All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 56.6
Mean Score:
- Watching37
- Completed73
- On-Hold132
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch256
- Total Entries515
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,483
All Comments (17) Comments
You SHOULD update. Holy poop!
I've been good, just working and watching anime....maybe some drinks here and there lol.
But I don't like writing essay's for a blog, I try to keep my posts short. You know what I mean. Plus I'm not a fan of profound analysis of next to nothing events in a show or something like that:p
Why arent you that active anymore on your blog man, you started it so make it big haha.
I feel I can talk without less hesitation on mal than on wordpress. I hate it that one is unable to adjust comments he made on another blog. So thats why I asked for your mal.
I didn't know you had MAL account ;3
Yeah they seem to do that here....89.1%.....why so accurate lol?
Walmart doesn't sell girl scout cookies, but I've seen girl scouts selling them outside at the entrance of a lot of Walmarts. So that's a good bet on finding said girl scouts for your cookie needs :D