably just to show the viewers that he's a badass), while still struggling with killing Suzaku when he is clearly only a liability.
As for Suzaku's flaws (disregarding the fantastical circumstances that turn a random foreign auxiliary trooper like him into a pilot for a new superweapon), his whole character seems to be of the fanatical, incorruptible moralist type, but then he suddenly ends up siding with Lelouch and conveniently discards all his former ideals.
The same problem repeats itself when Shirley twice happen to follow Lelouch into a dangerous situation, it seemed more an excuse to further the plot than a natural occurrence, at least the final time.
As for Lelouch himself, his sudden change of goals and ideals towards the end came so sudden and without proper explanation, just like the sudden revelations of Marianne being alive and Charles plotting some NGE Human Instrumentality ripoff (The metaphysical drivel and the sudden mindrape episode seemed to have been just thrown in hastily when they realized that Charles actually had to have some ambition).
And all the while, CC knew everything that was going on and conveniently decided not to tell, only to suddenly suffer plot induced amnesia for only long enough to show some more fanservice from her part.

And then you have the ridiculous China arc which was basically a waste of time and resources, considering it could have easily been resolved with diplomacy, the Ling dude and Lelouch had pretty much the same goals from the start after all.
And let's not forget the entire start of R2, which was pretty much nothing but a rehash of the first season's starting plot.

I also disliked the silly technology jumps, going from not so very far fetched mechas and a few über prototypes, and then suddenly to a point where everyone had flying beamspamming mechas and air battleships. And the whole deal with the main characters' super robots raping everything with a swipe of their beam cannons rendered the battles pretty much boring and senseless, at least the first season attempted at throwing in some clever tactics here and there.

But at any rate, my loathing of it is much boosted from the fact that I enjoyed it at the start and was severely disappointed when the second season crumbled into a flashy, hype driven fanservicefest.
While my score may seem brutal, it's much because it lead me to expect so much more, both from it's premise and from it's genre.
Other terrible series like MD Geist receives a much better score simply because it did not make me expect anything at all.
terminus Aug 6, 2009 11:56 AM
I love to marathon anime too, but one thing about Hellsing Ultimate is even though it is an OVA, with extra long episodes, and lots of financial backing, only one OVA episode is released like every two or three months.

It really is amazing though. One of the best anime I've seen with amazing animation and design.
terminus Aug 6, 2009 10:57 AM
yea, Hellsing Ultimate is great. There are only 6 episodes so far, since it's still airing, but each episodes is about 30-45 mintues, so a lot better than normal 24min episodes. On wikipedia, it says Hellsing Ultimate even beat Elfen Lied in blood and gore if you look at Elfen Lied's wiki article.

Shigurui is pretty good, it defenitley has the blood and gore you are looking for, but in a more disturbing way with guts, brains, and other stuff.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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