☆・*。Hey! Welcome to my profile!☆・*。
Languages: Portuguese (I'm from Portugal), English and Spanish
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"I now understand the meaning of those words,"
"I know what 'I Love You' means."
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I'm Soleil! I have loved anime since I was a little kid, growing up watching Naruto, Inuyasha and Sailor moon, but I started getting into anime seriously maybe 3-4 years ago.
Favourite Genres;psychological horror, romance and anything that can make me cry ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
I tend to not really like mainstream anime, but there are exceptions of course. Other than that, I can like any genre.
Since you can check out my anime list to know what anime I like, I'll just leave a few things about me here and then skiddaddle
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"Life is never fair,"

"I'm sure you're well aware of that."
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I care a lot about justice so the main communities I stand up for are: BLM,LGBTQ+,veganism and feminism (oo scary words 〣( ºΔº ).
My personality is all over the place, but I'll try my best to narrow it down. Basically, if you wanna shoot a message my way for whatever reason, feel free! I'm pretty open to have any sort of conversation so long as it remain respectful from both sides but, I also like JoJo, so...we might either have a deep philosophical convo about an anime that's traumatized us for life, or have a dumb-ass JoBro moment.ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
So long as you aren't hurting anybody, I'll be here if anyone needs someone to talk to!
My hobbies mostly consist of;
•watching anime (who would have guessed)
•watching youtube/netflix etc
•playing video games
•listening to music
•learning sign language/Japanese uwu
•playing the drums
•reading comics
Alrighty then, I think that's enough info for you to decide if I'm a potential anime buddy or not. Anyway, hope you have a great day!
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"Now you and I is friends."
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All Comments (47) Comments
You're welcome!
I am doing good.
I hope you are having an amazing weekend too! ❤
I recognise jacksepticeye, emirichu, ironmouse and Anthony padilla since they were on trash taste. It's impossible to know Connor and not know ironmouse since they collab so often. I see their random clips sometimes. Their friendship seems really wholesome.
No problems. One piece fans already have a bad reputation. I'm not going to add on to that.
Again, a very happy birthday!!
I really like part 2, part 4 and part 5 . I haven't finished watching part 6 yet . Once I embraced the weirdness of Jojo, it instantly became one of the most fun experiences I have had while watching any show .
Regarding Demon slayer, you are not really missing out on a lot except some great looking animation.
I freaking love trash taste! It's the only podcast I am caught up to .Regarding their individual channels, I mostly watch Garnt since he is the only one among them who still makes anime related content. Other than those three, there's Captain Mack, inakyu, Mother's basement , Alecxandxr etc .There's also a really small channel called "weebcrit" that I recently discovered.
In general, I really like Philosophy tube ,Contrapoints ,Cheyenne Lin , FD Signifier ,munecat , James Somerton etc . Nowadays, I am mostly watching political content (left tube) on YouTube. I also follow football and cricket related content.
It definitely does feel flat sometimes. I would recommend reading the manga . I myself read it last year . I completely understand your issues with the length of the story .I am not even going to try to defend the no waist design .It's absolutely horrendous but I think the female characters are well written. It is really diverse when it comes to representation as well.
It has its problems but I absolutely adore the story and its characters.
Right now ,I feel like Garnt when he was trying to convince Connor to give One piece a try🤣 .You can actually watch the trash taste episode featuring Hasan Abi .That might convince you .
I would recommend watching Mother's basement's video on one piece . He was the one who sold me on it . He might end up doing the same for you.
I'll definitely let you know!
Jojo is definitely not a typical shounen. It's uniqueness is unparalleled.
Demon slayer is just fine. I don't think it's anything special. The whole thing about empathizing with demons felt too forced to me. Too many backstories really slowed down the pacing . I really liked Tanjiro. He is such a sweetheart . He is a good role model for positive masculinity. Zenitsu is just the opposite. He is one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen. Inosuke is funny. Nezuko is adorable but she is portrayed more like a cute pet than a multifaceted human being . The pacing issues are resolved in season 2 but the writing is still mediocre. Most of the character development(if any) happens off screen which is no fun .
I think mushoku tensei tries to take the cake and eat it too when it comes to sexualization because the protagonist definitely improves but the weird camera angles are still there. You can watch a few episodes and decide for yourself. Which YouTubers do you watch?
Well, you said you like stories that can make you cry with good worldbuilding, story and characters. I think one piece is very much capable of doing that.
Do you hate the art style because of the severe lack of diversity when it comes to female character designs in particular or do you just hate the "cartoony" look of the art style in general?
Yeah, violet evergarden is an absolutely amazing story.
You're welcome!
Tell me your thoughts after you've watched the movie.
I love a good romance!
Alongside maid sama, my friends have also recommended me kamisama kiss, yona of the dawn, kimi no todoke etc.
I am really excited to explore more of the genre.
Then, you'll definitely love Oyasumi punpun.
I really like jujutsu kaisen. It's among my favorite battle shounen (alongside one piece and chainsaw man). It has more or less well developed female characters who actually do stuff instead of just existing for the purpose of "fanservice" which is a rarity among mainstream battle shounens. It has really good action and overall, is a really fun show. I am sure you've already seen Gojo. He's inescapable nowadays.
I see that you've watched demon slayer. What's your opinion on it?
Your opinion might give me a really good idea whether you would enjoy battle shounens or not.
Regarding mushoku tensei, the story has been really good so far and its animation is gorgeous but it is extremely male gazey. I'm not sure whether you are aware of isekai tropes or not ( the protagonist is usually an incel shut in who is reborn in another world as an extremely strong and attractive being). It is not a generic isekai. The protagonist has to face his past trauma and his toxic ideas about women and he does improve a lot but the objectification persists. So proceed with caution.
Zom 100 has been an extremely fun show so far. Just watch the first episode and you'll get a good idea whether you'll like the show or not.
I'm so sorry to do this to you but one piece sounds right up your alley :)
I also really value stories that have made me cry . The mother-daughter episode from Violet evergarden made me cry like a baby. I don't think I have cried more in my life than I did while watching Grave of the fireflies. So, I would definitely recommend that.
Don't worry, that was a wonderful answer.
I, too, don't have any favorite genre. It really depends on my mood what I will like at a particular point of time.
Yeah, having a cold sucks. I hope you get better soon.
Oshi no ko is one of my favorite mangas.I haven't watched the anime adaptation yet. I'll get onto that soon.
I have heard really great things about maid sama.
Well, I'm sure you're already aware of the depressing nature of oyasumi punpun given its reputation. Without specifying too much, there are multiple scenes that might be triggering .
I hope you love the story.
I am watching jujutsu kaisen, mushoku tensei and zom 100 this season.
I haven't been able to watch a lot of anime for the last couple of months.
I have a humongous watching list that I want to finish when I have the time.
Do you have a favorite genre?
How are you doing?
Are you watching/reading anything interesting?