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Welcome To MyAnimeList I usually rate my anime based on overall enjoyment I'm not to keen on being overly critical on shows that I watch. Shows that I have given bad ratings were shows I watched when I first watched anime then later went back to re-watch realizing they weren't as good as I had remembered. Other shows that might have gotten a bad rating were because the 2nd half of the series wasn't as good as the first I hope you understand how I rate shows. If you want anime recommendations just ask what sort of genres your into and I'll give my most honest opinion on shows you might want to watch. If you you want to send a friend request I'm more than happy to accept requests. (1)Bakemonogatari Bakemonogatari follows Araragi as he attempts to help those who suffer from supernatural maladies. If your into the RomCom genre then I highly recommend you watch this show If you like more action than dialogue then this might not be a perfect fit for you. (2)Great Teacher Onizuka Onizuka is a reformed biker gang leader who has his sights set on an honorable new ambition: to become the world's greatest teacher... for the purpose of meeting sexy high school girls. Okay, so he's mostly reformed. However, strict administrators and a class of ruthless delinquents stand between Onizuka and his goal and they will use any means, however illegal or low, to drive the new teacher away. Perfect, because Onizuka's methods won't be found in any teaching manual; he cares about the difference between legal and illegal activities about as much as he cares for the age difference between himself and a high school girl. This show is pretty old but the action in this show is great if you like motivational stories, comedy and action then this might be a perfect fit for you. (3)Code Geass In the year 2010, the Holy Britannian Empire is establishing itself as a dominant military nation, starting with the conquest of Japan. Renamed to Area 11 after its swift defeat, Japan has seen significant resistance against these tyrants in an attempt to regain independence. Lelouch Lamperouge a Britannia student gains the power of geass the power to order someone to do anything using this power to rebel against Britannia and becoming the figure head of the rebellion as Zero. If you like a main protagonist who is smart or just plain cunning then I highly recommend you watch it especially if you like Death Note. (4)Fate/Zero The Holy Grail promising to grant any wish has triggered three wars in the past, in which no one has yet to win. In spite of that, the wealthy Einzbern family is confident that the Fourth Holy Grail War will be different. Solely for this reason, the much hated "Magus Killer" Kiritsugu Emiya is hired by the Einzberns, with marriage to their only daughter Irisviel as binding contract. If you're into action and battle royals then this show is a must. (5)Mob Psycho 100 Eighth-grader Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama has immense psychic prowess at a young age. But the power quickly proves to be a liability when he realizes the potential danger in his skills. Choosing to suppress his power, Mob's only present use for his ability is to impress his longtime crush, Tsubomi, who soon grows bored of the same tricks. In order to effectuate control on his skills, Mob enlists himself under the wing of Arataka Reigen, a con artist claiming to be a psychic, who exploits Mob's powers for pocket change. If you like shows packed with action and emotion then you'll love this show especially if you like shows like One Punch Man. 「Redo」from Re:Zero by Konomi Suzuki 「STYX HELIX」from Re:Zero by Myth&Roid 「UNION」From SSSS.Gridman by OxT youthful beautiful From SSSS.Gridman by Maaya Uchida 『Reset - Taichi Mukai』From Run With The Wind To The Beginning from Fate/Zero by Kalafina 〈Touch Off〉from The Promised Neverland by UVERworld Driver's High from Great Teacher Onizuka C.C. From Code Geass She was the only female character who truly knew Lelouch and was with him to the very end of the series. She was with him when he acted as Lelouch Lamperouge, Zero and as Lelouch Vi Britannia the other girls in the show only liked one part of him Shirley liked Lamperouge and had accepted Zero. Kallen only liked the Zero part of him if you like Kallen or Shirely I'm totally ok with that they were good characters none the less. Plus she loves pizza. Senjougahara From Bakemonogatari Senjougahara a girl who won't mind stapling you in the mouth if you mess with her or her man. All of the scenes she's in with Araragi have been my favorite scenes in anime in general the witty dialogue between the two usually going in favor of Senjougahara than Araragi just really hits home with me. Zero Two From Darling In The Franxx Zero Two may be the only waifu to claim to be a gigantic mecha spaceship which we can all agree didn't make any since at all because trigger but I still loved her anyway. Time to be serious ok she was a character who was very interesting in the beginning of the series in my opinion to her crazy quirks like eating stake with maple syrup to eating lollipops.Now Ichigo was a complete cuck in the show like trying to separate them to only making things worse for the entire plant in general. If you actually like Ichigo I guess I'm alright with that even