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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Sep 26, 2014 1:39 PM
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yeah your gonna have to start the games again if you can be bothered to but it should be quick coz you already know what to do and what to expect.
i thought we would have the same party as the 13, i didnt know the characters and party system had changed, maybe its coz we got the monster's to fight for us, but whatever it is its only a few weeks away and right now i'm playing skyrim what are you playin now.
i had the fat 60 gb console it over heated, such a pain in the ass right.
i had it repaired but it didnt last long, it died a week later.
i already bought another ps3 slim. it aint worth fixing just replace it. i had to start dark souls again, more than 60 hours of game play down he drain!
ffxiii is being relead early febuary and it seems to have jade cacoon style of combat did you see that?
The worst thing that could happen right
you know i'm still gonna hope that it come out here next year, if you see any shooting starts let me know. have tried playing yakuza?
gymnasium? that's what we use to don sports and stuff like that. yeah i'm from England, London to be precise, where exactly are you? so does that mean your a boffin lol. you must be very clever to be in one of those schools. do you enjoy it?
Yeah, both are Warcraft and DOTA is strategic, you play with maps than worlds and there's no unlimited explorations. The idea is simple, make your team, become stronger and go destroy the base of your enemy. Targeted for male population as you said.
It's not the same for everyone. You are among those you can control your urges if you have other important works, however there are people like myself who once get into something, will spend all of their time in it till they get bored to death.
That's the addiction. I still remember the time I started DOTA. My grades started to fall and I had to delete the game to force me stop it. v_v
danm that sucks coz the trailer for vs 13 looks so good, maybe next year it will be ready for release.
you have tests now didnt school just start? where do you go to school is it a boarding school?
i would really hate it if it did get delayed, you know vs 13 was supposed to come out after 13 but the realase date has not even been announced so i aint gonna get my hopes up for it. whats got u so busy?
Looks like it's going to be a long while :/ I've been following it for like a year already (I was following the Innocence translation for 2 years before it finally got released lol). Yeah exactly, there are loads of projects on "hiatus", i.e. they got bored and scrapped it. This team is one of the few I know that has members that DO complete their projects.
I've had my ps3 lying around unhacked for ages lol. Been waiting to see if the hacking scene revives and actually tries to get 3.70+ games working. Apparently there's some guy who is about to release a cfw that does but since he hasn't actually shown anything new properly, everyone seems to be taking it with a pinch of salt.
I never watch any anime as they're ongoing. I just wait for them to finish and then go through them all one by one (as I'm doing with the summer season right now in fact ^ ^). I might check out some slice of life anime or something though cos marathoning episodic shows can be rather more boring than those with a plot.
That aside though, I have the majority of this season in queue xD.
If it is on food or things you consume for pleasure then I too spend a lot.
Like drinks and fast foods..xD
I'm always picky in my games also.
I played only DOTA as online game..more on LAN with friends.
I fear to become addict to others. >_
i know that they have said febuary but knowing square they might delay it, have you heard of FFXii versus?
have u fixed ur PS3 yet?
are you going to get FFXiii-2 in febuary?
Last profit elevated to 48 millions!
Lucky people!!
Always..ALWAYS look for gameplays and read reviews before purchasing not only games but various things. And yeah our game tastes may not be the same. You like Online one mostly right ?
Ah true, but some kind of veer off. Final Fantasy is technically a JRPG series but it certainly doesn't look it considering it's become such an international hit (and therefore it's style developed as such).
Here: The initial translation is already complete so it's currently in verification stages (though apparently there's a lot of them, more than just that one bar they're currently showing). This team seems to be taking it really seriously. There was a similar completed project for Tales of Innocence on the DS, the maker of which is part of this project as well.
Only problem is since it requires hacking it's only confirmed to be possible to play on firmware 3.55 for the moment. If you've gone past that then just have to hope someone out there decides to hack the ps3 up to the latest again.
FFXIII story was overly complicated but the battle system was great as it made it challenging.