While I'm not overly active I'm generally happy to discuss something I've watched or anything else relevant to Anime or Manga. So feel free to leave a comment or message me if you wanted to talk/ask me anything.
29/01/14 - 400 Total Anime Entries
20/01/14 - Passed 150days Anime Watching
13/11/13 - Passed 50days Manga Reading
13/09/13 - 20 Completed Manga Entries
06/05/13 - 10 Completed Manga Entries
06/05/13 - 50 Total Manga Entries
19/03/13 - Read 300 Volumes
03/03/13 - Passed 20days Manga Reading
16/01/13 - 20 Total Manga Entries
30/12/12 - 300 Completed Anime Entries
12/12/12 - 300 Total Anime Entries
20/11/12 - Read 2000 chapters
05/10/12 - Passed 10days Manga Reading
03/09/12 - 10 Total Manga Entries
24/08/12 - Passed 5days of Manga Reading
23/08/12 - 250 Completed Anime Entries
20/08/12 - 250 Total Anime Entries
28/05/12 - Passed 1day of Manga Reading
27/05/12 - Passed 100days of Anime Watching
From the members of 'Writers and all kind of artists'
Short Story Contest December 2012
Award for Favorite Character + Best Use of Theme (made by Miya)
The 4th writers contest is underway and all details can be found here. The contest closes on 29th of August so don’t forget to get your entries in before then. Voting for the contest entries will commence on the 30th of August.
As usual, don’t forget to check out the club page for new stories from our members and don’t be afraid to post stories of your own.
As summer (or winter) is coming into its final month, Writers and all kinds of artists is celebrating with it's 4th writers contest, this time being hosted by Furanku.
Preparation for the contest is still happening, so stay tuned for more info.
If you would like to help out with ideas for the contest, please check out the forum here.
As always, don't be afraid to come and post new material; we all love seeing what everyone puts up :)
thanks for the feedback and the extra help! It really is nice to get your ideas on how i can improve and what i should do before jotting everything down on paper!
Good point, the same percentage of people of the group should be active as we continue to grow and move forward.
In the most recent contest, (correct me if I'm wrong)four new people who were not a part of the group when the first contest took place entered, right? That's not too shabby. Given that Wolf, Cccel, and Mafortion decide to compete again and we have the same contestants for this competition enter again, you'll hit that magic number in the next contest. xD
That's given that no one decides to not compete this time though. However, new people may decide to join in too. Well, there's no predicting the turnout, but we can only hope, right? xP
True, that's a reasonable number to shoot for. With the number of people in group continuing to rise, I'm sure the number of participants in the contest will hit that number sooner or later. xP
Haha, yeah, future contests should flow a lot easier now that we have two contests behind us now. I wanted to enter them both, but I was quite busy the last few months. Fortunately, I shouldn't be nearly as busy in the upcoming months! :D
And np, Nick was just such an amusing guy to follow throughout the whole story. xD
Hey Snowhoe, nice job with setting up this contest(yet again)! I think your story was my favorite one. :P I think what I loved about it was mainly Nick. His cynical personality(would you call it cynical?) made the narrative a fun read. :P
Polls for voting are now open!!!
All submissions for the contest can be found here. Please take time to read all the submissions as all our contestants have put in a lot of effort :)
Please read all of the submissions found in the link above and then vote for your favorites in each of the polls. The polls are:
Plans are underway for our next writing contest so stay tuned here :)
Also, if there is enough interest, it might be possible to set up a drawing contest for all of the artists in the club. If you are interested, please post a message on sleepy_butterfly’s profile or post in this forum.
Hope everyone has been busy working on their contest entries :)
For those of you that don’t know, our second writing competition opened on the 1st of December and will remain open until the 20th of December. The rules for the competition can be found here. If you have any questions about the writing competition, please post all questions here.
For submissions, please post your name, your story title, your chosen theme/genre and item and your story as a link. If you need any help with your submission please post a question in the questions thread (see above). Please also note that when you do submit your story, it must be the final copy of your story. You cannot edit your story after submission.
To enter into the contest, please enter your submission here.
Current events
Besides the writing contest, we have two games running: Change One Letter and 3 Word Story. Other games will be set up over the next few weeks, so please keep checking the games forum which can be found here.
We would really appreciate feedback on what people would like to see in the club. So please don’t be afraid to leave a comment on the club page or contact sleepy_butterfly if you have any suggestions. If there is enough interest, a possible drawing contest could be set up for the people who do not wish to write a story (this is a club for all kinds of artists).
New/Updated stories
Due to problems with MAL, a number of stories have been deleted from the club :(
But please keep checking the club to see the number of stories (as well as animations thanks to Cccel) that we have in the club.
All Comments (33) Comments
Thanks A lot it means lots and lots to me! :D
In the most recent contest, (correct me if I'm wrong)four new people who were not a part of the group when the first contest took place entered, right? That's not too shabby. Given that Wolf, Cccel, and Mafortion decide to compete again and we have the same contestants for this competition enter again, you'll hit that magic number in the next contest. xD
That's given that no one decides to not compete this time though. However, new people may decide to join in too. Well, there's no predicting the turnout, but we can only hope, right? xP
And np, Nick was just such an amusing guy to follow throughout the whole story. xD