though it doesn't make any since at all. Endorsi From Tower Of God Endorsi is one of the princesses of Jahad even though she isn't allowed to love any man she still chose to love Bam and continue climbing the tower with him. She has risked a lot for Bam including her title as the princess and her own life multiple times throughout the webtoon. She loves Bam so much to the point that she became jealous of Rachel because Bam at that time cared more about Rachel than her. Bam has changed a lot since then and I know Yuri has done the same as Endorsi but Endorsi has been with him the longest more so then any other female character. Chizuru From Rent A Girlfriend Chizuru stands up for her man as seen when she stands up for Kazuya because his ex girlfriend was roasting him. Not only will she stand up for you but she'll be there to lie for if your in a pinch and when your down or not feeling well she'll be there to support you. P.S Chizaru has the same voice actor as Aqua from Konosuba also she's a tsudere. Misaka From A Certain Magical Index Misaka is a tsudere who has a blush i would die and get reincarnated into another world for. How Touma interacts with her is the just the best she was such a great character she got her own show witch has a higher rating than the main story does. Also in my opinion she's a better main character than Touma who doesn't get really any character development even so I still like his character. She had literally traveled all the way to Russia for this man now that's some dedication. For Index fans yeah Index is one of the main characters in the main story but she doesn't even play a very important role in the main plot whatsoever. If you like Index I'm fine with that she is an ok character in my opinion. Othinus fans can eat it because nothing compares to Misakas character development end of story. Irisviel From Fate/Zero Irisviel had really cared about Kiritsugu to the point were she had sacrificed herself just for his dream. It's just Kiritsugu had been broken do to his past and she was the first to really truly help him after everything he had done in his past to killing his father to blowing up the only mother figure he really had in is life just to save a lives of people he doesn't even know. That type of character just really resonates with characters I like. Rin Tohsaka From Fate/Stay Night Rin is what I like to call a perfect tsundere to the twin tails to the thigh highs to her overall personality.She is a perfect mix of not being super mean to you and being nice to you plus she's not the type of tsundere that beats the shit out of you for literally doing nothing. Her reasons for wanting to win the grail are very noble she doesn't have a wish she just simply wants to win. For Saber fans I get why you might like her she just wants to save her country that's also very noble but as Rider once said "A King does not devote himself It is the nation and the people who devote themselves to the king". That might be a dictatorship but it had worked well in there times to there countries that's why Riders men still devoted themselves to him even after death. Ok getting of topic if you prefer Saber I'm alright with that she is still a good character in my opinion. Now Sakura Fans she is pretty one dimensional character in UBW but I do feel really bad for how she was raised and especially in heavens feel so she's alright. Emilia From Re:Zero Emilia is a kind and caring person who decided to help Subaru when he really needed it when it was at a time she really shouldn't be helping someone since her entire royal candidacy was on the line. One scene that made me really like her character was when Subaru was trying really hard to be the best butler to the point were even the audience could feel how hard he was trying and she saw this and told him to lay his head on her lap and she had said "It's been rough, hasn't it" at a point were he really needed to hear that was perfect also that was one of the events that made Rem trust Subaru a little more. One of the MAJOR reasons why I don't like Rem is that I just can't forget the time she brutally murdered Subaru not once but twice in the show. I know there's one fan out there like Rem sacrificed herself for Subaru multiple times that does not change the fact she had killed him. Rem also had supported Subaru when he really needed it but Emilia had done it first. Plus another reason why most like Rem is because there's just more screen time but in season 2 is where Emilias character really stands out. That doesn't mean I hate Rem I can see why people like her a lot but I just prefer Emilia and if you like Rem I'm totally alright with that. Megumin From Konosuba Megumin is the only character that really cares for Kazuma as seen when he got his head cut off and when he had refused to come back to life she was the only one that was actually concerned about him. Darkness was more or less jealous that her head wasn't cut off and Aqua knew she could bring him back to life so she wasn't really concerned at all. Fans of darkness might say they're a perfect fit Kazuma is scummy and darkness loves that. Kazuma might be scummy at times but that's not who he really is all the time. Aqua fans might say Aqua had been with Kazuma from the beginning from sleeping in the stables to going drinking at night, and yeah she