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Boushoku no Berserk: Ore dake Level to Iu Gainen wo Toppa suru the Comic
Sep 10, 2020 7:28 PM
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All Comments (284) Comments
I'm so sorry I never replied to this! I do update this whenever I watch a new anime (which isn't too often but I try!) but I totally missed your comment. I hope all is well. Happy Holidays Patrick!
Nodame, I'm not really sure if its a footsie anime or not xD I mean.. they end up together.. somehow it just doesnt show how xD its really weird xD she meets him, follows him, he gets inspired by her, and they just somehow end up together xD I guess smut would kind of kill it for this one lol *an exception..*
you did read Private Prince =P *pretty sure I recommended that to you to xD* I checked your list before I recommended =P Hapi Mari is great so far, but not far along in.. I hate waiting for scans T_T
and yayyyy, let me know when you start NANA xD I watched Paradise first and didnt think I'd like NANA as much cause the description sounds cliche, but its better xD
Full moon wo sagashite is about a little girl who has throat cancer and loves to sing but she cant cause of the cancer. Than 2 shinigamis make her older and when shes older shes healthy - its really good! more on the cute side, but sometimes cute is good :3
if you come across anything good to let me know xD seems theres nothing lately o.0
FMA I love xD I loved the first one, but this ones so much better! and you haven't heard of Hetalia @_@? Hetalia Axis Powers?! everyones heard of it lol. its awesome. each ep is like 5 minutes long, and its pure randomness xD they like personafy countries, and its all good fun
Nodame has really weird art, which turned me off at first, but I grew to love it. Its one of my favourites, really cute! And I love classical music so thats a bonus xD
hmm, no footsieness animes huh xD let's see *most animes tend to play footsies*
there's a manga I really like right now xD Hapi Mari, its by the same girl who wrote Private Prince the shoujo
I'll recommend Nodame cause I love it xD at least the manga~
and I see you haven't added these and I recommended them =O NANA and Paradise Kiss. No footsieness, and both are amazing!! watch it xD! NANA's my favourite romance anime and manga ever ^^
oo and Full Moon wo Sagashite is good, I watched it last year. I guess it is footsie-ish, but it made me bawl by eyes out T_T its so good
sorry for the reallyyy late response. This year has been busy >< Ya my anime/manga time has been reduced to -_- I'm only really like watching 2 animes once a week now. I'm finishing my 4th year University this year and looking into post grad so I have no life -_- and I need to get my G test T_T *its the final driver's test in Canada*
though I haven't given up on anime lol, there's just nothing good now *except FMA and Nodame and Hetalia* I've like it for to long lol
thanks for asking, problems are solved - well, at least the computer is finally working. :-)
Good you have nothing to rant about, I guess that means there's nothing seriously worrying you right now, which I'm very happy for. A content Solly is a good Solly. :-)
But wow, those are great news - a boyfriend and NHS, that's just... wow! I'm so happy for you. BTW, I'd be very much interested in hearing how you met him, or some other interesting details, if you didn't mind telling me. ;-)
Gah, everybody's busy and nobody watches anime or reads manga anymore. You have all abandoned me. *sniff* Personally, I'm currently watching possibly twice as much anime as I used to, trying to cure all those massive withdrawal symptoms I've gotten thanks to my computerless period. Ironic, isn't it? :-)
On a slightly related note, I'd like to ask if you have a Facebook account? I've recently found out aine sort of defected there and all my AFK friends are luring me to join too, so I'm curious if I could also find you there if I did.
I'm mostly ok, I've had a depression recurrence lately so I'm currently not going to school, but thankfully I'm feeling much better already. I've got lots of free time, too, so I read heaps of books and watch gigabytes of anime and I'm actually enjoying myself right now. :-) Also, I expect to be able to return to school in several months at most, and I'm even starting looking forward to it. So yeah, I'd say it's not bad at all.
And last but not least, happy birthday, Solly-tan! I hope you enjoy them as much as possible and everything you wish for comes true. *huggles*
So sorry I was out of touch this long, first I was kinda tired because of school and not feeling very well and then, to top it all off, my computer decided to go ahead and kick the bucket, so I was offline for almost two months. :-(
However, now I'm mostly back on track and prepared to fulfill my role of your "ventage source" again (if you still want me to, that is). :-)
So, how are things in Florida, anything interesting happended while I was gone? *is curious, but patiently waits for Solly to reply*