was but on the contrary she just wants Kazuma to bring down the Devil King so she can go back to being a Goddess. Now if you like Aqua or Darkness I'm totally fine with that the scenes that they're in cracks me up all the time. P.S Megumins voice actor also does Emilia. Mia From Bunny Girl Senpai Mia is very much like Senjougahara just without the stapler is what most people would say. Most of the characters in Bunny Girl Senpai come off as trying to get the moral high ground the scenes Mia and Sakuta are in are just the best and most of the conversations end up as being a tie between the two. Lelouch Vi Britannia From Code Geass Lelouch is a guy who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants and has the intellect to be able to do it. Unlike characters that are very similar to him like Light from Death Note you can tell that Lelouch really cares about his friends and wanted to make a better world not just for Nunnally but for them to. Koutarou Tatsumi From Zombieland Saga Koutarou is a man that will wake you up in the morning and try to make you feel better when your down all he really wants to do is make a zombie idol group to save the Saga prefecture. Araragi From Bakemonogatari Araragi a high school boy who doesn't mind sexually harassing little girls if it means he can win an argument. Ok but seriously he's a guy who will go pretty far for his friends whether its getting torn to pieces or almost get choked to death to help his friends through their problems. His interactions with pretty much every character is hilarious especially Hachikuji and Senjougahara. P.S I love this photo of him if you know what scene it's from then you know the reason why. Kiritsugu From Fate/Zero Kiritsugu has sacrificed a lot to save people who he doesn't even know even at the cost of everyone he ever cared about he doesn't do it for glory or acknowledgment he simply does it to help humanity. You might say he's just a killer but every person who either he sacrificed or whom sacrificed themselves that he truly cared for really broke him. His childhood was not an easy one he had to kill his own father because of the lives his father had ruined and the lives of people he would ruin later if he didn't kill him. Then being raised as a killer to safe more and more people and blowing up the plane that his mother figure was one to safe lives of people who Kiritsugu would never meet. He even shot his wife and child just to safe the entire world (via what the grail had shown him).To sum it all up he had sacrificed a lot in his life which is why I love his character so much he will do anything to get what he wants. Though his past was horrific his time with Shirou was great. Kasuma From Konosuba Kazutrash also known as Kazuma endures through a lot being stuck with three useless party members who pretty much cause him to die four times so far including the movie. One being a useless Goddess to one who collapses after using there magic to one that misses every target she aims for also she is a super masochist. He steals panties so he can win against pretty much every girl but that's just part of his personality. He actually does care for these three useless party members even though he doesn't want to admit it he really does care as seen when he came back to life and decided not to leave them behind. Ayanokoji From Classroom Of The Elite Ayanokoji helps his class succeed in pretty much every single problem that occurs in their class. He doesn't help to get recognized in fact he prefers nobody knowing that he's the one helping them out all the time. He is a genius but doesn't want to show it as seen when he purposely gets 50's on all of his tests. In reality he really only helps his class for his own ambition and sees them as tools not actual people. Onizuka From Great Teacher Onizuka Onizuka the best teacher in all of anime he will do anything for his students whether it's jumping off a building to save them from suicide or being shot at multiple times to help someone in need. He will do anything to proof that he is the greatest teacher to students and teachers. The anime he's from might be pretty old and the animation might not look like the anime coming out today but he's still a great character none the less. Sakuta From Bunny Girl Senpai Sakuta simply does not give a f*ck about what other people have to say about him and what he has to say about other people. Which makes scenes even more funny with how straight to the point he is like telling Mia why he's acting weird is because he wants his face in her thighs. When things get serious he will to he doesn't mind going against the atmosphere to help any of his friends in their social problems. |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 86.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries106
- Reread0
- Chapters12,824
- Volumes578
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (5)
Manga (10)
Character (10)
Chitanda, Eru
Ichinose, Chizuru
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Spiegel, Spike
Cowboy Bebop
Vash the Stampede
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Emiya, Kiritsugu
Fate/stay night
von Einzbern, Irisviel
Carnival Phantasm
Azusagawa, Sakuta
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Lamperouge, Lelouch
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch